2334 Repositories
Python pre-trained-language-models Libraries
AfriBERTa: Exploring the Viability of Pretrained Multilingual Language Models for Low-resourced Languages
AfriBERTa: Exploring the Viability of Pretrained Multilingual Language Models for Low-resourced Languages This repository contains the code for the pa
Scikit learn library models to account for data and concept drift.
liquid_scikit_learn Scikit learn library models to account for data and concept drift. This python library focuses on solving data drift and concept d
Voice helper on russian
Voice helper on russian
Library of Stan Models for Survival Analysis
survivalstan: Survival Models in Stan author: Jacki Novik Overview Library of Stan Models for Survival Analysis Features: Variety of standard survival
Python package for causal inference using Bayesian structural time-series models.
Python Causal Impact Causal inference using Bayesian structural time-series models. This package aims at defining a python equivalent of the R CausalI
DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit modeling and testing of causal assumptions. DoWhy is based on a unified language for causal inference, combining causal graphical models and potential outcomes frameworks.
DoWhy | An end-to-end library for causal inference Amit Sharma, Emre Kiciman Introducing DoWhy and the 4 steps of causal inference | Microsoft Researc
DrWhy is the collection of tools for eXplainable AI (XAI). It's based on shared principles and simple grammar for exploration, explanation and visualisation of predictive models.
Responsible Machine Learning With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. Voltaire (well, maybe) How to develop machine learning models in a responsib
moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation
moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation Overview Unverified black box model is the path to the failure. Opaqueness leads to distrust.
Fit interpretable models. Explain blackbox machine learning.
InterpretML - Alpha Release In the beginning machines learned in darkness, and data scientists struggled in the void to explain them. Let there be lig
AdaNet is a lightweight TensorFlow-based framework for automatically learning high-quality models with minimal expert intervention
AdaNet is a lightweight TensorFlow-based framework for automatically learning high-quality models with minimal expert intervention. AdaNet buil
CVXPY is a Python-embedded modeling language for convex optimization problems.
CVXPY The CVXPY documentation is at cvxpy.org. We are building a CVXPY community on Discord. Join the conversation! For issues and long-form discussio
Transform ML models into a native code with zero dependencies
m2cgen (Model 2 Code Generator) - is a lightweight library which provides an easy way to transpile trained statistical models into a native code
Transpile trained scikit-learn estimators to C, Java, JavaScript and others.
sklearn-porter Transpile trained scikit-learn estimators to C, Java, JavaScript and others. It's recommended for limited embedded systems and critical
BentoML is a flexible, high-performance framework for serving, managing, and deploying machine learning models.
Model Serving Made Easy BentoML is a flexible, high-performance framework for serving, managing, and deploying machine learning models. Supports multi
🚪✊Knock Knock: Get notified when your training ends with only two additional lines of code
Knock Knock A small library to get a notification when your training is complete or when it crashes during the process with two additional lines of co
code and models for "Laplacian Pyramid Reconstruction and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation"
Laplacian Pyramid Reconstruction and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation This repository contains code and models for the method described in: Golnaz
The repository contains source code and models to use PixelNet architecture used for various pixel-level tasks. More details can be accessed at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aayushb/pixelNet/.
PixelNet: Representation of the pixels, by the pixels, and for the pixels. We explore design principles for general pixel-level prediction problems, f
TensorFlow implementation of ENet, trained on the Cityscapes dataset.
segmentation TensorFlow implementation of ENet (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1606.02147.pdf) based on the official Torch implementation (https://github.com/e
Semantic segmentation task for ADE20k & cityscapse dataset, based on several models.
semantic-segmentation-tensorflow This is a Tensorflow implementation of semantic segmentation models on MIT ADE20K scene parsing dataset and Cityscape
Semantic segmentation models, datasets and losses implemented in PyTorch.
Semantic Segmentation in PyTorch Semantic Segmentation in PyTorch Requirements Main Features Models Datasets Losses Learning rate schedulers Data augm
Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. Keras and TensorFlow Keras.
Python library with Neural Networks for Image Segmentation based on Keras and TensorFlow. The main features of this library are: High level API (just
UNet model with VGG11 encoder pre-trained on Kaggle Carvana dataset
TernausNet: U-Net with VGG11 Encoder Pre-Trained on ImageNet for Image Segmentation By Vladimir Iglovikov and Alexey Shvets Introduction TernausNet is
Implementation of Segnet, FCN, UNet , PSPNet and other models in Keras.
Image Segmentation Keras : Implementation of Segnet, FCN, UNet, PSPNet and other models in Keras. Implementation of various Deep Image Segmentation mo
Modification of convolutional neural net "UNET" for image segmentation in Keras framework
ZF_UNET_224 Pretrained Model Modification of convolutional neural net "UNET" for image segmentation in Keras framework Requirements Python 3.*, Keras
Python package for Turkish Language.
PyTurkce Python package for Turkish Language. Documentation: https://pyturkce.readthedocs.io. Installation pip install pyturkce Usage from pyturkce im
A combination of autoregressors and autoencoders using XLNet for sentiment analysis
A combination of autoregressors and autoencoders using XLNet for sentiment analysis Abstract In this paper sentiment analysis has been performed in or
Nateve compiler developed with python.
Adam Adam is a Nateve Programming Language compiler developed using Python. Nateve Nateve is a new general domain programming language open source ins
PyTorch-LIT is the Lite Inference Toolkit (LIT) for PyTorch which focuses on easy and fast inference of large models on end-devices.
PyTorch-LIT PyTorch-LIT is the Lite Inference Toolkit (LIT) for PyTorch which focuses on easy and fast inference of large models on end-devices. With
PyQT5 app that colorize black & white pictures using CNN(use pre-trained model which was made with OpenCV)
About PyQT5 app that colorize black & white pictures using CNN(use pre-trained model which was made with OpenCV) Colorizor Приложение для проекта Yand
Models Supported: AlbUNet [18, 34, 50, 101, 152] (1D and 2D versions for Single and Multiclass Segmentation, Feature Extraction with supports for Deep Supervision and Guided Attention)
AlbUNet-1D-2D-Tensorflow-Keras This repository contains 1D and 2D Signal Segmentation Model Builder for AlbUNet and several of its variants developed
🕟 Date and time processing language
Date Time Expression dte is a WIP date-time processing language with focus on broad interpretation. If you don't think it's intuitive, it's most likel
History Aware Multimodal Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation
History Aware Multimodal Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation This repository is the official implementation of History Aware Multimodal Tra
Python package to Create, Read, Write, Edit, and Visualize GSFLOW models
pygsflow pyGSFLOW is a python package to Create, Read, Write, Edit, and Visualize GSFLOW models API Documentation pyGSFLOW API documentation can be fo
KakaoBrain KoGPT (Korean Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
KoGPT KoGPT (Korean Generative Pre-trained Transformer) https://github.com/kakaobrain/kogpt https://huggingface.co/kakaobrain/kogpt Model Descriptions
Blazing fast language detection using fastText model
Luga A blazing fast language detection using fastText's language models Luga is a Swahili word for language. fastText provides a blazing fast language
ResNEsts and DenseNEsts: Block-based DNN Models with Improved Representation Guarantees
ResNEsts and DenseNEsts: Block-based DNN Models with Improved Representation Guarantees This repository is the official implementation of the empirica
Luminous is a framework for testing the performance of Embodied AI (EAI) models in indoor tasks.
Luminous is a framework for testing the performance of Embodied AI (EAI) models in indoor tasks. Generally, we intergrete different kind of functional
NDE: Climate Modeling with Neural Diffusion Equation, ICDM'21
Climate Modeling with Neural Diffusion Equation Introduction This is the repository of our accepted ICDM 2021 paper "Climate Modeling with Neural Diff
A Python script to convert your favorite TV series into an Anki deck.
Ankiniser A Python3.8 script to convert your favorite TV series into an Anki deck. How to install? Download the script with git or download it manualy
A Pytorch implementation of MoveNet from Google. Include training code and pre-train model.
Movenet.Pytorch Intro MoveNet is an ultra fast and accurate model that detects 17 keypoints of a body. This is A Pytorch implementation of MoveNet fro
Simple python tool for the purpose of swapping latinic letters with cirilic ones and vice versa in txt, docx and pdf files in Serbian language
Alpha Swap English This is a simple python tool for the purpose of swapping latinic letters with cirylic ones and vice versa, in txt, docx and pdf fil
History Aware Multimodal Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation
History Aware Multimodal Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation This repository is the official implementation of History Aware Multimodal Tra
Predict the latency time of the deep learning models
Deep Neural Network Prediction Step 1. Genernate random parameters and Run them sequentially : $ python3 collect_data.py -gp -ep -pp -pl pooling -num
We have built a Voice based Personal Assistant for people to access files hands free in their device using natural language processing.
Voice Based Personal Assistant We have built a Voice based Personal Assistant for people to access files hands free in their device using natural lang
Partially offline multi-language translator built upon Huggingface transformers.
Translate Command-line interface to translation pipelines, powered by Huggingface transformers. This tool can download translation models, and then us
Algorithms for calibrating power grid distribution system models
Distribution System Model Calibration Algorithms The code in this library was developed by Sandia National Laboratories under funding provided by the
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free.
CiteURL is an extensible tool that parses legal citations and makes links to websites where you can read the cited language for free. It can be used t
PyKaldi is a Python scripting layer for the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit.
PyKaldi is a Python scripting layer for the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit. It provides easy-to-use, low-overhead, first-class Python wrappers for t
Code and models for "Pano3D: A Holistic Benchmark and a Solid Baseline for 360 Depth Estimation", OmniCV Workshop @ CVPR21.
Pano3D A Holistic Benchmark and a Solid Baseline for 360o Depth Estimation Pano3D is a new benchmark for depth estimation from spherical panoramas. We
Ducky Script is the payload language of Hak5 gear.
Ducky Script is the payload language of Hak5 gear. Since its introduction with the USB Rubber Ducky in 2010, Ducky Script has grown in capability while maintaining simplicity. Aided by Bash for logic and conditional operations, Ducky Script provides multi-vector functions for all Hak5 payload platforms.
Implementation of the bachelor's thesis "Real-time stock predictions with deep learning and news scraping".
Real-time stock predictions with deep learning and news scraping This repository contains a partial implementation of my bachelor's thesis "Real-time
Yodatranslator is a simple translator English to Yoda-language
yodatranslator Overview yodatranslator is a simple translator English to Yoda-language. Project is created for educational purposes. It is intended to
Fitting thermodynamic models with pycalphad
ESPEI ESPEI, or Extensible Self-optimizing Phase Equilibria Infrastructure, is a tool for thermodynamic database development within the CALPHAD method
Code & Experiments for "LILA: Language-Informed Latent Actions" to be presented at the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2021.
LILA LILA: Language-Informed Latent Actions Code and Experiments for Language-Informed Latent Actions (LILA), for using natural language to guide assi
A simple Python library for stochastic graphical ecological models
What is Viridicle? Viridicle is a library for simulating stochastic graphical ecological models. It implements the continuous time models described in
Official Code Release for "TIP-Adapter: Training-free clIP-Adapter for Better Vision-Language Modeling"
Official Code Release for "TIP-Adapter: Training-free clIP-Adapter for Better Vision-Language Modeling" Pipeline of Tip-Adapter Tip-Adapter can provid
TaCL: Improving BERT Pre-training with Token-aware Contrastive Learning
TaCL: Improving BERT Pre-training with Token-aware Contrastive Learning Authors: Yixuan Su, Fangyu Liu, Zaiqiao Meng, Lei Shu, Ehsan Shareghi, and Nig
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 EXIST task: Sexism Prediction in Spanish and English Tweets Using Monolingual and Multilingual BERT and Ensemble Models Descrip
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models
AI-UPV at IberLEF-2021 DETOXIS task: Toxicity Detection in Immigration-Related Web News Comments Using Transformers and Statistical Models Description
[NeurIPS'20] Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models
Multiscale Deep Equilibrium Models 💥 💥 💥 💥 This repo is deprecated and we will soon stop actively maintaining it, as a more up-to-date (and simple
A set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multi-focus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a Raytrix R12) based on the libpleno.
COMPOTE: Calibration Of Multi-focus PlenOpTic camEra. COMPOTE is a set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multifocus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a
Official implementation of "Membership Inference Attacks Against Self-supervised Speech Models"
Introduction Official implementation of "Membership Inference Attacks Against Self-supervised Speech Models". In this work, we demonstrate that existi
Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On
Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On [Project website] [Dataset] [Video] Abstract We propose a new g
An open-source online reverse dictionary.
An open-source online reverse dictionary.
Kalidokit is a blendshape and kinematics solver for Mediapipe/Tensorflow.js face, eyes, pose, and hand tracking models
Blendshape and kinematics solver for Mediapipe/Tensorflow.js face, eyes, pose, and hand tracking models.
Plock : A stack based programming language
Plock : A stack based programming language
TaCL: Improve BERT Pre-training with Token-aware Contrastive Learning
TaCL: Improve BERT Pre-training with Token-aware Contrastive Learning
Ralebel is an interpreted, Haitian Creole programming language that aims to help Haitians by starting with the fundamental algorithm
Ralebel is an interpreted, Haitian Creole programming language that aims to help Haitians by starting with the fundamental algorithm
Collision risk estimation using stochastic motion models
collision_risk_estimation Collision risk estimation using stochastic motion models. This is a new approach, based on stochastic models, to predict the
This repository details the steps in creating a Part of Speech tagger using Trigram Hidden Markov Models and the Viterbi Algorithm without using external libraries.
POS-Tagger This repository details the creation of a Part-of-Speech tagger using Trigram Hidden Markov Models to predict word tags in a word sequence.
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool.
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool. It can be used in various business flows like social listening, AI based alerting, brand image analysis, comparative study and more .
Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
Getting Started See Installing Vyper to install vyper. See Tools and Resources for an additional list of framework and tools with vyper support. See D
Pre-1.0 door/chest sound injector for Minecraft
doorjector Pre-1.0 door/chest sound injector for Minecraft. While the game is running, doorjector hotswaps the new sounds for the old right before the
[ICCV 2021 Oral] Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Narrated Videos
Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Narrated Videos Webpage • Demo • Paper This repository provides the code for our paper, includ
This repo holds codes of the ICCV21 paper: Visual Alignment Constraint for Continuous Sign Language Recognition.
VAC_CSLR This repo holds codes of the paper: Visual Alignment Constraint for Continuous Sign Language Recognition.(ICCV 2021) [paper] Prerequisites Th
Code and models for "Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising" (ICCV 2021)
DIP-denosing This is a code repo for Rethinking Deep Image Prior for Denoising (ICCV 2021). Addressing the relationship between Deep image prior and e
[ICCV' 21] "Unsupervised Point Cloud Pre-training via Occlusion Completion"
OcCo: Unsupervised Point Cloud Pre-training via Occlusion Completion This repository is the official implementation of paper: "Unsupervised Point Clou
VLGrammar: Grounded Grammar Induction of Vision and Language
VLGrammar: Grounded Grammar Induction of Vision and Language
Official code and pretrained models for CTRL-C (Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification).
CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for CTRL-C (Camera ca
Creates 3D geometries from 2D vector graphics, for use in geodynamic models
geomIO - creating 3D geometries from 2D input This is the Julia and Python version of geomIO, a free open source software to generate 3D volumes and s
A simple language translator with python and google translate api
Language translator with python A simple language translator with python and google translate api Install pip and python 3.9. All the required depende
The official github repository for Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models
Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Models This is the official github repository for Towards Continual Knowledge Learning of Language Mo
Repository of the paper Compressing Sensor Data for Remote Assistance of Autonomous Vehicles using Deep Generative Models at ML4AD @ NeurIPS 2021.
Compressing Sensor Data for Remote Assistance of Autonomous Vehicles using Deep Generative Models Code and supplementary materials Repository of the p
A trashy useless Latin programming language written in python.
Codigum! The first programming langage in latin! (please keep your eyes closed when if you read the source code) It is pretty useless though. Document
Sodium is a general purpose programming language which is instruction-oriented
Sodium is a general purpose programming language which is instruction-oriented (a new programming concept that we are developing and devising)
Here I will explain the flow to deploy your custom deep learning models on Ultra96V2.
Xilinx_Vitis_AI This repo will help you to Deploy your Deep Learning Model on Ultra96v2 Board. Prerequisites Vitis Core Development Kit 2019.2 This co
A programming language with logic of Python, and syntax of all languages.
Pytov The idea was to take all well known syntaxes, and combine them into one programming language with many posabilities. Installation Install using
Open-source linguistic ethnography tool for framing public opinion in mediatized groups.
Open-source linguistic ethnography tool for framing public opinion in mediatized groups. Table of Contents Installing Quickstart Links Installing Pyth
A Python package to facilitate research on building and evaluating automated scoring models.
Rater Scoring Modeling Tool Introduction Automated scoring of written and spoken test responses is a growing field in educational natural language pro
Tool for automatically reordering python imports. Similar to isort but uses static analysis more.
reorder_python_imports Tool for automatically reordering python imports. Similar to isort but uses static analysis more. Installation pip install reor
McGill Physics Hackathon 2021: Reaction-Diffusion Models for the Generation of Biological Patterns
DiffuseAnimals: Reaction-Diffusion Models for the Generation of Biological Patterns Introduction Reaction-diffusion equations can be utilized in order
In this Repo a simple Sklearn Model will be trained and pushed to MLFlow
SKlearn_to_MLFLow In this Repo a simple Sklearn Model will be trained and pushed to MLFlow Install This Repo is based on poetry python3 -m venv .venv
Utils to quickly evaluate many 🤗 models on the GLUE tasks
Utils to quickly evaluate many 🤗 models on the GLUE tasks
PyTorch implementation of Spiking Neural Networks trained on surrogate gradient & BPTT using snntorch.
snn-localization repo PyTorch implementation of Spiking Neural Networks trained on surrogate gradient & BPTT using snntorch. Install Dependencies Orig
Ukrainian TTS (text-to-speech) using Coqui TTS
title emoji colorFrom colorTo sdk app_file pinned Ukrainian TTS 🐸 green green gradio app.py false Ukrainian TTS 📢 🤖 Ukrainian TTS (text-to-speech)
Chinese Pre-Trained Language Models (CPM-LM) Version-I
CPM-Generate 为了促进中文自然语言处理研究的发展,本项目提供了 CPM-LM (2.6B) 模型的文本生成代码,可用于文本生成的本地测试,并以此为基础进一步研究零次学习/少次学习等场景。[项目首页] [模型下载] [技术报告] 若您想使用CPM-1进行推理,我们建议使用高效推理工具BMI
A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
Pyston Pyston is a fork of CPython 3.8.8 with additional optimizations for performance. It is targeted at large real-world applications such as web se
Deploy optimized transformer based models on Nvidia Triton server
Deploy optimized transformer based models on Nvidia Triton server
Perturb-and-max-product: Sampling and learning in discrete energy-based models
Perturb-and-max-product: Sampling and learning in discrete energy-based models This repo contains code for reproducing the results in the paper Pertur
CLUES: Few-Shot Learning Evaluation in Natural Language Understanding
CLUES: Few-Shot Learning Evaluation in Natural Language Understanding This repo contains the data and source code for baseline models in the NeurIPS 2