496 Repositories
Python searching-algorithms Libraries
Fast algorithms to compute an approximation of the minimal volume oriented bounding box of a point cloud in 3D.
ApproxMVBB Status Build UnitTests Homepage Fast algorithms to compute an approximation of the minimal volume oriented bounding box of a point cloud in
A hybrid SOTA solution of LiDAR panoptic segmentation with C++ implementations of point cloud clustering algorithms. ICCV21, Workshop on Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning
ICCVW21-TradiCV-Survey-of-LiDAR-Cluster Motivation In contrast to popular end-to-end deep learning LiDAR panoptic segmentation solutions, we propose a
Implementation of popular SOTA self-supervised learning algorithms as Fastai Callbacks.
Self Supervised Learning with Fastai Implementation of popular SOTA self-supervised learning algorithms as Fastai Callbacks. Install pip install self-
The Most Efficient Temporal Difference Learning Framework for 2048
moporgic/TDL2048+ TDL2048+ is a highly optimized temporal difference (TD) learning framework for 2048. Features Many common methods related to 2048 ar
cleanlab is the data-centric ML ops package for machine learning with noisy labels.
cleanlab is the data-centric ML ops package for machine learning with noisy labels. cleanlab cleans labels and supports finding, quantifying, and lear
Kaggler is a Python package for lightweight online machine learning algorithms and utility functions for ETL and data analysis.
Kaggler is a Python package for lightweight online machine learning algorithms and utility functions for ETL and data analysis. It is distributed under the MIT License.
Confidence intervals for scikit-learn forest algorithms
forest-confidence-interval: Confidence intervals for Forest algorithms Forest algorithms are powerful ensemble methods for classification and regressi
Naszilla is a Python library for neural architecture search (NAS)
A repository to compare many popular NAS algorithms seamlessly across three popular benchmarks (NASBench 101, 201, and 301). You can implement your ow
A repository of PyBullet utility functions for robotic motion planning, manipulation planning, and task and motion planning
pybullet-planning (previously ss-pybullet) A repository of PyBullet utility functions for robotic motion planning, manipulation planning, and task and
A music recommendation REST API which makes a machine learning algorithm work with the Django REST Framework
music-recommender-rest-api A music recommendation REST API which makes a machine learning algorithm work with the Django REST Framework How it works T
This is a Machine Learning model which predicts the presence of Diabetes in Patients
Diabetes Disease Prediction This is a machine Learning mode which tries to determine if a person has a diabetes or not. Data The dataset is in comma s
This Repository consists of my solutions in Python 3 to various problems in Data Structures and Algorithms
Problems and it's solutions. Problem solving, a great Speed comes with a good Accuracy. The more Accurate you can write code, the more Speed you will
Leveraging Unique CPS Properties to Design Better Privacy-Enhancing Algorithms
Differential_Privacy_CPS Python implementation of the research paper Leveraging Unique CPS Properties to Design Better Privacy-Enhancing Algorithms Re
iAWE is a wonderful dataset for those of us who work on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) algorithms.
iAWE is a wonderful dataset for those of us who work on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) algorithms. You can find its main page and description via this link. If you are familiar with NILM-TK API, you probably know that you can work with iAWE hdf5 data file in NILM-TK.
A place where one-off ideas/partial projects can live comfortably
A place to post ideas, partial projects, or anything else that doesn't necessarily warrant its own repo, from my mind to the web.
Visualization of numerical optimization algorithms
Visualization of numerical optimization algorithms
High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features
CleanRL (Clean Implementation of RL Algorithms) CleanRL is a Deep Reinforcement Learning library that provides high-quality single-file implementation
Python package for visualizing the loss landscape of parameterized quantum algorithms.
orqviz A Python package for easily visualizing the loss landscape of Variational Quantum Algorithms by Zapata Computing Inc. orqviz provides a collect
HashDB is a community-sourced library of hashing algorithms used in malware.
HashDB HashDB is a community-sourced library of hashing algorithms used in malware. How To Use HashDB HashDB can be used as a stand alone hashing libr
Metric learning algorithms in Python
metric-learn: Metric Learning in Python metric-learn contains efficient Python implementations of several popular supervised and weakly-supervised met
A high performance implementation of HDBSCAN clustering.
HDBSCAN HDBSCAN - Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise. Performs DBSCAN over varying epsilon values and integrates
PyClustering is a Python, C++ data mining library.
pyclustering is a Python, C++ data mining library (clustering algorithm, oscillatory networks, neural networks). The library provides Python and C++ implementations (C++ pyclustering library) of each algorithm or model. C++ pyclustering library is a part of pyclustering and supported for Linux, Windows and MacOS operating systems.
The Fundamental Clustering Problems Suite (FCPS) summaries 54 state-of-the-art clustering algorithms, common cluster challenges and estimations of the number of clusters as well as the testing for cluster tendency.
FCPS Fundamental Clustering Problems Suite The package provides over sixty state-of-the-art clustering algorithms for unsupervised machine learning pu
Contains an implementation (sklearn API) of the algorithm proposed in "GENDIS: GEnetic DIscovery of Shapelets" and code to reproduce all experiments.
GENDIS GENetic DIscovery of Shapelets In the time series classification domain, shapelets are small subseries that are discriminative for a certain cl
Machine learning algorithms implementation
Machine learning algorithms implementation This repository consisits of implementation of various machine learning algorithms. The algorithms implemen
Interactive Web App with Streamlit and Scikit-learn that applies different Classification algorithms to popular datasets
Interactive Web App with Streamlit and Scikit-learn that applies different Classification algorithms to popular datasets Datasets Used: Iris dataset,
MASS (Mueen's Algorithm for Similarity Search) - a python 2 and 3 compatible library used for searching time series sub-sequences under z-normalized Euclidean distance for similarity.
Introduction MASS allows you to search a time series for a subquery resulting in an array of distances. These array of distances enable you to identif
Statistical and Algorithmic Investing Strategies for Everyone
Eiten - Algorithmic Investing Strategies for Everyone Eiten is an open source toolkit by Tradytics that implements various statistical and algorithmic
An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
NNI Doc | 简体中文 NNI (Neural Network Intelligence) is a lightweight but powerful toolkit to help users automate Feature Engineering, Neural Architecture
Evol is clear dsl for composable evolutionary algorithms that optimised for joy.
Evol is clear dsl for composable evolutionary algorithms that optimised for joy. Installation We currently support python3.6 and python3.7 and you can
onelearn: Online learning in Python
onelearn: Online learning in Python Documentation | Reproduce experiments | onelearn stands for ONE-shot LEARNning. It is a small python package for o
CLI tool to computes CO2 emissions of HPC computations following green-algorithms.org methodology
gqueue gqueue is a CLI (command line interface) tool that computes carbon footprint of HPC computations on clusters running slurm. It follows the meth
Fast, modular reference implementation and easy training of Semantic Segmentation algorithms in PyTorch.
TorchSeg This project aims at providing a fast, modular reference implementation for semantic segmentation models using PyTorch. Highlights Modular De
PyTorch implementation of Federated Learning with Non-IID Data, and federated learning algorithms, including FedAvg, FedProx.
Federated Learning with Non-IID Data This is an implementation of the following paper: Yue Zhao, Meng Li, Liangzhen Lai, Naveen Suda, Damon Civin, Vik
A paper using optimal transport to solve the graph matching problem.
GOAT A paper using optimal transport to solve the graph matching problem. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.05366 Repo structure .github: Files specifying ho
My dynamic programming algorithms for exercise and fun
My Dynamic Programming Algorithms giraycoskun giraycoksun@sabanciuniv.edu It is a repo for various dynamic programming algorithms for exercise.
Algorithms for calibrating power grid distribution system models
Distribution System Model Calibration Algorithms The code in this library was developed by Sandia National Laboratories under funding provided by the
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive.
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive. Supports multiple Shared Drives (TDs). Manual Guide for deploying the bot
Searching keywords in PDF file folders
keyword_searching Steps to use this Python scripts: (1)Paste this script into the file folder containing the PDF files you need to search from; (2)Thi
Parameterising Simulated Annealing for the Travelling Salesman Problem
Parameterising Simulated Annealing for the Travelling Salesman Problem
UAV-Networks-Routing is a Python simulator for experimenting routing algorithms and mac protocols on unmanned aerial vehicle networks.
UAV-Networks Simulator - Autonomous Networking - A.A. 20/21 UAV-Networks-Routing is a Python simulator for experimenting routing algorithms and mac pr
a discord bot for searching your movies, and bot return movie url for you :)
IMDb Discord Bot how to run this bot. the first step you must create prefixes.json file the second step you must create a virtualenv if you use window
Parameterising Simulated Annealing for the Travelling Salesman Problem
Parameterising Simulated Annealing for the Travelling Salesman Problem Abstract The Travelling Salesman Problem is a well known NP-Hard problem. Given
Deep Learning Algorithms for Hedging with Frictions
Deep Learning Algorithms for Hedging with Frictions This repository contains the Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equation (FBSDE) solver and
Implementation of popular bandit algorithms in batch environments.
batch-bandits Implementation of popular bandit algorithms in batch environments. Source code to our paper "The Impact of Batch Learning in Stochastic
A multithreaded tool for searching and downloading images from popular search engines. It is straightforward to set up and run!
🕳️ CygnusX1 Code by Trong-Dat Ngo. Overviews 🕳️ CygnusX1 is a multithreaded tool 🛠️ , used to search and download images from popular search engine
Implementation of association rules mining algorithms (Apriori|FPGrowth) using python.
Association Rules Mining Using Python Implementation of association rules mining algorithms (Apriori|FPGrowth) using python. As a part of hw1 code in
Data science, Data manipulation and Machine learning package.
duality Data science, Data manipulation and Machine learning package. Use permitted according to the terms of use and conditions set by the attached l
scikit-multimodallearn is a Python package implementing algorithms multimodal data.
scikit-multimodallearn is a Python package implementing algorithms multimodal data. It is compatible with scikit-learn, a popul
PECOS - Prediction for Enormous and Correlated Spaces
PECOS - Predictions for Enormous and Correlated Output Spaces PECOS is a versatile and modular machine learning (ML) framework for fast learning and i
Planning Algorithms in AI and Robotics. MSc course at Skoltech Data Science program
Planning Algorithms in AI and Robotics course T2 2021-22 The Planning Algorithms in AI and Robotics course at Skoltech, MS in Data Science, during T2,
Searching info from Google using Python Scrapy
Python-Search-Engine-Scrapy || Python-爬虫-索引/利用爬虫获取谷歌信息**/ Searching info from Google using Python Scrapy /* 利用 PYTHON 爬虫获取天气信息,以及城市信息和资料**/ translatio
Algorithms covered in the Bioinformatics Course part of the Cambridge Computer Science Tripos
Bioinformatics This is a repository of all the algorithms covered in the Bioinformatics Course part of the Cambridge Computer Science Tripos Algorithm
A large-scale database for graph representation learning
A large-scale database for graph representation learning
LILLIE: Information Extraction and Database Integration Using Linguistics and Learning-Based Algorithms
LILLIE: Information Extraction and Database Integration Using Linguistics and Learning-Based Algorithms Based on the work by Smith et al. (2021) Query
Decision Border Visualizer for Classification Algorithms
dbv Decision Border Visualizer for Classification Algorithms Project description A python package for Machine Learning Engineers who want to visualize
Programming Foundations Algorithms With Python
Programming-Foundations-Algorithms Algorithms purpose to solve a specific proplem with a sequential sets of steps for instance : if you need to add di
A simple python application to visualize sorting algorithms.
Visualize sorting algorithms A simple python application to visualize sorting algorithms. Sort Algorithms Name Function Name O( ) Bubble Sort bubble_s
An inline real-time media searching robot without any database.
MediaBuddy A Telegram Inline media searching robot without any database. About mediaBuddy is an inline media searching robot. If you have so many movi
Covid-19 Test AI (Deep Learning - NNs) Software. Accuracy is the %96.5, loss is the 0.09 :)
Covid-19 Test AI (Deep Learning - NNs) Software I developed a segmentation algorithm to understand whether Covid-19 Test Photos are positive or negati
Unbiased Learning To Rank Algorithms (ULTRA)
This is an Unbiased Learning To Rank Algorithms (ULTRA) toolbox, which provides a codebase for experiments and research on learning to rank with human annotated or noisy labels.
Implementation of several Bayesian multi-target tracking algorithms, including Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filters for sets of targets and sets of trajectories. The repository also includes the GOSPA metric and a metric for sets of trajectories to evaluate performance.
This repository contains the Matlab implementations for the following multi-target filtering/tracking algorithms: - Folder PMBM contains the implemen
Repository for Driving Style Recognition algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles
Driving Style Recognition Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System and Multiple Experts Decision Making Created by Iago Pachêco Gomes at USP - ICM
This repo is all about different data structures and algorithms..
Data Structure and Algorithm : Want to learn data strutrues and algorithms ??? Then Stop thinking more and start to learn today. This repo will help y
Some toy examples of score matching algorithms written in PyTorch
toy_gradlogp This repo implements some toy examples of the following score matching algorithms in PyTorch: ssm-vr: sliced score matching with variance
Constructing interpretable quadratic accuracy predictors to serve as an objective function for an IQCQP problem that represents NAS under latency constraints and solve it with efficient algorithms.
IQNAS: Interpretable Integer Quadratic programming Neural Architecture Search Realistic use of neural networks often requires adhering to multiple con
Assessing the Influence of Models on the Performance of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms applied on Continuous Control Tasks
Assessing the Influence of Models on the Performance of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms applied on Continuous Control Tasks This is the master thesi
A simple voice detection system which can be applied practically for designing a device with capability to detect a baby’s cry and automatically turning on music
Auto-Baby-Cry-Detection-with-Music-Player A simple voice detection system which can be applied practically for designing a device with capability to d
One-Stop Destination for codes of all Data Structures & Algorithms
CodingSimplified_GK This repository is aimed at creating a One stop Destination of codes of all Data structures and Algorithms along with basic explai
Zero-dependency Cryptography Python Module with a self made method
TesohhCrypt TesohhCrypt is a zero-dependency Cryptography Python Module, with a method that i made. (likely someone already made a similar one, but i
Implementation of Apriori algorithms via Python
Installing run bellow command for installing all packages pip install -r requirements.txt Data Put csv data under this directory "infrastructure/data
NCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN. Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image Restoration.
NCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN. Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image Restoration.
This app finds duplicate to near duplicate images by generating a hash value for each image stored with a specialized data structure called VP-Tree which makes searching an image on a dataset of 100Ks almost instantanious
Offline Reverse Image Search Overview This app finds duplicate to near duplicate images by generating a hash value for each image stored with a specia
A short non 100% Accurate Solar System in pygame
solar-system-pygame Controls UP/DOWN for Emulation Speed Control ESC for Pause/Unpause q to Quit c or ESC again to Continue LEFT CLICK to Add an orbit
Stochastic Gradient Trees implementation in Python
Stochastic Gradient Trees - Python Stochastic Gradient Trees1 by Henry Gouk, Bernhard Pfahringer, and Eibe Frank implementation in Python. Based on th
Federated_learning codes used for the the paper "Evaluation of Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithms" and "A Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithm for Pervasive Computing: Evaluation and Comparison"
Federated Distance (FedDist) This is the code accompanying the Percom2021 paper "A Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithm for Pervasive Computing: E
PyImpetus is a Markov Blanket based feature subset selection algorithm that considers features both separately and together as a group in order to provide not just the best set of features but also the best combination of features
PyImpetus PyImpetus is a Markov Blanket based feature selection algorithm that selects a subset of features by considering their performance both indi
A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity optimization.
pyribs Website Source PyPI Conda CI/CD Docs Docs Status Twitter pyribs.org GitHub docs.pyribs.org A bare-bones Python library for quality diversity op
Model search (MS) is a framework that implements AutoML algorithms for model architecture search at scale.
Model Search Model search (MS) is a framework that implements AutoML algorithms for model architecture search at scale. It aims to help researchers sp
Data Structures and algorithms package implementation
Documentation Simple and Easy Package --This is package for enabling basic linear and non-linear data structures and algos-- Data Structures Array Sta
Python Implementation of algorithms in Graph Mining, e.g., Recommendation, Collaborative Filtering, Community Detection, Spectral Clustering, Modularity Maximization, co-authorship networks.
Graph Mining Author: Jiayi Chen Time: April 2021 Implemented Algorithms: Network: Scrabing Data, Network Construbtion and Network Measurement (e.g., P
All algorithms implemented in Python for education
The Algorithms - Python All algorithms implemented in Python - for education Implementations are for learning purposes only. As they may be less effic
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decoding algorithms: best path, beam search, lexicon search, prefix search, and token passing. Implemented in Python.
CTC Decoding Algorithms Update 2021: installable Python package Python implementation of some common Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decod
A Python package implementing various HDRI / Radiance image processing algorithms.
Colour - HDRI A Python package implementing various HDRI / Radiance image processing algorithms. It is open source and freely available under the New
A Python package implementing various CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms and related utilities.
Colour - Demosaicing A Python package implementing various CFA (Colour Filter Array) demosaicing algorithms and related utilities. It is open source a
This is a collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These implementations are documented with explanations,
labml.ai Deep Learning Paper Implementations This is a collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms. These i
Recommendation algorithms for large graphs
Fast recommendation algorithms for large graphs based on link analysis. License: Apache Software License Author: Emmanouil (Manios) Krasanakis Depende
EODAG is a command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
EODAG (Earth Observation Data Access Gateway) is a command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
PyTorch implementation of Constrained Policy Optimization
PyTorch implementation of Constrained Policy Optimization (CPO) This repository has a simple to understand and use implementation of CPO in PyTorch. A
An index of recommendation algorithms that are based on Graph Neural Networks.
An index of recommendation algorithms that are based on Graph Neural Networks.
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images
Kimimaro: Skeletonize Densely Labeled Images # Produce SWC files from volumetric images. kimimaro forge labels.npy --progress # writes to ./kimimaro_o
Links to works on deep learning algorithms for physics problems, TUM-I15 and beyond
Links to works on deep learning algorithms for physics problems, TUM-I15 and beyond
Tindicators is a Python library to calculate the values of various technical indicators
Tindicators is a Python library to calculate the values of various technical indicators
A gui application to visualize various sorting algorithms using pure python.
Sorting Algorithm Visualizer A gui application to visualize various sorting algorithms using pure python. Language : Python 3 Libraries required Tkint
Cirq is a Python library for writing, manipulating, and optimizing quantum circuits and running them against quantum computers and simulators
Cirq is a Python library for writing, manipulating, and optimizing quantum circuits and running them against quantum computers and simulators. Install
Hypernets: A General Automated Machine Learning framework to simplify the development of End-to-end AutoML toolkits in specific domains.
A General Automated Machine Learning framework to simplify the development of End-to-end AutoML toolkits in specific domains.
Nature-inspired algorithms are a very popular tool for solving optimization problems.
Nature-inspired algorithms are a very popular tool for solving optimization problems. Numerous variants of nature-inspired algorithms have been develo
A simple tool for searching images inside a local folder with text/image input using CLIP
clip-search (WIP) A simple tool for searching images inside a local folder with text/image input using CLIP 10 results for "a blonde woman" in a folde
Passhunt is a simple tool for searching of default credentials for network devices, web applications and more. Search through 523 vendors and their 2084 default passwords.
Passhunt is a simple tool for searching of default credentials for network devices, web applications and more. Search through 523 vendors and their 2084 default passwords.
A visualization tool made in Pygame for various pathfinding algorithms.
Pathfinding-Visualizer 🚀 A visualization tool made in Pygame for various pathfinding algorithms. Pathfinding is closely related to the shortest path