1833 Repositories
Python openvino-model-server Libraries
This is a simple item2vec implementation using gensim for recbole
recbole-item2vec-model This is a simple item2vec implementation using gensim for recbole( https://recbole.io ) Usage When you want to run experiment f
PyTorch to TensorFlow Lite converter
PyTorch to TensorFlow Lite converter
This is the code of NeurIPS'21 paper "Towards Enabling Meta-Learning from Target Models".
ST This is the code of NeurIPS 2021 paper "Towards Enabling Meta-Learning from Target Models". If you use any content of this repo for your work, plea
HiddenMarkovModel implements hidden Markov models with Gaussian mixtures as distributions on top of TensorFlow
Class HiddenMarkovModel HiddenMarkovModel implements hidden Markov models with Gaussian mixtures as distributions on top of TensorFlow 2.0 Installatio
A Cobalt Strike Scanner that retrieves detected Team Server beacons into a JSON object
melting-cobalt 👀 A tool to hunt/mine for Cobalt Strike beacons and "reduce" their beacon configuration for later indexing. Hunts can either be expans
Utilizing RBERT model for KLUE Relation Extraction task
RBERT for Relation Extraction task for KLUE Project Description Relation Extraction task is one of the task of Korean Language Understanding Evaluatio
A lightweight Python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. Uses a cell-based congestion model. Calculates risk, loudness and battery capacities of the agents. Suitable for 3D network optimization tasks.
AMAZ3DSim AMAZ3DSim is a lightweight python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. It uses a cell-based congestion model. It calculates risk, battery
This repository includes the code of the sequence-to-sequence model for discontinuous constituent parsing described in paper Discontinuous Grammar as a Foreign Language.
Discontinuous Grammar as a Foreign Language This repository includes the code of the sequence-to-sequence model for discontinuous constituent parsing
Discord bot that displays Jazz Jackrabbit 2 server status, current gamemode as "Playing.." status
JJ2-server-status-discord-bot Discord bot that displays Jazz Jackrabbit 2 server status, current gamemode as "Playing.." status How to setup: 0. Downl
BERT model training impelmentation using 1024 A100 GPUs for MLPerf Training v1.1
Pre-trained checkpoint and bert config json file Location of checkpoint and bert config json file This MLCommons members Google Drive location contain
Show how the redis works with Python (Django).
Redis Leaderboard Python (Django) Show how the redis works with Python (Django). Try it out deploying on Heroku (See notes: How to run on Google Cloud
Occlusion robust 3D face reconstruction model in CFR-GAN (WACV 2022)
Occlusion Robust 3D face Reconstruction Yeong-Joon Ju, Gun-Hee Lee, Jung-Ho Hong, and Seong-Whan Lee Code for Occlusion Robust 3D Face Reconstruction
Integarting Celery with Django to asynchronous tasks 📃
Integrating 🔗 Celery with Django via Redis server ,To-Do asynchronously 👀task without stopping the main-flow 📃 of Django-project . It increase your speed 🚀 and user experience 🤵 of website
A SageMaker Projects template to deploy a model from Model Registry, choosing your preferred method of deployment among async (Asynchronous Inference), batch (Batch Transform), realtime (Real-time Inference Endpoint). More to be added soon!
SageMaker Projects: Multiple Choice Deployment A SageMaker Projects template to deploy a model from Model Registry, choosing your preferred method of
A tool for transferring server variable values from one intersect gamedata.db to another
Server Variable Transfer Tool Purpose This tool exists for use with the Intersect Engine (Ascension Game Dev GitHub). Its purpose is to UPDATE one sql
program to store and update pokemons using SQL and Flask
Pokemon SQL and Flask Pokemons api in python. Technologies flask pymysql Description PokeCorp is a company that tracks pokemon and their trainers arou
Joint Gaussian Graphical Model Estimation: A Survey
Joint Gaussian Graphical Model Estimation: A Survey Test Models Fused graphical lasso [1] Group graphical lasso [1] Graphical lasso [1] Doubly joint s
PyTorch code of my WACV 2022 paper Improving Model Generalization by Agreement of Learned Representations from Data Augmentation
Improving Model Generalization by Agreement of Learned Representations from Data Augmentation (WACV 2022) Paper ArXiv Why it matters? When data augmen
Modeling CNN layers activity with Gaussian mixture model
GMM-CNN This code package implements the modeling of CNN layers activity with Gaussian mixture model and Inference Graphs visualization technique from
Model that predicts the probability of a Twitter user being anti-vaccination.
stylebody {text-align: justify}/style AVAXTAR: Anti-VAXx Tweet AnalyzeR AVAXTAR is a python package to identify anti-vaccine users on twitter. The
A simple Task todo application built with Flask
Task TODO Table An application built with Flask a Python framework and hosted on Heroku. Important notes GuniCorn (Green Unicorn): is a Python WSGI HT
MEND: Model Editing Networks using Gradient Decomposition
MEND: Model Editing Networks using Gradient Decomposition Setup Environment This codebase uses Python 3.7.9. Other versions may work as well. Create a
Baseline model for Augmented Home Assistant
Dataset Preparation Step 1. Rename the Virtual-Home output directory to 'vh.[name]', for example: 'vh.door' Make sure the directory contains 100+ fram
Free,Cross-platform,Single-file mass network protocol server simulator
FaPro Free,Cross-platform,Single-file mass network protocol server simulator 中文Readme Description FaPro is a Fake Protocol Server tool, Can easily sta
Connects microservices through a mesh of websockets
WebMesh WebMesh is a WebSocket based communication library for microservices. It uses a WebSocket server based on wsproto that distributes clients on
A simple texts communication platform using pygame and sockets.
Python Tchat A simple texts communication platform using pygame and sockets. How to install ? You need a python 3.8.6 server with at least one opened
Official implementation of CVPR2020 paper "Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification"
Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification Deep Generative Model for Robust Imbalance Classification Xinyue Wang, Yilin Lyu, Liping Jin
A multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. Simplifies Model Building, API development, and Model Deployment.
chitra What is chitra? chitra (चित्र) is a multi-functional library for full-stack Deep Learning. It simplifies Model Building, API development, and M
Model search (MS) is a framework that implements AutoML algorithms for model architecture search at scale.
Model Search Model search (MS) is a framework that implements AutoML algorithms for model architecture search at scale. It aims to help researchers sp
Using machine learning to predict and analyze high and low reader engagement for New York Times articles posted to Facebook.
How The New York Times can increase Engagement on Facebook Using machine learning to understand characteristics of news content that garners "high" Fa
NLMpy - A Python package to create neutral landscape models
NLMpy is a Python package for the creation of neutral landscape models that are widely used by landscape ecologists to model ecological patterns
🔥🔥High-Performance Face Recognition Library on PaddlePaddle & PyTorch🔥🔥
face.evoLVe: High-Performance Face Recognition Library based on PaddlePaddle & PyTorch Evolve to be more comprehensive, effective and efficient for fa
Customisable pharmacokinetic model accessible via bash CLI allowing for variable dose calculations as well as intravenous and subcutaneous administration calculations
Pharmacokinetic Modelling Group Project A PharmacoKinetic (PK) modelling function for analysis of injected solute dynamics over time, developed by Gro
a Scrapy spider that utilizes Postgres as a DB, Squid as a proxy server, Redis for de-duplication and Splash to render JavaScript. All in a microservices architecture utilizing Docker and Docker Compose
This is George's Scraping Project To get started cd into the theZoo file and run: chmod +x script.sh then: ./script.sh This will spin up a Postgres co
MBPO (paper: When to trust your model: Model-based policy optimization) in offline RL settings
offline-MBPO This repository contains the code of a version of model-based RL algorithm MBPO, which is modified to perform in offline RL settings Pape
This folder contains the python code of UR5E's advanced forward kinematics model.
This folder contains the python code of UR5E's advanced forward kinematics model. By entering the angle of the joint of UR5e, the detailed coordinates of up to 48 points around the robot arm can be calculated.
Tkinter Izhikevich Neuron Model With Python
TKINTER IZHIKEVICH NEURON MODEL WITH PYTHON Hodgkin-Huxley Model It is a mathematical model for the generation and transmission of action potentials i
Implementation of Natural Language Code Search in the project CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages.
CodeBERT-Implementation In this repo we have replicated the paper CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages. We are interest
KITTI-360 Annotation Tool is a framework that developed based on python(cherrypy + jinja2 + sqlite3) as the server end and javascript + WebGL as the front end.
KITTI-360 Annotation Tool is a framework that developed based on python(cherrypy + jinja2 + sqlite3) as the server end and javascript + WebGL as the front end.
display: a browser-based graphics server
display: a browser-based graphics server Installation Quick Start Usage Development A very lightweight display server for Torch. Best used as a remote
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decoding algorithms: best path, beam search, lexicon search, prefix search, and token passing. Implemented in Python.
CTC Decoding Algorithms Update 2021: installable Python package Python implementation of some common Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decod
Generate your personal 8-bit avatars using Cellular Automata, a mathematical model that simulates life, survival, and extinction
Try the interactive demo here ✨ ✨ Sprites-as-a-Service is an open-source web application that allows you to generate custom 8-bit sprites using Cellul
Compare neural networks by their feature similarity
PyTorch Model Compare A tiny package to compare two neural networks in PyTorch. There are many ways to compare two neural networks, but one robust and
The World of an Octopus: How Reporting Bias Influences a Language Model's Perception of Color
The World of an Octopus: How Reporting Bias Influences a Language Model's Perception of Color Overview Code and dataset for The World of an Octopus: H
This is a small python code that I use with my NAS server connected to Plex
Spotifarr This is a small python code that I use with my NAS server connected to Plex I didn't appreciate how Lidarr works because it downloads a full
Crosslingual Segmental Language Model
Crosslingual Segmental Language Model This repository contains the code from Multilingual unsupervised sequence segmentation transfers to extremely lo
Official PyTorch implementation of MAAD: A Model and Dataset for Attended Awareness
MAAD: A Model for Attended Awareness in Driving Install // Datasets // Training // Experiments // Analysis // License Official PyTorch implementation
This repository contains the code for the paper in EMNLP 2021: "HRKD: Hierarchical Relational Knowledge Distillation for Cross-domain Language Model Compression".
HRKD: Hierarchical Relational Knowledge Distillation for Cross-domain Language Model Compression This repository contains the code for the paper in EM
The Body Part Regression (BPR) model translates the anatomy in a radiologic volume into a machine-interpretable form.
Copyright © German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Medical Image Computing (MIC). Please make sure that your usage of this code is in compl
A graph-to-sequence model for one-step retrosynthesis and reaction outcome prediction.
Graph2SMILES A graph-to-sequence model for one-step retrosynthesis and reaction outcome prediction. 1. Environmental setup System requirements Ubuntu:
SPRING is a seq2seq model for Text-to-AMR and AMR-to-Text (AAAI2021).
SPRING This is the repo for SPRING (Symmetric ParsIng aNd Generation), a novel approach to semantic parsing and generation, presented at AAAI 2021. Wi
A tiny package to compare two neural networks in PyTorch
Compare neural networks by their feature similarity
TumorInsight is a Brain Tumor Detection and Classification model built using RESNET50 architecture.
A Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Model built using RESNET50 architecture. The model is also deployed as a web application using Flask framework.
OMAMO: orthology-based model organism selection
OMAMO: orthology-based model organism selection OMAMO is a tool that suggests the best model organism to study a biological process based on orthologo
TensorFlow2 Classification Model Zoo playing with TensorFlow2 on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Training CIFAR-10 with TensorFlow2(TF2) TensorFlow2 Classification Model Zoo. I'm playing with TensorFlow2 on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Architectures LeNe
A solution to the 2D Ising model of ferromagnetism, implemented using the Metropolis algorithm
Solving the Ising model on a 2D lattice using the Metropolis Algorithm Introduction The Ising model is a simplified model of ferromagnetism, the pheno
JINS MEME(2021年モデル)のJINS MEME LoggerをPythonのWebSocketサーバーで受信するサンプル
JINS-MEME-Python-WebSocketServer-Sample JINS MEME(2021年モデル)のJINS MEME LoggerをPythonのWebSocketサーバーで受信するサンプルです。 Logging Data 以下のデータに対応しています。 各データの定義はJIN
A simple DHCP server and client simulation with python
About The Project This is a simple DHCP server and client simulation. I implemented it for computer network course spring 2021 The client can request
PyTorch wrappers for using your model in audacity!
PyTorch wrappers for using your model in audacity!
Learning Fair Representations for Recommendation: A Graph-based Perspective, WWW2021
FairGo WWW2021 Learning Fair Representations for Recommendation: A Graph-based Perspective As a key application of artificial intelligence, recommende
Code for KHGT model, AAAI2021
KHGT Code for KHGT accepted by AAAI2021 Please unzip the data files in Datasets/ first. To run KHGT on Yelp data, use python labcode_yelp.py For Movi
Graph Neural Network based Social Recommendation Model. SIGIR2019.
Basic Information: This code is released for the papers: Le Wu, Peijie Sun, Yanjie Fu, Richang Hong, Xiting Wang and Meng Wang. A Neural Influence Dif
A tensorflow implementation of the RecoGCN model in a CIKM'19 paper, titled with "Relation-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Agent-Initiated Social E-Commerce Recommendation".
This repo contains a tensorflow implementation of RecoGCN and the experiment dataset Running the RecoGCN model python train.py Example training outp
Implementation of ICCV 2021 oral paper -- A Novel Self-Supervised Learning for Gaussian Mixture Model
SS-GMM Implementation of ICCV 2021 oral paper -- Self-Supervised Image Prior Learning with GMM from a Single Noisy Image with supplementary material R
Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution (ICCV, 2021) (PyTorch) - We released the training code!
Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution Kai Zhang, Jingyun Liang, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte Computer Vision Lab
A Multi-attribute Controllable Generative Model for Histopathology Image Synthesis
A Multi-attribute Controllable Generative Model for Histopathology Image Synthesis This is the pytorch implementation for our MICCAI 2021 paper. A Mul
Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model in Tensorflow Lite.
TFLite-msg_chn_wacv20-depth-completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model
LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
LGPL Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server
Code for binary and multiclass model change active learning, with spectral truncation implementation.
Model Change Active Learning Paper (To Appear) Python code for doing active learning in graph-based semi-supervised learning (GBSSL) paradigm. Impleme
Acoustic mosquito detection code with Bayesian Neural Networks
HumBugDB Acoustic mosquito detection with Bayesian Neural Networks. Extract audio or features from our large-scale dataset on Zenodo. This repository
Joint Channel and Weight Pruning for Model Acceleration on Mobile Devices
Joint Channel and Weight Pruning for Model Acceleration on Mobile Devices Abstract For practical deep neural network design on mobile devices, it is e
NeuroLKH: Combining Deep Learning Model with Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun Heuristic for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem
NeuroLKH: Combining Deep Learning Model with Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun Heuristic for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Liang Xin, Wen Song, Zhiguang
SciBERT is a BERT model trained on scientific text.
SciBERT is a BERT model trained on scientific text.
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python
Documentation and issues for Pylance - Fast, feature-rich language support for Python
the objective of this project is to create a Node Js server with a Python client
Socket.io-Server-client Objective The objective of this project is to send data real time ,we use socket.io(server, client) on this project Server Nod
TicTacToe using Socket Server
TicTacToe using Socket Server This is a project for the class : 18CSC302J - Computer Networks by Dr. S.Babu Contributors Suvodeep Sinha RA191100301010
We have a dataset of user performances. The project is to develop a machine learning model that will predict the salaries of baseball players.
Salary-Prediction-with-Machine-Learning 1. Business Problem Can a machine learning project be implemented to estimate the salaries of baseball players
This package proposes simplified exporting pytorch models to ONNX and TensorRT, and also gives some base interface for model inference.
PyTorch Infer Utils This package proposes simplified exporting pytorch models to ONNX and TensorRT, and also gives some base interface for model infer
Creating an LSTM model to generate music
Music-Generation Creating an LSTM model to generate music music-generator Used to create basic sin wave sounds music-ai Contains the functions to conv
Clash of Clans v6.253 private server written in python
cocps Clash of Clans v6.253 private server written in python how2play download server files download Patched APK run Main.py and play Authors Patched
Updated for TTS(CE) = Also Known as TTN V3. The code requires the first server to be 'ttn' protocol.
Updated Updated for TTS(CE) = Also Known as TTN V3. The code requires the first server to be 'ttn' protocol. Introduction This balenaCloud (previously
A simple python package that perform SQL Server Source Control and Auto Deployment.
deploydb Deploy your database objects automatically when the git branch is updated. Production-ready! ⚙️ Easy-to-use 🔨 Customizable 🔧 Installation I
one_click_kag_server is a program which tries to fully automate the creation of a King Arthur's Gold server.
one_click_kag_server is a program which tries to fully automate the creation of a King Arthur's Gold server.
Discord bot for name verifying. Created for TinkerHubGCEK discord server. Tinky is now deployed in heroku
Custom Discord bot This custom discord-python bot assigns roles to members joined at discord server. It looks and compares a list before verifying the
Hapi is a Python library for building Conceptual Distributed Model using HBV96 lumped model & Muskingum routing method
Current build status All platforms: Current release info Name Downloads Version Platforms Hapi - Hydrological library for Python Hapi is an open-sourc
Endpoints is a lightweight REST api framework written in python and used in multiple production systems that handle millions of requests daily.
Endpoints Quickest API builder in the West! Endpoints is a lightweight REST api framework written in python and used in multiple production systems th
Robyn is an async Python backend server with a runtime written in Rust, btw.
Robyn is an async Python backend server with a runtime written in Rust, btw. Python server running on top of of Rust Async RunTime. Installation
MONAI Deploy App SDK offers a framework and associated tools to design, develop and verify AI-driven applications in the healthcare imaging domain.
MONAI Deploy App SDK offers a framework and associated tools to design, develop and verify AI-driven applications in the healthcare imaging domain.
Library containing the core modules for the kingdom-python-server.
🏰 Kingdom Core Library containing the core modules for the kingdom-python-server. Installation Use the package manager pip to install kingdom-core. p
Multipurpose Growtopia Server tools, can be used for newbie to learn things.
Multipurpose Growtopia Server tools, can be used for newbie to learn things.
PyRemoteSQL is a python SQL client that allows you to connect to your remote server with phpMyAdmin installed.
PyRemoteSQL Python MySQL remote client Basically this is a python SQL client that allows you to connect to your remote server with phpMyAdmin installe
Script and library to wait for a DNS authority server to get its configuration.
DNSWait dnswait is a small script to wait for the "propagation" of a namserver configuration. Installing It's as easy as: python -m pip install dnswai
Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server.
Leon Your open-source personal assistant. Website :: Documentation :: Roadmap :: Contributing :: Story 👋 Introduction Leon is an open-source personal
African language Speech Recognition - Speech-to-Text
Swahili-Speech-To-Text Table of Contents Swahili-Speech-To-Text Overview Scenario Approach Project Structure data: models: notebooks: scripts tests: l
The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases.
The OHSDI OMOP Common Data Model allows for the systematic analysis of healthcare observational databases.
Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. (Using AWS EC2 instance as the server)
Server-and-Client-File-Transfer Python codes for the server and client end that facilitates file transfers. I will be using an AWS EC2 instance as the
Acid's Utilities is a bot for my Discord server that alerts when I go live, welcomes new users, has some awesome games and so much more!
Acid's Utilities Acid's Utilities is a bot for my Discord server that alerts when I go live, welcomes new users, has some awesome games and so much mo
A simple software which can use to make a server in local network
home-nas it is simple software which can use to make a server in local network, it has a web site on it which can use by multipale system, i use nginx
Safe Model-Based Reinforcement Learning using Robust Control Barrier Functions
README Repository containing the code for the paper "Safe Model-Based Reinforcement Learning using Robust Control Barrier Functions". Specifically, an
Repository sharing code and the model for the paper "Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes"
Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes Setup virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate pip instal