1053 Repositories
Python graph-visualization Libraries
KDD CUP 2020 Automatic Graph Representation Learning: 1st Place Solution
KDD CUP 2020: AutoGraph Team: aister Members: Jianqiang Huang, Xingyuan Tang, Mingjian Chen, Jin Xu, Bohang Zheng, Yi Qi, Ke Hu, Jun Lei Team Introduc
This is a code repository for the paper "Graph Auto-Encoders for Financial Clustering".
Repository for the paper "Graph Auto-Encoders for Financial Clustering" Requirements Python 3.6 torch torch_geometric Instructions This is a simple c
E-Commerce recommender demo with real-time data and a graph database
🔍 E-Commerce recommender demo 🔍 This is a simple stream setup that uses Memgraph to ingest real-time data from a simulated online store. Data is str
🌐 Local tile server for viewing geospatial raster files with ipyleaflet or folium
🌐 Local Tile Server for Geospatial Rasters Need to visualize a rather large (gigabytes) raster you have locally? This is for you. A Flask application
Learning from graph data using Keras
Steps to run = Download the cora dataset from this link : https://linqs.soe.ucsc.edu/data unzip the files in the folder input/cora cd code python eda
Implementation of ICCV19 Paper "Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network"
OANet implementation Pytorch implementation of OANet for ICCV'19 paper "Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network", by
🧮A simple calculator written in python allows you to make simple calculations, write charts, calculate the dates, and exchange currency.
Calculator 🖩 A simple calculator written in python allows you to make simple calculations, write charts, calculate the dates, and exchange currency.
Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization.
CNN Explainer An interactive visualization system designed to help non-experts learn about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) For more information,
SPTAG: A library for fast approximate nearest neighbor search
SPTAG: A library for fast approximate nearest neighbor search SPTAG SPTAG (Space Partition Tree And Graph) is a library for large scale vector approxi
Towards Open-World Feature Extrapolation: An Inductive Graph Learning Approach
This repository holds the implementation for paper Towards Open-World Feature Extrapolation: An Inductive Graph Learning Approach Download our preproc
Implementation of the Paper: "Parameterized Hypercomplex Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification" by Tuan Le, Marco Bertolini, Frank Noé and Djork-Arné Clevert
Parameterized Hypercomplex Graph Neural Networks (PHC-GNNs) PHC-GNNs (Le et al., 2021): https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.16584 PHM Linear Layer Illustration
(NeurIPS 2021) Pytorch implementation of paper "Re-ranking for image retrieval and transductive few-shot classification"
SSR (NeurIPS 2021) Pytorch implementation of paper "Re-ranking for image retrieval and transductivefew-shot classification" [Paper] [Project webpage]
Official implementation of the paper "Steganographer Detection via a Similarity Accumulation Graph Convolutional Network"
SAGCN - Official PyTorch Implementation | Paper | Project Page This is the official implementation of the paper "Steganographer detection via a simila
g2o: A General Framework for Graph Optimization
g2o - General Graph Optimization Linux: Windows: g2o is an open-source C++ framework for optimizing graph-based nonlinear error functions. g2o has bee
Automatically visualize your pandas dataframe via a single print! 📊 💡
A Python API for Intelligent Visual Discovery Lux is a Python library that facilitate fast and easy data exploration by automating the visualization a
Awesome Deep Graph Clustering is a collection of SOTA, novel deep graph clustering methods
ADGC: Awesome Deep Graph Clustering ADGC is a collection of state-of-the-art (SOTA), novel deep graph clustering methods (papers, codes and datasets).
A small collection of tools made by me, that you can use to visualize atomic orbitals in both 2D and 3D in different aspects.
Orbitals in Python A small collection of tools made by me, that you can use to visualize atomic orbitals in both 2D and 3D in different aspects, and o
Official implementation of SIGIR'2021 paper: "Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks".
SURGE: Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks This is our TensorFlow implementation for the paper: Sequential Recommendation with Graph
Tandem Mass Spectrum Prediction with Graph Transformers
MassFormer This is the original implementation of MassFormer, a graph transformer for small molecule MS/MS prediction. Check out the preprint on arxiv
ChebLieNet, a spectral graph neural network turned equivariant by Riemannian geometry on Lie groups.
ChebLieNet: Invariant spectral graph NNs turned equivariant by Riemannian geometry on Lie groups Hugo Aguettaz, Erik J. Bekkers, Michaël Defferrard We
Official Codes for Graph Modularity:Towards Understanding the Cross-Layer Transition of Feature Representations in Deep Neural Networks.
Dynamic-Graphs-Construction Official Codes for Graph Modularity:Towards Understanding the Cross-Layer Transition of Feature Representations in Deep Ne
Two-Stream Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition in CVPR19
2s-AGCN Two-Stream Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition in CVPR19 Note PyTorch version should be 0.3! For PyTor
Graph parsing approach to structured sentiment analysis.
Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis as Dependency Graph Parsing This repository contains the code and datasets described in following paper: Fine-grained
Switch spaces for knowledge graph embeddings
SwisE Switch spaces for knowledge graph embeddings. Requirements: python3 pytorch numpy tqdm Reproduce the results To reproduce the reported results,
Delve is a Python package for analyzing the inference dynamics of your PyTorch model.
Delve is a Python package for analyzing the inference dynamics of your PyTorch model.
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Data-driven Graph Filter (GCNN-DDGF)
Graph Convolutional Gated Recurrent Neural Network (GCGRNN) Improved from Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Data-driven Graph Filter (GCNN-DDGF
Python+Numpy+OpenGL: fast, scalable and beautiful scientific visualization
Python+Numpy+OpenGL: fast, scalable and beautiful scientific visualization
Tensorboard for pytorch (and chainer, mxnet, numpy, ...)
tensorboardX Write TensorBoard events with simple function call. The current release (v2.3) is tested on anaconda3, with PyTorch 1.8.1 / torchvision 0
Fast Fourier Transform-accelerated Interpolation-based t-SNE (FIt-SNE)
FFT-accelerated Interpolation-based t-SNE (FIt-SNE) Introduction t-Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding (t-SNE) is a highly successful method for dimensi
An interactive UMAP visualization of the MNIST data set.
Code for an interactive UMAP visualization of the MNIST data set. Demo at https://grantcuster.github.io/umap-explorer/. You can read more about the de
Live training loss plot in Jupyter Notebook for Keras, PyTorch and others
livelossplot Don't train deep learning models blindfolded! Be impatient and look at each epoch of your training! (RECENT CHANGES, EXAMPLES IN COLAB, A
3D rendered visualization of the austrian monuments registry
Visualization of the Austrian Monuments Visualization of the monument landscape of the austrian monuments registry (Bundesdenkmalamt Denkmalverzeichni
Create beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text.
Penrose Penrose is an early-stage system that is still in development. Our system is not ready for contributions or public use yet, but hopefully will
A Bokeh project developed for learning and teaching Bokeh interactive plotting!
Bokeh-Python-Visualization A Bokeh project developed for learning and teaching Bokeh interactive plotting! See my medium blog posts about making bokeh
A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
dtreeviz : Decision Tree Visualization Description A python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation. Currently supports sciki
Package managers visualization
Software Galaxies This repository combines visualizations of major software package managers. All visualizations are available here: http://anvaka.git
Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib
About Plotting millions of points can be slow. Real slow... 😴 So why not use density maps? ⚡ The mpl-scatter-density mini-package provides functional
Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
Welcome to Streamlit 👋 The fastest way to build and share data apps. Streamlit lets you turn data scripts into sharable web apps in minutes, not week
Visualization ideas for data science
Nuance I use Nuance to curate varied visualization thoughts during my data scientist career. It is not yet a package but a list of small ideas. Welcom
Python library for interactive topic model visualization. Port of the R LDAvis package.
pyLDAvis Python library for interactive topic model visualization. This is a port of the fabulous R package by Carson Sievert and Kenny Shirley. pyLDA
🌐 Local tile server for viewing geospatial raster files with ipyleaflet
🌐 Local Tile Server for Geospatial Rasters Need to visualize a rather large raster (gigabytes) you have locally? This is for you. A Flask application
UNAVOIDS: Unsupervised and Nonparametric Approach for Visualizing Outliers and Invariant Detection Scoring
UNAVOIDS: Unsupervised and Nonparametric Approach for Visualizing Outliers and Invariant Detection Scoring Code Summary aggregate.py: this script aggr
A Python package for performing pore network modeling of porous media
Overview of OpenPNM OpenPNM is a comprehensive framework for performing pore network simulations of porous materials. More Information For more detail
Optimal skincare partition finder using graph theory
Pigment The problem of partitioning up a skincare regime into parts such that each part does not interfere with itself is equivalent to the minimal cl
Neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras.
HiddenLayer A lightweight library for neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras. HiddenLayer is simple, easy to ex
Source code and notebooks to reproduce experiments and benchmarks on Bias Faces in the Wild (BFW).
Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias? Robinson, Joseph P., Gennady Livitz, Yann Henon, Can Qin, Yun Fu, and Samson Timoner. "Face recognition:
NLP and Text Generation Experiments in TensorFlow 2.x / 1.x
Code has been run on Google Colab, thanks Google for providing computational resources Contents Natural Language Processing(自然语言处理) Text Classificati
Biterm Topic Model (BTM): modeling topics in short texts
Biterm Topic Model Bitermplus implements Biterm topic model for short texts introduced by Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, and Xueqi Cheng. Actua
PyExplainer: A Local Rule-Based Model-Agnostic Technique (Explainable AI)
PyExplainer PyExplainer is a local rule-based model-agnostic technique for generating explanations (i.e., why a commit is predicted as defective) of J
An interactive dashboard for visualisation, integration and classification of data using Active Learning.
AstronomicAL An interactive dashboard for visualisation, integration and classification of data using Active Learning. AstronomicAL is a human-in-the-
Neurons Dataset API - The official dataloader and visualization tools for Neurons Datasets.
Neurons Dataset API - The official dataloader and visualization tools for Neurons Datasets. Introduction We propose our dataloader API for loading and
Cryptocurrency Centralized Exchange Visualization
This is a simple one that uses Grafina to visualize cryptocurrency from the Bitkub exchange. This service will make a request to the Bitkub API from your wallet and save the response to Postgresql. Grafina will retrieve data from Postgresql and display the graph.
It's an application to calculate I from v and r. It can also plot a graph between V vs I.
Ohm-s-Law-Visualizer It's an application to calculate I from v and r using Ohm's Law. It can also plot a graph between V vs I. Story I'm doing my Unde
Implementing Graph Convolutional Networks and Information Retrieval Mechanisms using pure Python and NumPy
Implementing Graph Convolutional Networks and Information Retrieval Mechanisms using pure Python and NumPy
Visualization of numerical optimization algorithms
Visualization of numerical optimization algorithms
Official repository for the paper "GN-Transformer: Fusing AST and Source Code information in Graph Networks".
GN-Transformer AST This is the official repository for the paper "GN-Transformer: Fusing AST and Source Code information in Graph Networks". Data Prep
Bio-Computing Platform Featuring Large-Scale Representation Learning and Multi-Task Deep Learning “螺旋桨”生物计算工具集
English | 简体中文 Latest News 2021.10.25 Paper "Docking-based Virtual Screening with Multi-Task Learning" is accepted by BIBM 2021. 2021.07.29 PaddleHeli
A multi-platform GUI for bit-based analysis, processing, and visualization
A multi-platform GUI for bit-based analysis, processing, and visualization
Render tokei's output to interactive sunburst chart.
Render tokei's output to interactive sunburst chart.
GemNet model in PyTorch, as proposed in "GemNet: Universal Directional Graph Neural Networks for Molecules" (NeurIPS 2021)
GemNet: Universal Directional Graph Neural Networks for Molecules Reference implementation in PyTorch of the geometric message passing neural network
TensorFlow GNN is a library to build Graph Neural Networks on the TensorFlow platform.
TensorFlow GNN This is an early (alpha) release to get community feedback. It's under active development and we may break API compatibility in the fut
Some tentative models that incorporate label propagation to graph neural networks for graph representation learning in nodes, links or graphs.
Some tentative models that incorporate label propagation to graph neural networks for graph representation learning in nodes, links or graphs.
Extract rooms type, door, neibour rooms, rooms corners nad bounding boxes, and generate graph from rplan dataset
Housegan-data-reader House-GAN++ (data-reader) Code and instructions for converting rplan dataset (raster images) to housegan++ data format. House-GAN
Build Graph Nets in Tensorflow
Graph Nets library Graph Nets is DeepMind's library for building graph networks in Tensorflow and Sonnet. Contact graph-nets@google.com for comments a
Pebble is a stat's visualization tool, this will provide a skeleton to develop a monitoring tool.
Pebble is a stat's visualization tool, this will provide a skeleton to develop a monitoring tool.
This is the repository for the AAAI 21 paper [Contrastive and Generative Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning].
CG3 This is the repository for the AAAI 21 paper [Contrastive and Generative Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning]. R
Implementation of [Time in a Box: Advancing Knowledge Graph Completion with Temporal Scopes].
Time2box Implementation of [Time in a Box: Advancing Knowledge Graph Completion with Temporal Scopes].
Predict halo masses from simulations via graph neural networks
HaloGraphNet Predict halo masses from simulations via Graph Neural Networks. Given a dark matter halo and its galaxies, creates a graph with informati
Extracting knowledge graphs from language models as a diagnostic benchmark of model performance.
Interpreting Language Models Through Knowledge Graph Extraction Idea: How do we interpret what a language model learns at various stages of training?
Portfolio analytics for quants, written in Python
QuantStats: Portfolio analytics for quants QuantStats Python library that performs portfolio profiling, allowing quants and portfolio managers to unde
Python package to visualize and cluster partial dependence.
partial_dependence A python library for plotting partial dependence patterns of machine learning classifiers. The technique is a black box approach to
moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation
moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation Overview Unverified black box model is the path to the failure. Opaqueness leads to distrust.
EZ graph is an easy to use AI solution that allows you to make and train your neural networks without a single line of code.
EZ-Graph EZ Graph is a GUI that allows users to make and train neural networks without writing a single line of code. Requirements python 3 pandas num
Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib
An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib
Code for our EMNLP 2021 paper “Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Keyphrase Generation”
GATER This repository contains the code for our EMNLP 2021 paper “Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Keyphrase Generation”. Our implementation is
A graph adversarial learning toolbox based on PyTorch and DGL.
GraphWar: Arms Race in Graph Adversarial Learning NOTE: GraphWar is still in the early stages and the API will likely continue to change. 🚀 Installat
Interactive convnet features visualization for Keras
Quiver Interactive convnet features visualization for Keras The quiver workflow Video Demo Build your model in keras model = Model(...) Launch the vis
VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
A paper using optimal transport to solve the graph matching problem.
GOAT A paper using optimal transport to solve the graph matching problem. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05366 Repo structure .github: Files specifying ho
Official implementation of NeurIPS'21: Implicit SVD for Graph Representation Learning
isvd Official implementation of NeurIPS'21: Implicit SVD for Graph Representation Learning If you find this code useful, you may cite us as: @inprocee
NDE: Climate Modeling with Neural Diffusion Equation, ICDM'21
Climate Modeling with Neural Diffusion Equation Introduction This is the repository of our accepted ICDM 2021 paper "Climate Modeling with Neural Diff
SGTL - Spectral Graph Theory Library
SGTL - Spectral Graph Theory Library SGTL is a python library of spectral graph theory methods. The library is still very new and so there are many fe
ICS-Visualizer is an interactive Industrial Control Systems (ICS) network graph that contains up-to-date ICS metadata
ICS-Visualizer is an interactive Industrial Control Systems (ICS) network graph that contains up-to-date ICS metadata (Name, company, port, user manua
Metrinome is an all-purpose tool for working with code complexity metrics.
Overview Metrinome is an all-purpose tool for working with code complexity metrics. It can be used as both a REPL and API, and includes: Converters to
Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python
Py2neo Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications. The library supports both Bolt and HTTP and prov
Pytools is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualisation utilities for reuse
pytools is an open source library containing general machine learning and visualisation utilities for reuse, including: Basic tools for API developmen
Image Segmentation using U-Net, U-Net with skip connections and M-Net architectures
Brain-Image-Segmentation Segmentation of brain tissues in MRI image has a number of applications in diagnosis, surgical planning, and treatment of bra
Cold Brew: Distilling Graph Node Representations with Incomplete or Missing Neighborhoods
Cold Brew: Distilling Graph Node Representations with Incomplete or Missing Neighborhoods Introduction Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated
Tandem Mass Spectrum Prediction with Graph Transformers
MassFormer This is the original implementation of MassFormer, a graph transformer for small molecule MS/MS prediction. Check out the preprint on arxiv
Graph Robustness Benchmark: A scalable, unified, modular, and reproducible benchmark for evaluating the adversarial robustness of Graph Machine Learning.
Homepage | Paper | Datasets | Leaderboard | Documentation Graph Robustness Benchmark (GRB) provides scalable, unified, modular, and reproducible evalu
Readings for "A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polypharmacy Side Effect, Combination Therapy, and Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction."
Polypharmacy - DDI - Synergy Survey The Survey Paper This repository accompanies our survey paper A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polyp
A tensorflow=1.13 implementation of Deconvolutional Networks on Graph Data (NeurIPS 2021)
GDN A tensorflow=1.13 implementation of Deconvolutional Networks on Graph Data (NeurIPS 2021) Abstract In this paper, we consider an inverse problem i
Daily social mapping project in November 2021. Maps made using PyGMT whenever possible.
Daily social mapping project in November 2021. Maps made using PyGMT whenever possible.
Python Package for CanvasXpress JS Visualization Tools
CanvasXpress Python Library About CanvasXpress for Python CanvasXpress was developed as the core visualization component for bioinformatics and system
Implementation of "Learning to Match Features with Seeded Graph Matching Network" ICCV2021
SGMNet Implementation PyTorch implementation of SGMNet for ICCV'21 paper "Learning to Match Features with Seeded Graph Matching Network", by Hongkai C
Code repository for EMNLP 2021 paper 'Adversarial Attacks on Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Instance Attribution Methods'
Adversarial Attacks on Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Instance Attribution Methods This is the code repository to accompany the EMNLP 2021 paper on ad
A simple project on Data Visualization for CSCI-40 course.
Simple-Data-Visualization A simple project on Data Visualization for CSCI-40 course - the instructions can be found here SAT results in New York in 20
ecoglib: visualization and statistics for high density microecog signals
ecoglib: visualization and statistics for high density microecog signals This library contains high-level analysis tools for "topos" and "chronos" asp
Exploratory analysis and data visualization of aircraft accidents and incidents in Brazil.
Exploring aircraft accidents in Brazil Occurrencies with aircraft in Brazil are investigated by the Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aircraf
A Python package to facilitate research on building and evaluating automated scoring models.
Rater Scoring Modeling Tool Introduction Automated scoring of written and spoken test responses is a growing field in educational natural language pro