993 Repositories
Python Bellabeat-Analysis Libraries
moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation
moDel Agnostic Language for Exploration and eXplanation Overview Unverified black box model is the path to the failure. Opaqueness leads to distrust.
Code for our paper "Multi-scale Guided Attention for Medical Image Segmentation"
Medical Image Segmentation with Guided Attention This repository contains the code of our paper: "'Multi-scale self-guided attention for medical image
A combination of autoregressors and autoencoders using XLNet for sentiment analysis
A combination of autoregressors and autoencoders using XLNet for sentiment analysis Abstract In this paper sentiment analysis has been performed in or
Sentiment analysis on streaming twitter data using Spark Structured Streaming & Python
Sentiment analysis on streaming twitter data using Spark Structured Streaming & Python This project is a good starting point for those who have little
Important dataframe statistics with a single command
quick_eda Receiving dataframe statistics with one command Project description A python package for Data Scientists, Students, ML Engineers and anyone
Data Scientist in Simple Stock Analysis of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk for Long Term Investment
Data Scientist in Simple Stock Analysis of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk for Long Term Investment Brief explanation of PT Bukalapak.com Tbk Bukalapak was found
Numerical Analysis toolkit centred around PDEs, for demonstration and understanding purposes not production
Numerics Numerical Analysis toolkit centred around PDEs, for demonstration and understanding purposes not production Use procedure: Initialise a new i
Predict the latency time of the deep learning models
Deep Neural Network Prediction Step 1. Genernate random parameters and Run them sequentially : $ python3 collect_data.py -gp -ep -pp -pl pooling -num
strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing:
strava-offline Overview strava-offline is a tool to keep a local mirror of Strava activities for further analysis/processing: synchronizes metadata ab
nbsafety adds a layer of protection to computational notebooks by solving the stale dependency problem when executing cells out-of-order
nbsafety adds a layer of protection to computational notebooks by solving the stale dependency problem when executing cells out-of-order
Analysis scripts for QG equations
qg-edgeofchaos Analysis scripts for QG equations FIle/Folder Structure eigensolvers.py - Spectral and finite-difference solvers for Rossby wave eigenf
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
A Python adaption of Augur to prioritize cell types in perturbation analysis.
A Python adaption of Augur to prioritize cell types in perturbation analysis.
Powerful, efficient particle trajectory analysis in scientific Python.
freud Overview The freud Python library provides a simple, flexible, powerful set of tools for analyzing trajectories obtained from molecular dynamics
Pymwp is a tool for automatically performing static analysis on programs written in C
pymwp: MWP analysis in Python pymwp is a tool for automatically performing static analysis on programs written in C, inspired by "A Flow Calculus of m
Office365 (Microsoft365) audit log analysis tool
Office365 (Microsoft365) audit log analysis tool The header describes it all WHY?? The first line of code was written long time before other colleague
This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes
This is an example of how to automate Ridit Analysis for a dataset with large amount of questions and many item attributes
Source code, data, and evaluation details for “Cross-Lingual Citations in English Papers: A Large-Scale Analysis of Prevalence, Formation, and Ramifications”
Analysis of cross-lingual citations in English papers Contents initial_analysis Source code, data, and evaluation details as published at ICADL2020 ci
A package for music online and offline rhythmic information analysis including music Beat, downbeat, tempo and meter tracking.
BeatNet A package for music online and offline rhythmic information analysis including music Beat, downbeat, tempo and meter tracking. This repository
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity, such as gratings, photonic-crystal slabs, metasurfaces, surface-emitting lasers, nano-antennas, and more.
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool.
Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool. It can be used in various business flows like social listening, AI based alerting, brand image analysis, comparative study and more .
4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit
4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit 4CAT is a research tool that can be used to analyse and process data from online social platforms. Its goal is to m
Robocop is a tool that performs static code analysis of Robot Framework code.
Robocop Introduction Documentation Values Requirements Installation Usage Example Robotidy FAQ Watch our talk from RoboCon 2021 about Robocop and Robo
The official PyTorch code implementation of "Human Trajectory Prediction via Counterfactual Analysis" in ICCV 2021.
Human Trajectory Prediction via Counterfactual Analysis (CausalHTP) The official PyTorch code implementation of "Human Trajectory Prediction via Count
Vertical Federated Principal Component Analysis and Its Kernel Extension on Feature-wise Distributed Data based on Pytorch Framework
VFedPCA+VFedAKPCA This is the official source code for the Paper: Vertical Federated Principal Component Analysis and Its Kernel Extension on Feature-
A flexible ML framework built to simplify medical image reconstruction and analysis experimentation.
meddlr Getting Started Meddlr is a config-driven ML framework built to simplify medical image reconstruction and analysis problems. Installation To av
Exploratory analysis and data visualization of aircraft accidents and incidents in Brazil.
Exploring aircraft accidents in Brazil Occurrencies with aircraft in Brazil are investigated by the Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aircraf
Unsub is a collection analysis tool that assists libraries in analyzing their journal subscriptions.
About Unsub is a collection analysis tool that assists libraries in analyzing their journal subscriptions. The tool provides rich data and a summary g
cLoops2: full stack analysis tool for chromatin interactions
cLoops2: full stack analysis tool for chromatin interactions Introduction cLoops2 is an extension of our previous work, cLoops. From loop-calling base
Tool for automatically reordering python imports. Similar to isort but uses static analysis more.
reorder_python_imports Tool for automatically reordering python imports. Similar to isort but uses static analysis more. Installation pip install reor
Multifunctional Analysis of Regions through Input-Output
MARIO Multifunctional Analysis of Regions through Input-Output. (Documents) What is it MARIO is a python package for handling input-output tables and
LSTM Neural Networks for Spectroscopic Studies of Type Ia Supernovae
Package Description The difficulties in acquiring spectroscopic data have been a major challenge for supernova surveys. snlstm is developed to provide
A real data analysis and modeling project - restaurant inspections
A real data analysis and modeling project - restaurant inspections Jafar Pourbemany 9/27/2021 This project represents data analysis and modeling of re
Python implementation of Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimension-reduction algorithm. The idea is to use the singular value decompositio
Exploratory data analysis
Exploratory data analysis An Exploratory data analysis APP TAPIWA CHAMBOKO 🚀 About Me I'm a full stack developer experienced in deploying artificial
edaSQL is a library to link SQL to Exploratory Data Analysis and further more in the Data Engineering.
edaSQL is a python library to bridge the SQL with Exploratory Data Analysis where you can connect to the Database and insert the queries. The query results can be passed to the EDA tool which can give greater insights to the user.
Stock Analysis dashboard Using Streamlit and Python
StDashApp Stock Analysis Dashboard Using Streamlit and Python If you found the content useful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Th
Perform sentiment analysis and keyword extraction on Craigslist listings
craiglist-helper synopsis Perform sentiment analysis and keyword extraction on Craigslist listings Background I love Craigslist. I've found most of my
Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
ocropy OCRopus is a collection of document analysis programs, not a turn-key OCR system. In order to apply it to your documents, you may need to do so
This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection.
logdata-anomaly-miner This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection. It was designed to run the analysis wit
A collection of tools for biomedical research assay analysis in Python.
waltlabtools A collection of tools for biomedical research assay analysis in Python. Key Features Analysis for assays such as digital ELISA, including
For the paper entitled ''A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining''
Summary This is the source code for the paper "A Case Study and Qualitative Analysis of Simple Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining", which was accepted as fu
Caboto, the Kubernetes semantic analysis tool
Caboto Caboto, the Kubernetes semantic analysis toolkit. It contains a lightweight Python library for semantic analysis of plain Kubernetes manifests
This repository has datasets containing information of Uber pickups in NYC from April 2014 to September 2014 and January to June 2015. data Analysis , virtualization and some insights are gathered here
uber-pickups-analysis Data Source: https://www.kaggle.com/fivethirtyeight/uber-pickups-in-new-york-city Information about data set The dataset contain
I created My own Virtual Artificial Intelligence named genesis, He can assist with my Tasks and also perform some analysis,,
Virtual-Artificial-Intelligence-genesis- I created My own Virtual Artificial Intelligence named genesis, He can assist with my Tasks and also perform
A python module for scientific analysis of 3D objects based on VTK and Numpy
A lightweight and powerful python module for scientific analysis and visualization of 3d objects.
FinEAS: Financial Embedding Analysis of Sentiment 📈
FinEAS: Financial Embedding Analysis of Sentiment 📈 (SentenceBERT for Financial News Sentiment Regression) This repository contains the code for gene
This repository contains the source code of an efficient 1D probabilistic model for music time analysis proposed in ICASSP2022 venue.
Jump Reward Inference for 1D Music Rhythmic State Spaces An implementation of the probablistic jump reward inference model for music rhythmic informat
Analysis code and Latex source of the manuscript describing the conditional permutation test of confounding bias in predictive modelling.
Git repositoty of the manuscript entitled Statistical quantification of confounding bias in predictive modelling by Tamas Spisak The manuscript descri
Survival analysis (SA) is a well-known statistical technique for the study of temporal events.
DAGSurv Survival analysis (SA) is a well-known statistical technique for the study of temporal events. In SA, time-to-an-event data is modeled using a
K-FACE Analysis Project on Pytorch
Installation Setup with Conda # create a new environment conda create --name insightKface python=3.7 # or over conda activate insightKface #install t
This is an auto-ML tool specialized in detecting of outliers
Auto-ML tool specialized in detecting of outliers Description This tool will allows you, with a Dash visualization, to compare 10 models of machine le
Malware Analysis Neural Network project.
MalanaNeuralNetwork Description Malware Analysis Neural Network project. Table of Contents Getting Started Requirements Installation Clone Set-Up VENV
Developed an optimized algorithm which finds the most optimal path between 2 points in a 3D Maze using various AI search techniques like BFS, DFS, UCS, Greedy BFS and A*
Developed an optimized algorithm which finds the most optimal path between 2 points in a 3D Maze using various AI search techniques like BFS, DFS, UCS, Greedy BFS and A*. The algorithm was extremely optimal running in ~15s to ~30s for search spaces as big as 10000000 nodes where a set of 18 actions could be performed at each node in the 3D Maze.
this repository has datasets containing information of Uber pickups in NYC from April 2014 to September 2014 and January to June 2015. data Analysis , virtualization and some insights are gathered here
uber-pickups-analysis Data Source: https://www.kaggle.com/fivethirtyeight/uber-pickups-in-new-york-city Information about data set The dataset contain
Data cleaning tools for Business analysis
Datacleaning datacleaning tools for Business analysis This program is made for Vicky's work. You can use it, too. 数据清洗 该数据清洗工具是为了商业分析 这个程序是为了Vicky的工作而
Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation
deeptime Releases: Installation via conda recommended. conda install -c conda-forge deeptime pip install deeptime Documentation: deeptime-ml.github.io
ELFXtract is an automated analysis tool used for enumerating ELF binaries
ELFXtract ELFXtract is an automated analysis tool used for enumerating ELF binaries Powered by Radare2 and r2ghidra This is specially developed for PW
py-image-dedup is a tool to sort out or remove duplicates within a photo library
py-image-dedup is a tool to sort out or remove duplicates within a photo library. Unlike most other solutions, py-image-dedup intentionally uses an approximate image comparison to also detect duplicates of images that slightly differ in resolution, color or other minor details.
MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python that is designed to bypass antivirus software on Windows and Linux/Mac in the future
MsfMania MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python that is designed to bypass antivirus software on Windows and Linux/Mac in the future. Sum
A CLI Application to detect plagiarism in Source Code Files.
Plag Description A CLI Application to detect plagiarism in Source Code Files. Features Compare source code files for plagiarism. Extract code features
A simple tool to extract python code from a Jupyter notebook, and then run pylint on it for static analysis.
Jupyter Pylinter A simple tool to extract python code from a Jupyter notebook, and then run pylint on it for static analysis. If you find this tool us
A general, feasible, and extensible framework for classification tasks.
Pytorch Classification A general, feasible and extensible framework for 2D image classification. Features Easy to configure (model, hyperparameters) T
[v1 (ISBI'21) + v2] MedMNIST: A Large-Scale Lightweight Benchmark for 2D and 3D Biomedical Image Classification
MedMNIST Project (Website) | Dataset (Zenodo) | Paper (arXiv) | MedMNIST v1 (ISBI'21) Jiancheng Yang, Rui Shi, Donglai Wei, Zequan Liu, Lin Zhao, Bili
A customized interface for single cell track visualisation based on pcnaDeep and napari.
pcnaDeep-napari A customized interface for single cell track visualisation based on pcnaDeep and napari. 👀 Under construction You can get test image
LightLog is an open source deep learning based lightweight log analysis tool for log anomaly detection.
LightLog Introduction LightLog is an open source deep learning based lightweight log analysis tool for log anomaly detection. Function description [BG
Identify and annotate mutations from genome editing assays.
CRISPR-detector Here we propose our CRISPR-detector to facilitate the CRISPR-edited amplicon and whole genome sequencing data analysis, with functions
Implementation of Apriori Algorithm for Association Analysis
Implementation of Apriori Algorithm for Association Analysis
Spatial Interpolation Toolbox is a Python-based GUI that is able to interpolate spatial data in vector format.
Spatial Interpolation Toolbox This is the home to Spatial Interpolation Toolbox, a graphical user interface (GUI) for interpolating geographic vector
Bendford analysis of Ethereum transaction
Bendford analysis of Ethereum transaction The python script script.py extract from already downloaded archive file the ethereum transaction. The value
K-means clustering is a method used for clustering analysis, especially in data mining and statistics.
K Means Algorithm What is K Means This algorithm is an iterative algorithm that partitions the dataset according to their features into K number of pr
Multiband spectro-radiometric satellite image analysis with K-means cluster algorithm
Multi-band Spectro Radiomertric Image Analysis with K-means Cluster Algorithm Overview Multi-band Spectro Radiomertric images are images comprising of
Anomaly Detection Based on Hierarchical Clustering of Mobile Robot Data
We proposed a new approach to detect anomalies of mobile robot data. We investigate each data seperately with two clustering method hierarchical and k-means. There are two sub-method that we used for produce an anomaly score. Then, we merge these two score and produce merged anomaly score as a result.
Code accompanying the paper Shared Independent Component Analysis for Multi-subject Neuroimaging
ShICA Code accompanying the paper Shared Independent Component Analysis for Multi-subject Neuroimaging Install Move into the ShICA directory cd ShICA
Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Requirements python 3.7 pytorch-gpu 1.7 numpy 1.19.4 pytorch_
A Snakemake workflow for standardised sc/snRNAseq analysis
single_snake_sequencing - sc/snRNAseq Snakemake Workflow A Snakemake workflow for standardised sc/snRNAseq analysis. Every single cell analysis is sli
Python IDE or notebook to generate a basic Kepler.gl data visualization
geospatial-data-analysis [readme] Use this code in your Python IDE or notebook to generate a basic Kepler.gl data visualization, without pre-configura
This repository contains code demonstrating the methods outlined in Path Signature Area-Based Causal Discovery in Coupled Time Series presented at Causal Analysis Workshop 2021.
signed-area-causal-inference This repository contains code demonstrating the methods outlined in Path Signature Area-Based Causal Discovery in Coupled
PyABSA - Open & Efficient for Framework for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
PyABSA - Open & Efficient for Framework for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
This is a web application to visualize various famous technical indicators and stocks tickers from user
Visualizing Technical Indicators Using Python and Plotly. Currently facing issues hosting the application on heroku. As soon as I am able to I'll like
Weather analysis with Python, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, and Flask
Surf's Up Weather analysis with Python, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, and Flask Overview The purpose of this analysis was to examine weather trends (precipitati
Adaptive, interpretable wavelets across domains (NeurIPS 2021)
Adaptive wavelets Wavelets which adapt given data (and optionally a pre-trained model). This yields models which are faster, more compressible, and mo
Bar Chart of the number of Senators from each party who are up for election in the next three General Elections
Congress-Analysis Bar Chart of the number of Senators from each party who are up for election in the next three General Elections This bar chart shows
Solución al reto BBVA Contigo, Hack BBVA 2021
Solution Solución propuesta para el reto BBVA Contigo del Hackathon BBVA 2021. Equipo Mexdapy. Integrantes: David Pedroza Segoviano Regina Priscila Ba
Robotic hamster to give you financial advice
hampp Robotic hamster to give you financial advice. I am not liable for any advice that the hamster gives. Follow at your own peril. Description Hampp
Comparing Database performance with Django ORM
Comparing Database performance with Django ORM Postgresql MySQL MariaDB SQLite Comparing database operation performance using django ORM. PostgreSQL v
A lightweight Python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. Uses a cell-based congestion model. Calculates risk, loudness and battery capacities of the agents. Suitable for 3D network optimization tasks.
AMAZ3DSim AMAZ3DSim is a lightweight python-based 3D network multi-agent simulator. It uses a cell-based congestion model. It calculates risk, battery
A simple Blog Using Django Framework and Used IBM Cloud Services for Text Analysis and Text to Speech
ElhamBlog Cloud Computing Course first assignment. A simple Blog Using Django Framework and Used IBM Cloud Services for Text Analysis and Text to Spee
NLP-based analysis of poor Chinese movie reviews on Douban
douban_embedding 豆瓣中文影评差评分析 1. NLP NLP(Natural Language Processing)是指自然语言处理,他的目的是让计算机可以听懂人话。 下面是我将2万条豆瓣影评训练之后,随意输入一段新影评交给神经网络,最终AI推断出的结果。 "很好,演技不错
Python Project on Pro Data Analysis Track
Udacity-BikeShare-Project: Python Project on Pro Data Analysis Track Basic Data Exploration with pandas on Bikeshare Data Basic Udacity project using
Code needed for hybrid land cover change analysis for NASA IDS project
Documentation for the NASA IDS change analysis Poley 10/21/2021 Required python packages: whitebox numpy rasterio rasterio.mask os glob math itertools
Code for reproducing our paper: LMSOC: An Approach for Socially Sensitive Pretraining
LMSOC: An Approach for Socially Sensitive Pretraining Code for reproducing the paper LMSOC: An Approach for Socially Sensitive Pretraining to appear a
Script to quickly get the metrics from Github repos to analyze.
commit-prefix-analysis Script to quickly get the metrics from Github repos to analyze. Setup Install the Github CLI. You'll know its working when runn
Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis
Reddit Bot Project 2: Neural Network Boogaloo Reddit bot that uses sentiment analysis from NLTK.VADER WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP_WIP Link to test subreddit:
Analysis of ROM image for Norsk Data VDU 301 S
This repository is meant to analyze the ROM images from Norsk Data VDU 301 S as provided at by Torfinn. To combine the two ROM image halves and extrac
Retentioneering: product analytics, data-driven customer journey map optimization, marketing analytics, web analytics, transaction analytics, graph visualization, and behavioral segmentation with customer segments in Python.
What is Retentioneering? Retentioneering is a Python framework and library to assist product analysts and marketing analysts as it makes it easier to
PICK: Processing Key Information Extraction from Documents using Improved Graph Learning-Convolutional Networks
Code for the paper "PICK: Processing Key Information Extraction from Documents using Improved Graph Learning-Convolutional Networks" (ICPR 2020)
Project code for weakly supervised 3D object detectors using wide-baseline multi-view traffic camera data: WIBAM.
WIBAM (Work in progress) Weakly Supervised Training of Monocular 3D Object Detectors Using Wide Baseline Multi-view Traffic Camera Data 3D object dete
InDels analysis of CRISPR lines by NGS amplicon sequencing technology for a multicopy gene family.
CRISPRanalysis InDels analysis of CRISPR lines by NGS amplicon sequencing technology for a multicopy gene family. In this work, we present a workflow
TagLab: an image segmentation tool oriented to marine data analysis
TagLab: an image segmentation tool oriented to marine data analysis TagLab was created to support the activity of annotation and extraction of statist