3088 Repositories
Python training-data Libraries
Python Sreamlit Duplicate Records Finder Remover
Python-Sreamlit-Duplicate-Records-Finder-Remover Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create and share beautiful, custom w
Program that predicts the NBA mvp based on data from previous years.
NBA MVP Predictor A machine learning model using RandomForest Regression that predicts NBA MVP's using player data. Explore the docs » View Demo · Rep
Simple Translator in Python
Simple Translator in Python Project Description: In this project, we'll be making a very simple translator in Python using some libraries. Requirement
Open solution to the Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
Starter code: Kaggle Toxic Comment Classification Challenge More competitions 🎇 Check collection of public projects 🎁 , where you can find multiple
dbd is a database prototyping tool that enables data analysts and engineers to quickly load and transform data in SQL databases.
dbd: database prototyping tool dbd is a database prototyping tool that enables data analysts and engineers to quickly load and transform data in SQL d
Data-driven Computer Science UoB
COMS20011_2021 Data-driven Computer Science UoB Staff Laurence Aitchison [[email protected]] (unit director) Majid Mirmehdi [m.mirmehdi
Colab notebook and additional materials for Python-driven analysis of redlining data in Philadelphia
RedliningExploration The Google Colaboratory file contained in this repository contains work inspired by a project on educational inequality in the Ph
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
An interactive App to play with Spotify data, both from the Spotify Web API and from CSV datasets.
Airborne magnetic data of the Osborne Mine and Lightning Creek sill complex, Australia
Osborne Mine, Australia - Airborne total-field magnetic anomaly This is a section of a survey acquired in 1990 by the Queensland Government, Australia
This a classic fintech problem that introduces real life difficulties such as data imbalance. Check out the notebook to find out more!
Credit Card Fraud Detection Introduction Online transactions have become a crucial part of any business over the years. Many of those transactions use
FFCV: Fast Forward Computer Vision (and other ML workloads!)
Fast Forward Computer Vision: train models at a fraction of the cost with accele
ServiceX Transformer that converts flat ROOT ntuples into columnwise data
ServiceX_Uproot_Transformer ServiceX Transformer that converts flat ROOT ntuples into columnwise data Usage You can invoke the transformer from the co
This repo is dedicated to the data extraction and manipulation of the World Bank's database called STEP.
Overview Welcome to the Step-X repository. This repo is dedicated to the data extraction and manipulation of the World Bank's database called STEP. Be
ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations
ECLARE ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations @InProceedings{Mittal21b, author = "Mittal, A. and Sachdeva, N. and Agrawal
Circuit Training: An open-source framework for generating chip floor plans with distributed deep reinforcement learning
Circuit Training: An open-source framework for generating chip floor plans with distributed deep reinforcement learning. Circuit Training is an open-s
CO2Ampel - This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of renewable energy in the power grid
CO2Ampel This RaspberryPi project uses weather data to estimate the share of ren
X-VLM: Multi-Grained Vision Language Pre-Training
X-VLM: learning multi-grained vision language alignments Multi-Grained Vision Language Pre-Training: Aligning Texts with Visual Concepts. Yan Zeng, Xi
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards
The scope of this project will be to build a data ware house on Google Cloud Platform that will help answer common business questions as well as powering dashboards.
ColossalAI-Examples - Examples of training models with hybrid parallelism using ColossalAI
ColossalAI-Examples This repository contains examples of training models with Co
RedlineSpam - Python tool to spam Redline Infostealer panels with legit looking data
RedlineSpam Python tool to spam Redline Infostealer panels with legit looking da
PrimaryBid - Transform application Lifecycle Data and Design and ETL pipeline architecture for ingesting data from multiple sources to redshift
Transform application Lifecycle Data and Design and ETL pipeline architecture for ingesting data from multiple sources to redshift This project is composed of two parts: Part1 and Part2
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGAN) for Mobility Data Fusion
This code implements the paper, Kim et al. (2021). Imputing Qualitative Attributes for Trip Chains Extracted from Smart Card Data Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. Transportation Research Part C. Under Review.
Import, connect and transform data into Excel
xlwings_query Import, connect and transform data into Excel. Description The concept is to apply data transformations to a main query object. When the
A novel Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training (ED-MTT) system
A novel Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training (ED-MTT) system which minimizes MSE and triplet loss together to determine the engagement level of students in an e-learning environment.
Code for Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022)
Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022) We consider how a user of a web servi
A combination between python-flask, that fetch and send data from league client during champion select thanks to LCU
A combination between python-flask, that fetch data and send from league client during champion select thanks to LCU and compare picked champs to the gamesDataBase that we need to collect using my other python script and then send the games result to localhost:5000/members that will be read by electron-reactJS script to present the results as a GUI on browser (localhost:5000)
TiP-Adapter: Training-free CLIP-Adapter for Better Vision-Language Modeling
TiP-Adapter: Training-free CLIP-Adapter for Better Vision-Language Modeling This is the official code release for the paper 'TiP-Adapter: Training-fre
A PyTorch implementation of VIOLET
VIOLET: End-to-End Video-Language Transformers with Masked Visual-token Modeling A PyTorch implementation of VIOLET Overview VIOLET is an implementati
RedisJSON - a JSON data type for Redis
RedisJSON is a Redis module that implements ECMA-404 The JSON Data Interchange Standard as a native data type. It allows storing, updating and fetching JSON values from Redis keys (documents).
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
100 Days of Code Learning program to keep a habit of coding daily and learn things at your own pace with help from our remote community.
Elkeid HUB - A rule/event processing engine maintained by the Elkeid Team that supports streaming/offline data processing
Elkeid HUB - A rule/event processing engine maintained by the Elkeid Team that supports streaming/offline data processing
Beta Shapley: a Unified and Noise-reduced Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning
Beta Shapley: a Unified and Noise-reduced Data Valuation Framework for Machine Learning This repository provides an implementation of the paper Beta S
A complete, self-contained example for training ImageNet at state-of-the-art speed with FFCV
ffcv ImageNet Training A minimal, single-file PyTorch ImageNet training script designed for hackability. Run train_imagenet.py to get... ...high accur
Used Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and XGBoost to predict the outcome of Search & Destroy games from the Call of Duty World League for the 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Call of Duty World League: Search & Destroy Outcome Predictions Growing up as an avid Call of Duty player, I was always curious about what factors led
converts nominal survey data into a numerical value based on a dictionary lookup.
SWAP RATE Converts nominal survey data into a numerical values based on a dictionary lookup. It allows the user to switch nominal scale data from text
This is a place where I'm playing around with pandas to analyze data in a csv/excel file.
pandas-csv-excel-analysis This is a place where I'm playing around with pandas to analyze data in a csv/excel file. 0-start A very simple cheat sheet
SynapseML - an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines
Synapse Machine Learning SynapseML (previously MMLSpark) is an open source library to simplify the creation of scalable machine learning pipelines. Sy
Convert any binary data to a PNG image file and vice versa.
What is PngBin? The name PngBin comes from an image format file extension PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and the word Binary. An image produced by Pn
PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation
PyGRANSO PyGRANSO: A PyTorch-enabled port of GRANSO with auto-differentiation Please check https://ncvx.org/PyGRANSO for detailed instructions (introd
This project is for finding a solution to use Security Onion Elastic data with Jupyter Notebooks.
This project is for finding a solution to use Security Onion Elastic data with Jupyter Notebooks. The goal is to successfully use this notebook project below with Security Onion for beacon detection capabilities.
Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data
VIMuRe Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data. If you use this code please cite this article (preprint). De
Magic: The Gathering Arena draft tool that utilizes 17Lands data
MTGA_Draft_17Lands Magic: The Gathering Arena draft tool that utilizes 17Lands data. Steps for Windows Step 1: Download and unzip the MTGA_Draft_17Lan
Exploring the Top ML and DL GitHub Repositories
This repository contains my work related to my project where I scraped data on the most popular machine learning and deep learning GitHub repositories in order to further visualize and analyze it.
[ACM MM 2021] Multiview Detection with Shadow Transformer (and View-Coherent Data Augmentation)
Multiview Detection with Shadow Transformer (and View-Coherent Data Augmentation) [arXiv] [paper] @inproceedings{hou2021multiview, title={Multiview
Binance harvester - A Python 3 script to harvest data from the Binance socket stream and calculate popular TA indicators and produce lists of top trending coins
Binance harvester - A Python 3 script to harvest data from the Binance socket stream and calculate popular TA indicators and produce lists of top trending coins
Dex-scrapper - Hobby project for scrapping dex data on VeChain
Folders /zumo_abis # abi extracted from zumo repo /zumo_pools # runtime e
"Moshpit SGD: Communication-Efficient Decentralized Training on Heterogeneous Unreliable Devices", official implementation
Moshpit SGD: Communication-Efficient Decentralized Training on Heterogeneous Unreliable Devices This repository contains the official PyTorch implemen
A Unified Framework and Analysis for Structured Knowledge Grounding
UnifiedSKG 📚 : Unifying and Multi-Tasking Structured Knowledge Grounding with Text-to-Text Language Models Code for paper UnifiedSKG: Unifying and Mu
[AI6122] Text Data Management & Processing
[AI6122] Text Data Management & Processing is an elective course of MSAI, SCSE, NTU, Singapore. The repository corresponds to the AI6122 of Semester 1, AY2021-2022, starting from 08/2021. The instructor of this course is Prof. Sun Aixin.
Data collection, enhancement, and metrics calculation.
l3_data_collection Data collection, enhancement, and metrics calculation. Summary Repository containing code for QuantDAO's JDT data collection task.
Implement of "Training deep neural networks via direct loss minimization" in PyTorch for 0-1 loss
This is the implementation of "Training deep neural networks via direct loss minimization" published at ICML 2016 in PyTorch. The implementation targe
Data App Performance Tests
Data App Performance Tests My hypothesis is that The different architectures of
Pianote - An application that helps musicians practice piano ear training
Pianote Pianote is an application that helps musicians practice piano ear traini
Implementation of Axial attention - attending to multi-dimensional data efficiently
Axial Attention Implementation of Axial attention in Pytorch. A simple but powerful technique to attend to multi-dimensional data efficiently. It has
🔎 Monitor deep learning model training and hardware usage from your mobile phone 📱
Monitor deep learning model training and hardware usage from mobile. 🔥 Features Monitor running experiments from mobile phone (or laptop) Monitor har
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
Completed task 1 and task 2 at LetsGrowMore as a data science intern.
LetsGrowMore-Internship Completed task 1 and task 2 at LetsGrowMore as a data science intern. Task 1- Task 2- Creating a Decision Tree classifier and
100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022
100-Day-With-Python 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022. In this course, I spend with python language over 100 days, and I up
Python data processing, analysis, visualization, and data operations
Python This is a Python data processing, analysis, visualization and data operations of the source code warehouse, book ISBN: 9787115527592 Descriptio
Mercury: easily convert Python notebook to web app and share with others
Mercury Share your Python notebooks with others Easily convert your Python notebooks into interactive web apps by adding parameters in YAML. Simply ad
NW 2022 Hackathon Project by Angelique Clara Hanzel, Aryan Sonik, Damien Fung, Ramit Brata Biswas
Spiral-Data-Visualizer NW 2022 Hackathon Project by Angelique Clara Hanzell, Aryan Sonik, Damien Fung, Ramit Brata Biswas Description This project vis
Dimension Reduced Turbulent Flow Data From Deep Vector Quantizers
Dimension Reduced Turbulent Flow Data From Deep Vector Quantizers This is an implementation of A Physics-Informed Vector Quantized Autoencoder for Dat
This repository gives an example on how to preprocess the data of the HECKTOR challenge
HECKTOR 2021 challenge This repository gives an example on how to preprocess the data of the HECKTOR challenge. Any other preprocessing is welcomed an
Code and data (Incidents Dataset) for ECCV 2020 Paper "Detecting natural disasters, damage, and incidents in the wild".
Incidents Dataset See the following pages for more details: Project page: IncidentsDataset.csail.mit.edu. ECCV 2020 Paper "Detecting natural disasters
Code for Reciprocal Adversarial Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Solution to BraTS Challenge 2021 Segmentation Task
BRATS 2021 Solution For Segmentation Task This repo contains the supported pytorch code and configuration files to reproduce 3D medical image segmenta
This repo generates the training data and the model for Morpheus-Deblend
Morpheus-Deblend This repo generates the training data and the model for Morpheus-Deblend. This is the active development repo for the project and as
Deeplearning project at The Technological University of Denmark (DTU) about Neural ODEs for finding dynamics in ordinary differential equations and real world time series data
Authors Marcus Lenler Garsdal, [email protected] Valdemar Søgaard, [email protected] Simon Moe Sørensen, [email protected] Introduction This repo contains the
Accurate identification of bacteriophages from metagenomic data using Transformer
PhaMer is a python library for identifying bacteriophages from metagenomic data. PhaMer is based on a Transorfer model and rely on protein-based vocab
Fully Adaptive Bayesian Algorithm for Data Analysis (FABADA) is a new approach of noise reduction methods. In this repository is shown the package developed for this new method based on \citepaper.
Fully Adaptive Bayesian Algorithm for Data Analysis FABADA FABADA is a novel non-parametric noise reduction technique which arise from the point of vi
Data-driven reduced order modeling for nonlinear dynamical systems
SSMLearn Data-driven Reduced Order Models for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems This package perform data-driven identification of reduced order model based
A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning
Awesome production machine learning This repository contains a curated list of awesome open source libraries that will help you deploy, monitor, versi
A curated list of awesome game datasets, and tools to artificial intelligence in games
🎮 Awesome Game Datasets In computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines. Its definition, AI research as th
An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE An open source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems. This is a shortcut path to start s
📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
applied-ml Curated papers, articles, and blogs on data science & machine learning in production. ⚙️ Figuring out how to implement your ML project? Lea
A curated list of awesome DataOps tools
Awesome DataOps A curated list of awesome DataOps tools. Awesome DataOps Data Catalog Data Exploration Data Ingestion Data Lake Data Processing Data Q
Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord.
numpy2tfrecord Simple helper library to convert a collection of numpy data to tfrecord, and build a tensorflow dataset from the tfrecord. Installation
DeepAmandine is an artificial intelligence that allows you to talk to it for hours, you won't know the difference.
DeepAmandine This is an artificial intelligence based on GPT-3 that you can chat with, it is very nice and makes a lot of jokes. We wish you a good ex
Drobo Status is a python program that will connect to your Drobo and return JSON data regarding your Drobo
This is a simple python script that will run a docker container to pull data from Drobo. It will give information like (Name, serial, firmware, disk-total, disk-used, disk-free and individual disk status). I have an older Drobo FS 8 disk array. Please let me know if anyone can test. The results are outputted via JSON
This project consists of data analysis and data visualization (done using python)of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked questions about the IPL.
IPL-data-analysis This project consists of data analysis and data visualization of all IPL seasons from 2008 to 2019 and answering the most asked ques
Astrostatistics class for the MSc degree in Astrophysics at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)
Astrostatistics Davide Gerosa - [email protected] University of Milano-Bicocca, 2022. Schedule Introduction Probability and Statistics I Probabi
An open-source outlier detection package by Getcontact Data Team
pyfbad The pyfbad library supports anomaly detection projects. An end-to-end anomaly detection application can be written using the source codes of th
Pizza Orders Data Pipeline Usecase Solved by SQL, Sqoop, HDFS, Hive, Airflow.
PizzaOrders_DataPipeline There is a Tony who is owning a New Pizza shop. He knew that pizza alone was not going to help him get seed funding to expand
The final project of "Applying AI to 2D Medical Imaging Data" of "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Pneumonia Detection from X-Rays Project Overview In this project, you will apply the skills that you have acquired in this 2D medical imaging course t
Credit EDA Case Study Using Python
This case study aims to identify patterns which indicate if a client has difficulty paying their installments which may be used for taking actions such as denying the loan, reducing the amount of loan, lending (to risky applicants) at a higher interest rate, etc
The final project for "Applying AI to Wearable Device Data" course from "AI for Healthcare" - Udacity.
Motion Compensated Pulse Rate Estimation Overview This project has 2 main parts. Develop a Pulse Rate Algorithm on the given training data. Then Test
Project for the discipline of Visual Data Analysis at EMAp FGV.
Analysis of the dissemination of fake news about COVID-19 on Twitter This project was the final work for the discipline of Visual Data Analysis of the
The final project of "Applying AI to EHR Data" of "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Patient Selection for Diabetes Drug Testing Project Overview EHR data is becoming a key source of real-world evidence (RWE) for the pharmaceutical ind
The final project of "Applying AI to 3D Medical Imaging Data" from "AI for Healthcare" nanodegree - Udacity.
Quantifying Hippocampus Volume for Alzheimer's Progression Background Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that result
Using Global fishing watch's data to build a machine learning model that can identify illegal fishing and poaching activities through satellite and geo-location data.
Using Global fishing watch's data to build a machine learning model that can identify illegal fishing and poaching activities through satellite and geo-location data.
The code for our paper Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Head Co-Training
Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Head Co-Training (PyTorch) Abstract Co-training, extended from self-training, is one of the frameworks for semi-su
A list of Python Bots used to extract data from several websites
A list of Python Bots used to extract data from several websites. Data extraction is for products on e-commerce (ecommerce) websites. Data fetched i
MOOSE (Multi-organ objective segmentation) a data-centric AI solution that generates multilabel organ segmentations to facilitate systemic TB whole-person research
MOOSE (Multi-organ objective segmentation) a data-centric AI solution that generates multilabel organ segmentations to facilitate systemic TB whole-person research.The pipeline is based on nn-UNet and has the capability to segment 120 unique tissue classes from a whole-body 18F-FDG PET/CT image.
A simple baseline for the 2022 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest (DFC2022)
DFC2022 Baseline A simple baseline for the 2022 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest (DFC2022) This repository uses TorchGeo, PyTorch Lightning, and Segmenta
Explores the python bytecode, provides some tools to access it for fun and profit.
Pyasmtools - looking at the python bytecode for fun and profit. The pyasmtools library is made up of two parts A python bytecode disassembler . See Py
Calendar heatmaps from Pandas time series data
Note: See MarvinT/calmap for the maintained version of the project. That is also the version that gets published to PyPI and it has received several f
Unauthenticated Sqlinjection that leads to dump data base but this one impersonated Admin and drops a interactive shell
Unauthenticated Sqlinjection that leads to dump database but this one impersonated Admin and drops a interactive shell
Med to csv - A simple way to parse MedAssociate output file in tidy data
MedAssociates to CSV file A simple way to parse MedAssociate output file in tidy
This project is related to a No-SQL database, whose data are referred to autoctone botanic species
This project is related to a No-SQL database, whose data are referred to autoctone botanic species. The final goal is creating a function that performs the estimation of the ornamental value, given the specific characteristics of a single species.
CellRank's reproducibility repository.
CellRank's reproducibility repository We believe that reproducibility is key and have made it as simple as possible to reproduce our results. Please e
Data-Uncertainty Guided Multi-Phase Learning for Semi-supervised Object Detection
An official implementation of paper Data-Uncertainty Guided Multi-Phase Learning for Semi-supervised Object Detection