7716 Repositories
Python project-based-learning Libraries
Combines MLflow with a database (PostgreSQL) and a reverse proxy (NGINX) into a multi-container Docker application
Combines MLflow with a database (PostgreSQL) and a reverse proxy (NGINX) into a multi-container Docker application (with docker-compose).
New time-based UUID formats which are suited for use as a database key
uuid6 New time-based UUID formats which are suited for use as a database key. This module extends immutable UUID objects (the UUID class) with the fun
Official repository of the paper "GPR1200: A Benchmark for General-PurposeContent-Based Image Retrieval"
GPR1200 Dataset GPR1200: A Benchmark for General-Purpose Content-Based Image Retrieval (ArXiv) Konstantin Schall, Kai Uwe Barthel, Nico Hezel, Klaus J
Code of our paper "Contrastive Object-level Pre-training with Spatial Noise Curriculum Learning"
CCOP Code of our paper Contrastive Object-level Pre-training with Spatial Noise Curriculum Learning Requirement Install OpenSelfSup Install Detectron2
Code for A Volumetric Transformer for Accurate 3D Tumor Segmentation
VT-UNet This repo contains the supported pytorch code and configuration files to reproduce 3D medical image segmentaion results of VT-UNet. Environmen
WiFi-based Multi-task Sensing
WiFi-based Multi-task Sensing Introduction WiFi-based sensing has aroused immense attention as numerous studies have made significant advances over re
NCVX (NonConVeX): A User-Friendly and Scalable Package for Nonconvex Optimization in Machine Learning.
NCVX NCVX: A User-Friendly and Scalable Package for Nonconvex Optimization in Machine Learning. Please check https://ncvx.org for detailed instruction
The first GANs-based omics-to-omics translation framework
OmiTrans Please also have a look at our multi-omics multi-task DL freamwork 👀 : OmiEmbed The FIRST GANs-based omics-to-omics translation framework Xi
Cross-Task Consistency Learning Framework for Multi-Task Learning
Cross-Task Consistency Learning Framework for Multi-Task Learning Tested on numpy(v1.19.1) opencv-python(v4.4.0.42) torch(v1.7.0) torchvision(v0.8.0)
ExCon: Explanation-driven Supervised Contrastive Learning
ExCon: Explanation-driven Supervised Contrastive Learning Contributors of this repo: Zhibo Zhang ([email protected]) Jongseong Jang (j.jang@lg
Code implementing "Improving Deep Learning Interpretability by Saliency Guided Training"
Saliency Guided Training Code implementing "Improving Deep Learning Interpretability by Saliency Guided Training" by Aya Abdelsalam Ismail, Hector Cor
A benchmark dataset for emulating atmospheric radiative transfer in weather and climate models with machine learning (NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track)
ClimART - A Benchmark Dataset for Emulating Atmospheric Radiative Transfer in Weather and Climate Models Official PyTorch Implementation Using deep le
Anomaly Localization in Model Gradients Under Backdoor Attacks Against Federated Learning
Federated_Learning This repo provides a federated learning framework that allows to carry out backdoor attacks under varying conditions. This is a ker
Code for the published paper : Learning to recognize rare traffic sign
Improving traffic sign recognition by active search This repo contains code for the paper : "Learning to recognise rare traffic signs" How to use this
A simple rest api serving a deep learning model that classifies human gender based on their faces. (vgg16 transfare learning)
this is a simple rest api serving a deep learning model that classifies human gender based on their faces. (vgg16 transfare learning)
A benchmark dataset for mesh multi-label-classification based on cube engravings introduced in MeshCNN
Double Cube Engravings This script creates a dataset for multi-label mesh clasification, with an intentionally difficult setup for point cloud classif
Low-code/No-code approach for deep learning inference on devices
EzEdgeAI A concept project that uses a low-code/no-code approach to implement deep learning inference on devices. It provides a componentized framewor
A multi-scale unsupervised learning for deformable image registration
A multi-scale unsupervised learning for deformable image registration Shuwei Shao, Zhongcai Pei, Weihai Chen, Wentao Zhu, Xingming Wu and Baochang Zha
A very basic starter bot based on CryptoKKing with a small balance
starterbot A very basic starter bot based on CryptoKKing with a small balance, use at your own risk. I have since upgraded this script significantly a
Wechat based auto reply with pyautogui
Python-微信 自动回复 练手~ 一直想做个给微信发个消息,就可以跑Python程序,并将结果发送给我的东西,之前看了 B站@不高兴就喝水 的视频,终于有了灵感~ 使用的是模拟点击方案,请求期间是不能操作了。 库 pyautogui 用于模拟鼠标键盘操作和定位操作位置 pyperclip 剪贴板
Django based webapp pulling in crypto news and price data via api
Deploy Django in Production FTA project implementing containerization of Django Web Framework into Docker to be placed into Azure Container Services a
An question and answer shell environment based on xonsh using ansible for setup
An question and answer shell environment based on xonsh using ansible for setup
League of Legends Reinforcement Learning Environment (LoLRLE) multiple training scenarios using PPO.
League of Legends Reinforcement Learning Environment (LoLRLE) About This repo contains code to train an agent to play league of legends in a distribut
Code for "Optimizing risk-based breast cancer screening policies with reinforcement learning"
Tempo: Optimizing risk-based breast cancer screening policies with reinforcement learning Introduction This repository was used to develop Tempo, as d
This is a JAX implementation of Neural Radiance Fields for learning purposes.
learn-nerf This is a JAX implementation of Neural Radiance Fields for learning purposes. I've been curious about NeRF and its follow-up work for a whi
DeepOBS: A Deep Learning Optimizer Benchmark Suite
DeepOBS - A Deep Learning Optimizer Benchmark Suite DeepOBS is a benchmarking suite that drastically simplifies, automates and improves the evaluation
Molecular Sets (MOSES): A Benchmarking Platform for Molecular Generation Models
Molecular Sets (MOSES): A benchmarking platform for molecular generation models Deep generative models are rapidly becoming popular for the discovery
This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection of template image over base image.
Object Detection Project Using OpenCV This project uses Template Matching technique for object detecting by detection the template image over base ima
Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies.
Practice Python Practice-python is a simple Fast api project for dealing with modern rest api technologies. Deployment with docker Go to the project r
Data and evaluation code for the paper WikiNEuRal: Combined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual NER (EMNLP 2021).
Data and evaluation code for the paper WikiNEuRal: Combined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual NER. @inproceedings{tedes
Pre-trained Deep Learning models and demos (high quality and extremely fast)
OpenVINO™ Toolkit - Open Model Zoo repository This repository includes optimized deep learning models and a set of demos to expedite development of hi
PlaidML is a framework for making deep learning work everywhere.
A platform for making deep learning work everywhere. Documentation | Installation Instructions | Building PlaidML | Contributing | Troubleshooting | R
AdamW optimizer and cosine learning rate annealing with restarts
AdamW optimizer and cosine learning rate annealing with restarts This repository contains an implementation of AdamW optimization algorithm and cosine
Pytorch implementation of Learning Rate Dropout.
Learning-Rate-Dropout Pytorch implementation of Learning Rate Dropout. Paper Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.00144.pdf Train ResNet-34 for Cifar10: r
PyTorch implementation for the Neuro-Symbolic Sudoku Solver leveraging the power of Neural Logic Machines (NLM)
Neuro-Symbolic Sudoku Solver PyTorch implementation for the Neuro-Symbolic Sudoku Solver leveraging the power of Neural Logic Machines (NLM). Please n
About Solve CTF offline disconnection problem - based on python3's small crawler
About Solve CTF offline disconnection problem - based on python3's small crawler, support keyword search and local map bed establishment, currently support Jianshu, xianzhi,anquanke,freebuf,seebug
Robot Reinforcement Learning on the Constraint Manifold
Implementation of "Robot Reinforcement Learning on the Constraint Manifold"
Code of our paper "Contrastive Object-level Pre-training with Spatial Noise Curriculum Learning"
CCOP Code of our paper Contrastive Object-level Pre-training with Spatial Noise Curriculum Learning Requirement Install OpenSelfSup Install Detectron2
A Python-based non-fungible token (NFT) generator built using Samilla and Matplotlib
PyNFT A Pythonic NF (non-fungible token) generator built using Samilla and Matplotlib Use python pynft.py [amount] The intention behind this generato
A lightweight and fast-to-use Markdown document generator based on Python
A lightweight and fast-to-use Markdown document generator based on Python
Our Ping Pong Project of numerical analysis, 2nd year IC B2 INSA Toulouse
Ping Pong Project The objective of this project was to determine the moment of impact of the ball with the ground. To do this, we used different model
Learning objective: Use React.js, Axios, and CSS to build a responsive YouTube clone app
Learning objective: Use React.js, Axios, and CSS to build a responsive YouTube clone app to search for YouTube videos, channels, playlists, and live events via wrapper around Google YouTube API.
Official PyTorch implemention of our paper "Learning to Rectify for Robust Learning with Noisy Labels".
WarPI The official PyTorch implemention of our paper "Learning to Rectify for Robust Learning with Noisy Labels". Run python main.py --corruption_type
A modular Telegram group management bot running with Python based on Pyrogram.
A modular Telegram group management bot running with Python based on Pyrogram.
Source code for Adaptively Calibrated Critic Estimates for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Adaptively Calibrated Critic Estimates for Deep Reinforcement Learning Official implementation of ACC, described in the paper "Adaptively Calibrated C
DuBE: Duple-balanced Ensemble Learning from Skewed Data
DuBE: Duple-balanced Ensemble Learning from Skewed Data "Towards Inter-class and Intra-class Imbalance in Class-imbalanced Learning" (IEEE ICDE 2022 S
IMBENS: class-imbalanced ensemble learning in Python.
IMBENS: class-imbalanced ensemble learning in Python. Links: [Documentation] [Gallery] [PyPI] [Changelog] [Source] [Download] [知乎/Zhihu] [中文README] [a
SPCL: A New Framework for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Semantic Prototype-based Contrastive Learning
SPCL SPCL: A New Framework for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation via Semantic Prototype-based Contrastive Learning Update on 2021/11/25: ArXiv Ver
Official code for 'Pixel-wise Energy-biased Abstention Learning for Anomaly Segmentationon Complex Urban Driving Scenes'
PEBAL This repo contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper: Pixel-wise Energy-biased Abstention Learning for Anomaly Segmentationon Complex Urba
Research code for the paper "Variational Gibbs inference for statistical estimation from incomplete data".
Variational Gibbs inference (VGI) This repository contains the research code for Simkus, V., Rhodes, B., Gutmann, M. U., 2021. Variational Gibbs infer
This repository provides a basic implementation of our GCPR 2021 paper "Learning Conditional Invariance through Cycle Consistency"
Learning Conditional Invariance through Cycle Consistency This repository provides a basic TensorFlow 1 implementation of the proposed model in our GC
Deep Learning Emotion decoding using EEG data from Autism individuals
Deep Learning Emotion decoding using EEG data from Autism individuals This repository includes the python and matlab codes using for processing EEG 2D
An Unbiased Learning To Rank Algorithms (ULTRA) toolbox
Unbiased Learning to Rank Algorithms (ULTRA) This is an Unbiased Learning To Rank Algorithms (ULTRA) toolbox, which provides a codebase for experiment
KDD CUP 2020 Automatic Graph Representation Learning: 1st Place Solution
KDD CUP 2020: AutoGraph Team: aister Members: Jianqiang Huang, Xingyuan Tang, Mingjian Chen, Jin Xu, Bohang Zheng, Yi Qi, Ke Hu, Jun Lei Team Introduc
Implementation of Change-Based Exploration Transfer (C-BET)
Implementation of Change-Based Exploration Transfer (C-BET), as presented in Interesting Object, Curious Agent: Learning Task-Agnostic Exploration.
GMFlow: Learning Optical Flow via Global Matching
GMFlow GMFlow: Learning Optical Flow via Global Matching Authors: Haofei Xu, Jing Zhang, Jianfei Cai, Hamid Rezatofighi, Dacheng Tao We streamline the
Testability-Aware Low Power Controller Design with Evolutionary Learning, ITC2021
Testability-Aware Low Power Controller Design with Evolutionary Learning This repo contains the source code of Testability-Aware Low Power Controller
Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker
metamaker Simple command line tool to train and deploy your machine learning models with AWS SageMaker Features metamaker enables you to: Build a dock
This repository provides an unified frameworks to train and test the state-of-the-art few-shot font generation (FFG) models.
FFG-benchmarks This repository provides an unified frameworks to train and test the state-of-the-art few-shot font generation (FFG) models. What is Fe
OpenLT: An open-source project for long-tail classification
OpenLT: An open-source project for long-tail classification Supported Methods for Long-tailed Recognition: Cross-Entropy Loss Focal Loss (ICCV'17) Cla
[CIKM 2021] Enhancing Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Learning
Enhancing Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Learning. This repo contains the PyTorch code and implementation for the paper E
A clean and scalable template to kickstart your deep learning project 🚀 ⚡ 🔥
Lightning-Hydra-Template A clean and scalable template to kickstart your deep learning project 🚀 ⚡ 🔥 Click on Use this template to initialize new re
Zendesk Assignment - Django Based Ticket Viewer
Zendesk-Coding-Challenge Django Based Ticket Viewer The assignment has been made using Django. Important methods have been scripted in views.py. Excep
DepFine Is a tool to find the unregistered dependency based on dependency confusion valunerablility and lead to RCE
DepFine DepFine Is a tool to find the unregistered dependency based on dependency confusion valunerablility and lead to RCE Installation: You Can inst
Official Pytorch Code for the paper TransWeather
TransWeather Official Code for the paper TransWeather, Arxiv Tech Report 2021 Paper | Website About this repo: This repo hosts the implentation code,
An optimized prompt tuning strategy comparable to fine-tuning across model scales and tasks.
P-tuning v2 P-Tuning v2: Prompt Tuning Can Be Comparable to Finetuning Universally Across Scales and Tasks An optimized prompt tuning strategy achievi
T-Reqs: A grammar-based HTTP Fuzzer
T-Reqs HTTP Fuzzer T-Reqs (Two Requests) is a grammar-based HTTP Fuzzer written as a part of the paper titled "T-Reqs: HTTP Request Smuggling with Dif
Large scale and asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization at your fingertip.
Syne Tune This package provides state-of-the-art distributed hyperparameter optimizers (HPO) where trials can be evaluated with several backend option
Text-Based zombie apocalyptic decision-making game in Python
Inspiration We shared university first year game coursework.[to gauge previous experience and start brainstorming] Adapted a particular nuclear fallou
Python package to read and display segregated file names present in a directory based on type of the file
tpyfilestructure Python package to read and display segregated file names present in a directory based on type of the file. Installation You can insta
Enhancing Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Learning.
Enhancing Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Learning. Enhancing Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive
Fake videos detection by tracing the source using video hashing retrieval.
Vision Transformer Based Video Hashing Retrieval for Tracing the Source of Fake Videos 🎉️ 📜 Directory Introduction VTL Trace Samples and Acc of Hash
Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Semantic Web final project.
Crawler Rottentomatoes, Goodreads and IMDB sites crawler. Crawler written by beautifulsoup, selenium and lxml to gather books and films information an
PyPC is a very simple tool that creates Python projects from templates.
PyPC (Python Project Creator) PyPC is a very simple tool that creates Python projects from templates. In 0.1v#alpha, custom template creation will be
PointCNN: Convolution On X-Transformed Points (NeurIPS 2018)
PointCNN: Convolution On X-Transformed Points Created by Yangyan Li, Rui Bu, Mingchao Sun, Wei Wu, Xinhan Di, and Baoquan Chen. Introduction PointCNN
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM (Chen et al IROS 2019)
SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM This repository contains the implementation of SuMa++, which generates semantic maps only using three-dime
h3-js provides a JavaScript version of H3, a hexagon-based geospatial indexing system.
h3-js The h3-js library provides a pure-JavaScript version of the H3 Core Library, a hexagon-based geographic grid system. It can be used either in No
Pytorch Lightning code guideline for conferences
Deep learning project seed Use this seed to start new deep learning / ML projects. Built in setup.py Built in requirements Examples with MNIST Badges
Training open neural machine translation models
Train Opus-MT models This package includes scripts for training NMT models using MarianNMT and OPUS data for OPUS-MT. More details are given in the Ma
An example project demonstrating how the Autonomous Learning Library can be used to build new reinforcement learning agents.
About This repository shows how Autonomous Learning Library can be used to build new reinforcement learning agents. In particular, it contains a model
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate. Website • Key Features • How To Use • Docs •
Learning from graph data using Keras
Steps to run = Download the cora dataset from this link : https://linqs.soe.ucsc.edu/data unzip the files in the folder input/cora cd code python eda
A database-based CDN node supporting PostgreSQL and MongoDB backends.
A simple to use database-based deployable CDN node for hobbyist developers who wish to have their own CDN!
Project based on pure python with OOP
Object oriented programming review Object oriented programming (OOP) is among the most used programming paradigms (if not the most common) in the indu
Adding Firebase Cloud Messaging Service into a Django Project
Adding Firebase Cloud Messaging Service into a Django Project The aim of this repository is to provide a step-by-step guide and a basic project sample
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
CinnaMon is a Python library which offers a number of tools to detect, explain, and correct data drift in a machine learning system
TLoL (Python Module) - League of Legends Deep Learning AI (Research and Development)
TLoL-py - League of Legends Deep Learning Library TLoL-py is the Python component of the TLoL League of Legends deep learning library. It provides a s
An index of algorithms for learning causality with data
awesome-causality-algorithms An index of algorithms for learning causality with data. Please cite our survey paper if this index is helpful. @article{
Haystack is an open source NLP framework that leverages Transformer models.
Haystack is an end-to-end framework that enables you to build powerful and production-ready pipelines for different search use cases. Whether you want
Pytorch and Keras Implementations of Hyperspectral Image Classification -- Traditional to Deep Models: A Survey for Future Prospects.
The repository contains the implementations for Hyperspectral Image Classification -- Traditional to Deep Models: A Survey for Future Prospects. Model
Simple and Distributed Machine Learning
Synapse Machine Learning SynapseML (previously MMLSpark) is an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines. Sy
A simple and extensible library to create Bayesian Neural Network layers on PyTorch.
Blitz - Bayesian Layers in Torch Zoo BLiTZ is a simple and extensible library to create Bayesian Neural Network Layers (based on whats proposed in Wei
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower the research, and create the value of AI technologies in quantitative investment.
Pytorch implementation of NeurIPS 2021 paper: Geometry Processing with Neural Fields.
Geometry Processing with Neural Fields Pytorch implementation for the NeurIPS 2021 paper: Geometry Processing with Neural Fields Guandao Yang, Serge B
High performance distributed framework for training deep learning recommendation models based on PyTorch.
PERSIA (Parallel rEcommendation tRaining System with hybrId Acceleration) is developed by AI platform@Kuaishou Technology, collaborating with ETH. It
Conversational text Analysis using various NLP techniques
PyConverse Let me try first Installation pip install pyconverse Usage Please try this notebook that demos the core functionalities: basic usage noteb
🔥 TensorFlow Code for technical report: "YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement"
🆕 Are you looking for a new YOLOv3 implemented by TF2.0 ? If you hate the fucking tensorflow1.x very much, no worries! I have implemented a new YOLOv
Use tensorflow to implement a Deep Neural Network for real time lane detection
LaneNet-Lane-Detection Use tensorflow to implement a Deep Neural Network for real time lane detection mainly based on the IEEE IV conference paper "To
Monk is a low code Deep Learning tool and a unified wrapper for Computer Vision.
Monk - A computer vision toolkit for everyone Why use Monk Issue: Want to begin learning computer vision Solution: Start with Monk's hands-on study ro
alfred-py: A deep learning utility library for **human**
Alfred Alfred is command line tool for deep-learning usage. if you want split an video into image frames or combine frames into a single video, then a