1887 Repositories
Python model-training Libraries
S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and 1-bit Neural Networks via Guided Distribution Calibration (CVPR 2021)
S2-BNN (Self-supervised Binary Neural Networks Using Distillation Loss) This is the official pytorch implementation of our paper: "S2-BNN: Bridging th
A PyTorch implementation of " EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks."
EfficientNet A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks. [arxiv] [Official TF Repo] Implemen
Pre-trained model, code, and materials from the paper "Impact of Adversarial Examples on Deep Learning Models for Biomedical Image Segmentation" (MICCAI 2019).
Adaptive Segmentation Mask Attack This repository contains the implementation of the Adaptive Segmentation Mask Attack (ASMA), a targeted adversarial
Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow.
Generative Models Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow. Also present here are RBM and Helmholtz Machine. Note: Gen
deep learning model that learns to code with drawing in the Processing language
sketchnet sketchnet - processing code generator can we teach a computer to draw pictures with code. We use Processing and java/jruby code paired with
Kaggle | 9th place single model solution for TGS Salt Identification Challenge
UNet for segmenting salt deposits from seismic images with PyTorch. General We, tugstugi and xuyuan, have participated in the Kaggle competition TGS S
The Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D implementations of prevalent object detectors such as Mask R-CNN, Retina Net, Retina U-Net, as well as a training and inference framework focused on dealing with medical images.
The Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D implementations of prevalent object detectors such as Mask R-CNN, Retina Net, Retina U-Net, as well as a training and inference framework focused on dealing with medical images.
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
HyperPose is a library for building high-performance custom pose estimation applications.
The official implementation of VAENAR-TTS, a VAE based non-autoregressive TTS model.
VAENAR-TTS This repo contains code accompanying the paper "VAENAR-TTS: Variational Auto-Encoder based Non-AutoRegressive Text-to-Speech Synthesis". Sa
NU-Wave: A Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Neural Audio Upsampling @ INTERSPEECH 2021 Accepted
NU-Wave — Official PyTorch Implementation NU-Wave: A Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Neural Audio Upsampling Junhyeok Lee, Seungu Han @ MINDsLab Inc
Export CenterPoint PonintPillars ONNX Model For TensorRT
CenterPoint-PonintPillars Pytroch model convert to ONNX and TensorRT Welcome to CenterPoint! This project is fork from tianweiy/CenterPoint. I impleme
Code for KDD'20 "An Efficient Neighborhood-based Interaction Model for Recommendation on Heterogeneous Graph"
Heterogeneous INteract and aggreGatE (GraphHINGE) This is a pytorch implementation of GraphHINGE model. This is the experiment code in the following w
Piotr - IoT firmware emulation instrumentation for training and research
Piotr: Pythonic IoT exploitation and Research Introduction to Piotr Piotr is an emulation helper for Qemu that provides a convenient way to create, sh
[Preprint] "Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Exploration" by Tianlong Chen, Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang, Zhangyang Wang
Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Exploration Codes for [Preprint] Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Explora
The official implementation of VAENAR-TTS, a VAE based non-autoregressive TTS model.
VAENAR-TTS This repo contains code accompanying the paper "VAENAR-TTS: Variational Auto-Encoder based Non-AutoRegressive Text-to-Speech Synthesis". Sa
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (basic model with few advanced features) using Python programming language
Implemented fully documented Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in Python which includes a basic model along with few advanced features such as updating inertia weight, cognitive, social learning coefficients and maximum velocity of the particle.
ML model to classify between cats and dogs
Cats-and-dogs-classifier This is my first ML model which can classify between cats and dogs. Here the accuracy is around 75%, however , the accuracy c
WAGMA-SGD is a decentralized asynchronous SGD for distributed deep learning training based on model averaging.
WAGMA-SGD is a decentralized asynchronous SGD based on wait-avoiding group model averaging. The synchronization is relaxed by making the collectives externally-triggerable, namely, a collective can be initiated without requiring that all the processes enter it. It partially reduces the data within non-overlapping groups of process, improving the parallel scalability.
Bagua is a flexible and performant distributed training algorithm development framework.
Bagua is a flexible and performant distributed training algorithm development framework.
Heimdall watchtower automatically sends you emails to notify you of the latest progress of your deep learning programs.
This software automatically sends you emails to notify you of the latest progress of your deep learning programs.
Spectral Tensor Train Parameterization of Deep Learning Layers
Spectral Tensor Train Parameterization of Deep Learning Layers This repository is the official implementation of our AISTATS 2021 paper titled "Spectr
Simple transformer model for CIFAR10
CIFAR-Transformer Simple transformer model for CIFAR10. Reference: https://www.tensorflow.org/text/tutorials/transformer https://github.com/huggingfac
Use different orders of N-gram model to play Hangman game.
Hangman game The Hangman game is a game whereby one person thinks of a word, which is kept secret from another person, who tries to guess the word one
A simple implementation of N-gram language model.
About A simple implementation of N-gram language model. Requirements numpy Data preparation Corpus Training data for the N-gram model, a text file lik
Code for the paper "Balancing Training for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation, ACL 2020"
Balancing Training for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Implementation of the paper Balancing Training for Multilingual Neural Machine Translat
ElegantRL is featured with lightweight, efficient and stable, for researchers and practitioners.
Lightweight, efficient and stable implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms using PyTorch. 🔥
A highly sophisticated sequence-to-sequence model for code generation
CoderX A proof-of-concept AI system by Graham Neubig (June 30, 2021). About CoderX CoderX is a retrieval-based code generation AI system reminiscent o
Shared code for training sentence embeddings with Flax / JAX
flax-sentence-embeddings This repository will be used to share code for the Flax / JAX community event to train sentence embeddings on 1B+ training pa
Source code for the paper "PLOME: Pre-training with Misspelled Knowledge for Chinese Spelling Correction" in ACL2021
PLOME:Pre-training with Misspelled Knowledge for Chinese Spelling Correction (ACL2021) This repository provides the code and data of the work in ACL20
gym-anm is a framework for designing reinforcement learning (RL) environments that model Active Network Management (ANM) tasks in electricity distribution networks.
gym-anm is a framework for designing reinforcement learning (RL) environments that model Active Network Management (ANM) tasks in electricity distribution networks. It is built on top of the OpenAI Gym toolkit.
This is the code for our KILT leaderboard submission to the T-REx and zsRE tasks. It includes code for training a DPR model then continuing training with RAG.
KGI (Knowledge Graph Induction) for slot filling This is the code for our KILT leaderboard submission to the T-REx and zsRE tasks. It includes code fo
Official code of paper "PGT: A Progressive Method for Training Models on Long Videos" on CVPR2021
PGT Code for paper PGT: A Progressive Method for Training Models on Long Videos. Install Run pip install -r requirements.txt. Run python setup.py buil
This is the official repo for TransFill: Reference-guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transformations at CVPR'21. According to some product reasons, we are not planning to release the training/testing codes and models. However, we will release the dataset and the scripts to prepare the dataset.
TransFill-Reference-Inpainting This is the official repo for TransFill: Reference-guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transf
This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Languages" published in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2021.
XL-Sum This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Lang
A Multi-modal Model Chinese Spell Checker Released on ACL2021.
ReaLiSe ReaLiSe is a multi-modal Chinese spell checking model. This the office code for the paper Read, Listen, and See: Leveraging Multimodal Informa
The source codes for ACL 2021 paper 'BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data'
BoB: BERT Over BERT for Training Persona-based Dialogue Models from Limited Personalized Data This repository provides the implementation details for
A python library to build Model Trees with Linear Models at the leaves.
A python library to build Model Trees with Linear Models at the leaves.
YoloV5 implemented by TensorFlow2 , with support for training, evaluation and inference.
Efficient implementation of YOLOV5 in TensorFlow2
This is a template for the Non-autoregressive Deep Learning-Based TTS model (in PyTorch).
Non-autoregressive Deep Learning-Based TTS Template This is a template for the Non-autoregressive TTS model. It contains Data Preprocessing Pipeline D
This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Languages" published in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2021.
XL-Sum This repository contains the code, data, and models of the paper titled "XL-Sum: Large-Scale Multilingual Abstractive Summarization for 44 Lang
CLIP: Connecting Text and Image (Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision)
CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) Experiments (Evaluation) Model Dataset Acc (%) ViT-B/32 (Paper) CIFAR100 65.1 ViT-B/32 (Our) CIFAR100 6
Implementation of FitVid video prediction model in JAX/Flax.
FitVid Video Prediction Model Implementation of FitVid video prediction model in JAX/Flax. If you find this code useful, please cite it in your paper:
AllenNLP integration for Shiba: Japanese CANINE model
Allennlp Integration for Shiba allennlp-shiab-model is a Python library that provides AllenNLP integration for shiba-model. SHIBA is an approximate re
Orthogonal Over-Parameterized Training
The inductive bias of a neural network is largely determined by the architecture and the training algorithm. To achieve good generalization, how to effectively train a neural network is of great importance. We propose a novel orthogonal over-parameterized training (OPT) framework that can provably minimize the hyperspherical energy which characterizes the diversity of neurons on a hypersphere. See our previous work -- MHE for an in-depth introduction.
quantize aware training package for NCNN on pytorch
ncnnqat ncnnqat is a quantize aware training package for NCNN on pytorch. Table of Contents ncnnqat Table of Contents Installation Usage Code Examples
Supporting code for the paper "Dangers of Bayesian Model Averaging under Covariate Shift"
Dangers of Bayesian Model Averaging under Covariate Shift This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments in the paper Dangers of Bayes
TAP: Text-Aware Pre-training for Text-VQA and Text-Caption, CVPR 2021 (Oral)
TAP: Text-Aware Pre-training TAP: Text-Aware Pre-training for Text-VQA and Text-Caption by Zhengyuan Yang, Yijuan Lu, Jianfeng Wang, Xi Yin, Dinei Flo
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models Authors: Amir Feder, Nadav Oved, Uri Shalit, Roi Reichart Abstract: Understan
Unified tracking framework with a single appearance model
Paper: Do different tracking tasks require different appearance model? [ArXiv] (comming soon) [Project Page] (comming soon) UniTrack is a simple and U
Code for the paper One Thing One Click: A Self-Training Approach for Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2021.
One Thing One Click One Thing One Click: A Self-Training Approach for Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation (CVPR2021) Code for the paper One Thi
Model-based 3D Hand Reconstruction via Self-Supervised Learning, CVPR2021
S2HAND: Model-based 3D Hand Reconstruction via Self-Supervised Learning S2HAND presents a self-supervised 3D hand reconstruction network that can join
CVPR 2021 Official Pytorch Code for UC2: Universal Cross-lingual Cross-modal Vision-and-Language Pre-training
UC2 UC2: Universal Cross-lingual Cross-modal Vision-and-Language Pre-training Mingyang Zhou, Luowei Zhou, Shuohang Wang, Yu Cheng, Linjie Li, Zhou Yu,
This is the official repository for evaluation on the NoW Benchmark Dataset. The goal of the NoW benchmark is to introduce a standard evaluation metric to measure the accuracy and robustness of 3D face reconstruction methods from a single image under variations in viewing angle, lighting, and common occlusions.
NoW Evaluation This is the official repository for evaluation on the NoW Benchmark Dataset. The goal of the NoW benchmark is to introduce a standard e
Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training
SelfText Beyond Polygon: Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training Introduction This is a PyTorch implementation of "
Baseline model for "GraspNet-1Billion: A Large-Scale Benchmark for General Object Grasping" (CVPR 2020)
GraspNet Baseline Baseline model for "GraspNet-1Billion: A Large-Scale Benchmark for General Object Grasping" (CVPR 2020). [paper] [dataset] [API] [do
JittorVis - Visual understanding of deep learning model.
JittorVis is a deep neural network computational graph visualization library based on Jittor.
How Do Adam and Training Strategies Help BNNs Optimization? In ICML 2021.
AdamBNN This is the pytorch implementation of our paper "How Do Adam and Training Strategies Help BNNs Optimization?", published in ICML 2021. In this
A new GCN model for Point Cloud Analyse
Pytorch Implementation of PointNet and PointNet++ This repo is implementation for VA-GCN in pytorch. Classification (ModelNet10/40) Data Preparation D
TunBERT is the first release of a pre-trained BERT model for the Tunisian dialect using a Tunisian Common-Crawl-based dataset.
TunBERT is the first release of a pre-trained BERT model for the Tunisian dialect using a Tunisian Common-Crawl-based dataset. TunBERT was applied to three NLP downstream tasks: Sentiment Analysis (SA), Tunisian Dialect Identification (TDI) and Reading Comprehension Question-Answering (RCQA)
Sequence model architectures from scratch in PyTorch
This repository implements a variety of sequence model architectures from scratch in PyTorch. Effort has been put to make the code well structured so that it can serve as learning material. The training loop implements the learner design pattern from fast.ai in pure PyTorch, with access to the loop provided through callbacks. Detailed logging and graphs are also provided with python logging and wandb. Additional implementations will be added.
A Fast Monotone Rotating Shallow Water model
pyRSW A Fast Monotone Rotating Shallow Water model How fast? As fast as a sustained 2 Gflop/s per core on a 2.5 GHz cpu (or 2048 Gflop/s with 1024 cor
Machine Learning Model to predict the payment date of an invoice when it gets created in the system.
Payment-Date-Prediction Machine Learning Model to predict the payment date of an invoice when it gets created in the system.
VIMPAC: Video Pre-Training via Masked Token Prediction and Contrastive Learning
This is a release of our VIMPAC paper to illustrate the implementations. The pretrained checkpoints and scripts will be soon open-sourced in HuggingFace transformers.
This repository holds the code for the paper "Deep Conditional Gaussian Mixture Model forConstrained Clustering".
Deep Conditional Gaussian Mixture Model for Constrained Clustering. This repository holds the code for the paper Deep Conditional Gaussian Mixture Mod
Secure Distributed Training at Scale
Secure Distributed Training at Scale This repository contains the implementation of experiments from the paper "Secure Distributed Training at Scale"
DistML is a Ray extension library to support large-scale distributed ML training on heterogeneous multi-node multi-GPU clusters
DistML is a Ray extension library to support large-scale distributed ML training on heterogeneous multi-node multi-GPU clusters
In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the neural network model for automatic speech recognition with PyTorch and used MLflow to manage the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
End to End Automatic Speech Recognition In this repository, I have developed an end to end Automatic speech recognition project. I have developed the
Visualize Camera's Pose Using Extrinsic Parameter by Plotting Pyramid Model on 3D Space
extrinsic2pyramid Visualize Camera's Pose Using Extrinsic Parameter by Plotting Pyramid Model on 3D Space Intro A very simple and straightforward modu
A large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation models
ASPset-510 (Australian Sports Pose Dataset) is a large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation models. It contains 17 different amateur subjects performing 30 sports-related actions each, for a total of 510 action clips.
A large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation models
ASPset-510 ASPset-510 (Australian Sports Pose Dataset) is a large-scale video dataset for the training and evaluation of 3D human pose estimation mode
🔮 Execution time predictions for deep neural network training iterations across different GPUs.
Habitat: A Runtime-Based Computational Performance Predictor for Deep Neural Network Training Habitat is a tool that predicts a deep neural network's
Official Pytorch implementation of paper "Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters from Generated Images"
Reverse_Engineering_GMs Official Pytorch implementation of paper "Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters from Gener
Code for "LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models"
LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models This repo contains the implementation of LoRA in GPT-2 and steps to replicate the results in our re
Tensorflow implementation of Swin Transformer model.
Swin Transformer (Tensorflow) Tensorflow reimplementation of Swin Transformer model. Based on Official Pytorch implementation. Requirements tensorflow
A denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) tailored for conditional generation of protein distograms
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Proteins Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch. It is a new approach to gen
modelvshuman is a Python library to benchmark the gap between human and machine vision
modelvshuman is a Python library to benchmark the gap between human and machine vision. Using this library, both PyTorch and TensorFlow models can be evaluated on 17 out-of-distribution datasets with high-quality human comparison data.
This repository implements and evaluates convolutional networks on the Möbius strip as toy model instantiations of Coordinate Independent Convolutional Networks.
Orientation independent Möbius CNNs This repository implements and evaluates convolutional networks on the Möbius strip as toy model instantiations of
Build tensorflow keras model pipelines in a single line of code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators welcome. Permission granted upon request.
deep_autoviml Build keras pipelines and models in a single line of code! Table of Contents Motivation How it works Technology Install Usage API Image
On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning
On the model-based stochastic value gradient for continuous reinforcement learning This repository is by Brandon Amos, Samuel Stanton, Denis Yarats, a
JAX code for the paper "Control-Oriented Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Differentiation"
Optimal Model Design for Reinforcement Learning This repository contains JAX code for the paper Control-Oriented Model-Based Reinforcement Learning wi
The official PyTorch implementation of recent paper - SAINT: Improved Neural Networks for Tabular Data via Row Attention and Contrastive Pre-Training
This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of SAINT. Find the paper on arxiv SAINT: Improved Neural Networks for Tabular Data via Row Atte
deployment of a hybrid model for automatic weapon detection/ anomaly detection for surveillance applications
Automatic Weapon Detection Deployment of a hybrid model for automatic weapon detection/ anomaly detection for surveillance applications. Loved the pro
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM off-line HTR dataset. This Neural Network (NN) model recognizes the text contained in the images of segmented words.
Handwritten-Text-Recognition Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) system implemented with TensorFlow (TF) and trained on the IAM off-line HTR dataset. T
HNECV: Heterogeneous Network Embedding via Cloud model and Variational inference
HNECV This repository provides a reference implementation of HNECV as described in the paper: HNECV: Heterogeneous Network Embedding via Cloud model a
The BCNet related data and inference model.
BCNet This repository includes the some source code and related dataset of paper BCNet: Learning Body and Cloth Shape from A Single Image, ECCV 2020,
Codebase for the Summary Loop paper at ACL2020
Summary Loop This repository contains the code for ACL2020 paper: The Summary Loop: Learning to Write Abstractive Summaries Without Examples. Training
Training data extraction on GPT-2
Training data extraction from GPT-2 This repository contains code for extracting training data from GPT-2, following the approach outlined in the foll
Degree-Quant: Quantization-Aware Training for Graph Neural Networks.
Degree-Quant This repo provides a clean re-implementation of the code associated with the paper Degree-Quant: Quantization-Aware Training for Graph Ne
[CVPR 2021] "The Lottery Tickets Hypothesis for Supervised and Self-supervised Pre-training in Computer Vision Models" Tianlong Chen, Jonathan Frankle, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu, Yang Zhang, Michael Carbin, Zhangyang Wang
The Lottery Tickets Hypothesis for Supervised and Self-supervised Pre-training in Computer Vision Models Codes for this paper The Lottery Tickets Hypo
Efficient Lottery Ticket Finding: Less Data is More
The lottery ticket hypothesis (LTH) reveals the existence of winning tickets (sparse but critical subnetworks) for dense networks, that can be trained in isolation from random initialization to match the latter’s accuracies.
A no-BS, dead-simple training visualizer for tf-keras
A no-BS, dead-simple training visualizer for tf-keras TrainingDashboard Plot inter-epoch and intra-epoch loss and metrics within a jupyter notebook wi
Pytorch Implementation of DiffSinger: Diffusion Acoustic Model for Singing Voice Synthesis (TTS Extension)
DiffSinger - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch implementation of DiffSinger: Diffusion Acoustic Model for Singing Voice Synthesis (TTS Extension). Status
Model-free Vehicle Tracking and State Estimation in Point Cloud Sequences
Model-free Vehicle Tracking and State Estimation in Point Cloud Sequences 1. Introduction This project is for paper Model-free Vehicle Tracking and St
An Efficient Training Approach for Very Large Scale Face Recognition or F²C for simplicity.
Fast Face Classification (F²C) This is the code of our paper An Efficient Training Approach for Very Large Scale Face Recognition or F²C for simplicit
Chinese clinical named entity recognition using pre-trained BERT model
Chinese clinical named entity recognition (CNER) using pre-trained BERT model Introduction Code for paper Chinese clinical named entity recognition wi
This is the research repository for Vid2Doppler: Synthesizing Doppler Radar Data from Videos for Training Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition.
Vid2Doppler: Synthesizing Doppler Radar Data from Videos for Training Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition This is the research repository for Vid2
Protein Language Model
ProteinLM We pretrain protein language model based on Megatron-LM framework, and then evaluate the pretrained model results on TAPE (Tasks Assessing P
simpleT5 is built on top of PyTorch-lightning⚡️ and Transformers🤗 that lets you quickly train your T5 models.
Quickly train T5 models in just 3 lines of code + ONNX support simpleT5 is built on top of PyTorch-lightning ⚡️ and Transformers 🤗 that lets you quic
SparseML is a libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models
SparseML is a toolkit that includes APIs, CLIs, scripts and libraries that apply state-of-the-art sparsification algorithms such as pruning and quantization to any neural network. General, recipe-driven approaches built around these algorithms enable the simplification of creating faster and smaller models for the ML performance community at large.