318 Repositories
Python Boundary-Guided-Context-Aggregation Libraries
Federated_learning codes used for the the paper "Evaluation of Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithms" and "A Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithm for Pervasive Computing: Evaluation and Comparison"
Federated Distance (FedDist) This is the code accompanying the Percom2021 paper "A Federated Learning Aggregation Algorithm for Pervasive Computing: E
Code/data of the paper "Hand-Object Contact Prediction via Motion-Based Pseudo-Labeling and Guided Progressive Label Correction" (BMVC2021)
Hand-Object Contact Prediction (BMVC2021) This repository contains the code and data for the paper "Hand-Object Contact Prediction via Motion-Based Ps
OpenABC-D: A Large-Scale Dataset For Machine Learning Guided Integrated Circuit Synthesis
OpenABC-D: A Large-Scale Dataset For Machine Learning Guided Integrated Circuit Synthesis Overview OpenABC-D is a large-scale labeled dataset generate
Official implementation of "Synthetic Temporal Anomaly Guided End-to-End Video Anomaly Detection" (ICCV Workshops 2021: RSL-CV).
Official PyTorch implementation of "Synthetic Temporal Anomaly Guided End-to-End Video Anomaly Detection" This is the implementation of the paper "Syn
LSTC: Boosting Atomic Action Detection with Long-Short-Term Context
LSTC: Boosting Atomic Action Detection with Long-Short-Term Context This Repository contains the code on AVA of our ACM MM 2021 paper: LSTC: Boosting
Source code for "Taming Visually Guided Sound Generation" (Oral at the BMVC 2021)
Taming Visually Guided Sound Generation • [Project Page] • [ArXiv] • [Poster] • • Listen for the samples on our project page. Overview We propose to t
Offcial implementation of "A Hybrid Video Anomaly Detection Framework via Memory-Augmented Flow Reconstruction and Flow-Guided Frame Prediction, ICCV-2021".
HF2-VAD Offcial implementation of "A Hybrid Video Anomaly Detection Framework via Memory-Augmented Flow Reconstruction and Flow-Guided Frame Predictio
Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation (WSDM2021)
Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation (WSDM2021) TMER Code of paper "Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation". Requirement
The source code for "Global Context Enhanced Graph Neural Network for Session-based Recommendation".
GCE-GNN Code This is the source code for SIGIR 2020 Paper: Global Context Enhanced Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation. Requirement
Global Context Enhanced Social Recommendation with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks
SR-HGNN ICDM-2020 《Global Context Enhanced Social Recommendation with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks》 Environments python 3.8 pytorch-1.6 DGL 0.5.
A Python library for adversarial machine learning focusing on benchmarking adversarial robustness.
ARES This repository contains the code for ARES (Adversarial Robustness Evaluation for Safety), a Python library for adversarial machine learning rese
A Jupyter notebook to play with NVIDIA's StyleGAN3 and OpenAI's CLIP for a text-based guided image generation.
A Jupyter notebook to play with NVIDIA's StyleGAN3 and OpenAI's CLIP for a text-based guided image generation.
Code for the IJCAI 2021 paper "Structure Guided Lane Detection"
SGNet Project for the IJCAI 2021 paper "Structure Guided Lane Detection" Abstract Recently, lane detection has made great progress with the rapid deve
[ACM MM2021] MGH: Metadata Guided Hypergraph Modeling for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
Introduction This project is developed based on FastReID, which is an ongoing ReID project. Projects BUC In projects/BUC, we implement AAAI 2019 paper
Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes (3DV 2021)
Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes (3DV 2021) Alexey Nekrasov*, Jonas Schult*, Or Litany, Bastian Leibe, Francis Engelmann Mix3D is
A pytorch-version implementation codes of paper: "BSN++: Complementary Boundary Regressor with Scale-Balanced Relation Modeling for Temporal Action Proposal Generation"
BSN++: Complementary Boundary Regressor with Scale-Balanced Relation Modeling for Temporal Action Proposal Generation A pytorch-version implementation
PyTorch implementation for View-Guided Point Cloud Completion
PyTorch implementation for View-Guided Point Cloud Completion
A library for performing coverage guided fuzzing of neural networks
TensorFuzz: Coverage Guided Fuzzing for Neural Networks This repository contains a library for performing coverage guided fuzzing of neural networks,
[ICSE2020] MemLock: Memory Usage Guided Fuzzing
MemLock: Memory Usage Guided Fuzzing This repository provides the tool and the evaluation subjects for the paper "MemLock: Memory Usage Guided Fuzzing
ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing
ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing ParmeSan is a sanitizer-guided greybox fuzzer based on Angora. Published Work USENIX Security 2020: ParmeSa
InsTrim: Lightweight Instrumentation for Coverage-guided Fuzzing
InsTrim The paper: InsTrim: Lightweight Instrumentation for Coverage-guided Fuzzing Build Prerequisite llvm-8.0-dev clang-8.0 cmake = 3.2 Make git cl
An AFL implementation with UnTracer (our coverage-guided tracer)
UnTracer-AFL This repository contains an implementation of our prototype coverage-guided tracing framework UnTracer in the popular coverage-guided fuz
FrostedGlass is a translucent frosted glass effect widget, that creates a context with the background behind it.
FrostedGlass FrostedGlass is a translucent frosted glass effect widget, that creates a context with the background behind it. The effect is drawn on t
ICLR 2021: Pre-Training for Context Representation in Conversational Semantic Parsing
SCoRe: Pre-Training for Context Representation in Conversational Semantic Parsing This repository contains code for the ICLR 2021 paper "SCoRE: Pre-Tr
Demo code for ICCV 2021 paper "Sensor-Guided Optical Flow"
Sensor-Guided Optical Flow Demo code for "Sensor-Guided Optical Flow", ICCV 2021 This code is provided to replicate results with flow hints obtained f
PFENet: Prior Guided Feature Enrichment Network for Few-shot Segmentation (TPAMI).
PFENet This is the implementation of our paper PFENet: Prior Guided Feature Enrichment Network for Few-shot Segmentation that has been accepted to IEE
Exploring Relational Context for Multi-Task Dense Prediction [ICCV 2021]
Adaptive Task-Relational Context (ATRC) This repository provides source code for the ICCV 2021 paper Exploring Relational Context for Multi-Task Dense
A lightweight wrapper for PyTorch that provides a simple declarative API for context switching between devices, distributed modes, mixed-precision, and PyTorch extensions.
A lightweight wrapper for PyTorch that provides a simple declarative API for context switching between devices, distributed modes, mixed-precision, and PyTorch extensions.
Pytorch implementation of convolutional neural network visualization techniques
Convolutional Neural Network Visualizations This repository contains a number of convolutional neural network visualization techniques implemented in
This is the source code for: Context-aware Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs.
This is the source code for: Context-aware Entity Typing in Knowledge Graphs.
Container : Context Aggregation Network
Container : Context Aggregation Network If you use this code for a paper please cite: @article{gao2021container, title={Container: Context Aggregati
Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context Code in both PyTorch and TensorFlow
Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context This repository contains the code in both PyTorch and TensorFlow for our paper
Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab.
CLIP-Guided-Diffusion Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab. Original colab notebooks by Ka
Pytorch Implementation of "Contrastive Representation Learning for Exemplar-Guided Paraphrase Generation"
CRL_EGPG Pytorch Implementation of Contrastive Representation Learning for Exemplar-Guided Paraphrase Generation We use contrastive loss implemented b
Beta Distribution Guided Aspect-aware Graph for Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis with Affective Knowledge. Proceedings of EMNLP 2021
AAGCN-ACSA EMNLP 2021 Introduction This repository was used in our paper: Beta Distribution Guided Aspect-aware Graph for Aspect Category Sentiment An
Demonstration that AWS IAM policy evaluation docs are incorrect
The flowchart from the AWS IAM policy evaluation documentation page, as of 2021-09-12, and dating back to at least 2018-12-27, is the following: The f
Official PyTorch code of DeepPanoContext: Panoramic 3D Scene Understanding with Holistic Scene Context Graph and Relation-based Optimization (ICCV 2021 Oral).
DeepPanoContext (DPC) [Project Page (with interactive results)][Paper] DeepPanoContext: Panoramic 3D Scene Understanding with Holistic Scene Context G
Line as a Visual Sentence: Context-aware Line Descriptor for Visual Localization
Line as a Visual Sentence with LineTR This repository contains the inference code, pretrained model, and demo scripts of the following paper. It suppo
Out-of-boundary View Synthesis towards Full-frame Video Stabilization
Out-of-boundary View Synthesis towards Full-frame Video Stabilization Introduction | Update | Results Demo | Introduction This repository contains the
Codebase for Diffusion Models Beat GANS on Image Synthesis.
Codebase for Diffusion Models Beat GANS on Image Synthesis.
Code for Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network for Mobile and Web Applications
BASNet Boundary-Aware Segmentation Network for Mobile and Web Applications This repository contain implementation of BASNet in tensorflow/keras. comme
Adaptive Pyramid Context Network for Semantic Segmentation (APCNet CVPR'2019)
Adaptive Pyramid Context Network for Semantic Segmentation (APCNet CVPR'2019) Introduction Official implementation of Adaptive Pyramid Context Network
The code repository for EMNLP 2021 paper "Vision Guided Generative Pre-trained Language Models for Multimodal Abstractive Summarization".
Vision Guided Generative Pre-trained Language Models for Multimodal Abstractive Summarization [Paper] accepted at the EMNLP 2021: Vision Guided Genera
[ICCV 2021 Oral] NerfingMVS: Guided Optimization of Neural Radiance Fields for Indoor Multi-view Stereo
NerfingMVS Project Page | Paper | Video | Data NerfingMVS: Guided Optimization of Neural Radiance Fields for Indoor Multi-view Stereo Yi Wei, Shaohui
CAPRI: Context-Aware Interpretable Point-of-Interest Recommendation Framework
CAPRI: Context-Aware Interpretable Point-of-Interest Recommendation Framework This repository contains a framework for Recommender Systems (RecSys), a
【ACMMM 2021】DSANet: Dynamic Segment Aggregation Network for Video-Level Representation Learning
DSANet: Dynamic Segment Aggregation Network for Video-Level Representation Learning (ACMMM 2021) Overview We release the code of the DSANet (Dynamic S
PyTorch Implement of Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting
Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting This is the Pytorch implement of CVPR 2016 paper on Context Encoders 1) Semantic Inpainting Demo Inst
Context Axial Reverse Attention Network for Small Medical Objects Segmentation
CaraNet: Context Axial Reverse Attention Network for Small Medical Objects Segmentation This repository contains the implementation of a novel attenti
This repository is the offical Pytorch implementation of ContextPose: Context Modeling in 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Unified Perspective (CVPR 2021).
Context Modeling in 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Unified Perspective (CVPR 2021) Introduction This repository is the offical Pytorch implementation of
Code for EmBERT, a transformer model for embodied, language-guided visual task completion.
Code for EmBERT, a transformer model for embodied, language-guided visual task completion.
The pytorch implementation of the paper "text-guided neural image inpainting" at MM'2020
TDANet: Text-Guided Neural Image Inpainting, MM'2020 (Oral) MM | ArXiv This repository implements the paper "Text-Guided Neural Image Inpainting" by L
Code for EmBERT, a transformer model for embodied, language-guided visual task completion.
Code for EmBERT, a transformer model for embodied, language-guided visual task completion.
Video Contrastive Learning with Global Context
Video Contrastive Learning with Global Context (VCLR) This is the official PyTorch implementation of our VCLR paper. Install dependencies environments
Code for the paper "JANUS: Parallel Tempered Genetic Algorithm Guided by Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Molecular Design"
JANUS: Parallel Tempered Genetic Algorithm Guided by Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Molecular Design This repository contains code for the paper: JA
[ACL-IJCNLP 2021] Improving Named Entity Recognition by External Context Retrieving and Cooperative Learning
CLNER The code is for our ACL-IJCNLP 2021 paper: Improving Named Entity Recognition by External Context Retrieving and Cooperative Learning CLNER is a
[ACM MM 2021] Joint Implicit Image Function for Guided Depth Super-Resolution
Joint Implicit Image Function for Guided Depth Super-Resolution This repository contains the code for: Joint Implicit Image Function for Guided Depth
[ICCV'21] PlaneTR: Structure-Guided Transformers for 3D Plane Recovery
PlaneTR: Structure-Guided Transformers for 3D Plane Recovery This is the official implementation of our ICCV 2021 paper News There maybe some bugs in
Fast and scalable uncertainty quantification for neural molecular property prediction, accelerated optimization, and guided virtual screening.
Evidential Deep Learning for Guided Molecular Property Prediction and Discovery Ava Soleimany*, Alexander Amini*, Samuel Goldman*, Daniela Rus, Sangee
CVPR2021: Temporal Context Aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposal Refinement
Temporal Context Aggregation Network - Pytorch This repo holds the pytorch-version codes of paper: "Temporal Context Aggregation Network for Temporal
Code for Text Prior Guided Scene Text Image Super-Resolution
Code for Text Prior Guided Scene Text Image Super-Resolution
Locally Enhanced Self-Attention: Rethinking Self-Attention as Local and Context Terms
LESA Introduction This repository contains the official implementation of Locally Enhanced Self-Attention: Rethinking Self-Attention as Local and Cont
A pytorch reproduction of { Co-occurrence Feature Learning from Skeleton Data for Action Recognition and Detection with Hierarchical Aggregation }.
A PyTorch Reproduction of HCN Co-occurrence Feature Learning from Skeleton Data for Action Recognition and Detection with Hierarchical Aggregation. Ch
Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context
Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context This repository contains the code in both PyTorch and TensorFlow for our paper
Official repository for the CVPR 2021 paper "Learning Feature Aggregation for Deep 3D Morphable Models"
Deep3DMM Official repository for the CVPR 2021 paper Learning Feature Aggregation for Deep 3D Morphable Models. Requirements This code is tested on Py
GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation. (CVPR 2021)
GDR-Net This repo provides the PyTorch implementation of the work: Gu Wang, Fabian Manhardt, Federico Tombari, Xiangyang Ji. GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided
S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and 1-bit Neural Networks via Guided Distribution Calibration (CVPR 2021)
S2-BNN (Self-supervised Binary Neural Networks Using Distillation Loss) This is the official pytorch implementation of our paper: "S2-BNN: Bridging th
Official PyTorch implementation of UACANet: Uncertainty Aware Context Attention for Polyp Segmentation
UACANet: Uncertainty Aware Context Attention for Polyp Segmentation Official pytorch implementation of UACANet: Uncertainty Aware Context Attention fo
Code for 'Self-Guided and Cross-Guided Learning for Few-shot segmentation. (CVPR' 2021)'
SCL Introduction Code for 'Self-Guided and Cross-Guided Learning for Few-shot segmentation. (CVPR' 2021)' We evaluated our approach using two baseline
I-SECRET: Importance-guided fundus image enhancement via semi-supervised contrastive constraining
I-SECRET This is the implementation of the MICCAI 2021 Paper "I-SECRET: Importance-guided fundus image enhancement via semi-supervised contrastive con
Patch2Pix: Epipolar-Guided Pixel-Level Correspondences [CVPR2021]
Patch2Pix for Accurate Image Correspondence Estimation This repository contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper accepted at CVPR2021: Patch2Pi
This is the official repo for TransFill: Reference-guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transformations at CVPR'21. According to some product reasons, we are not planning to release the training/testing codes and models. However, we will release the dataset and the scripts to prepare the dataset.
TransFill-Reference-Inpainting This is the official repo for TransFill: Reference-guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transf
Generic Event Boundary Detection: A Benchmark for Event Segmentation
Generic Event Boundary Detection: A Benchmark for Event Segmentation We release our data annotation & baseline codes for detecting generic event bound
Lyapunov-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Stable Online Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks
PyTorch code to reproduce LyDROO algorithm [1], which is an online computation offloading algorithm to maximize the network data processing capability subject to the long-term data queue stability and average power constraints. It applies Lyapunov optimization to decouple the multi-stage stochastic MINLP into deterministic per-frame MINLP subproblems and solves each subproblem via DROO algorithm. It includes:
codes for paper Combining Dynamic Local Context Focus and Dependency Cluster Attention for Aspect-level sentiment classification
DLCF-DCA codes for paper Combining Dynamic Local Context Focus and Dependency Cluster Attention for Aspect-level sentiment classification. submitted t
PyTorch implementation of "ContextNet: Improving Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Speech Recognition with Global Context" (INTERSPEECH 2020)
ContextNet ContextNet has CNN-RNN-transducer architecture and features a fully convolutional encoder that incorporates global context information into
Code for papers "Generation-Augmented Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering" and "Reader-Guided Passage Reranking for Open-Domain Question Answering", ACL 2021
This repo provides the code of the following papers: (GAR) "Generation-Augmented Retrieval for Open-domain Question Answering", ACL 2021 (RIDER) "Read
Aerial Single-View Depth Completion with Image-Guided Uncertainty Estimation (RA-L/ICRA 2020)
Aerial Depth Completion This work is described in the letter "Aerial Single-View Depth Completion with Image-Guided Uncertainty Estimation", by Lucas
Using context-free grammar formalism to parse English sentences to determine their structure to help computer to better understand the meaning of the sentence.
Sentance Parser Executing the Program Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed. Install requirements $ pip install requirements.txt Run the program:
Source code for paper "Document-Level Relation Extraction with Adaptive Thresholding and Localized Context Pooling", AAAI 2021
ATLOP Code for AAAI 2021 paper Document-Level Relation Extraction with Adaptive Thresholding and Localized Context Pooling. If you make use of this co
City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones Code
City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones Requirements Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed,
Github project for Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting.
Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting This is the Github project for our paper Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matti
code for `Look Closer to Segment Better: Boundary Patch Refinement for Instance Segmentation`
Look Closer to Segment Better: Boundary Patch Refinement for Instance Segmentation (CVPR 2021) Introduction PBR is a conceptually simple yet effective
IAUnet: Global Context-Aware Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
IAUnet This repository contains the code for the paper: IAUnet: Global Context-Aware Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification Ruibing Hou, Bingpe
A public available dataset for road boundary detection in aerial images
Topo-boundary This is the official github repo of paper Topo-boundary: A Benchmark Dataset on Topological Road-boundary Detection Using Aerial Images
Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Directional Context-aware Consistency (CVPR 2021)
Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Directional Context-aware Consistency (CAC) Xin Lai*, Zhuotao Tian*, Li Jiang, Shu Liu, Hengshuang Zhao, Li
Code for CVPR2021 paper "Learning Salient Boundary Feature for Anchor-free Temporal Action Localization"
AFSD: Learning Salient Boundary Feature for Anchor-free Temporal Action Localization This is an official implementation in PyTorch of AFSD. Our paper
This is the codebase for Diffusion Models Beat GANS on Image Synthesis.
This is the codebase for Diffusion Models Beat GANS on Image Synthesis.
Code for CVPR2021 paper "Learning Salient Boundary Feature for Anchor-free Temporal Action Localization"
AFSD: Learning Salient Boundary Feature for Anchor-free Temporal Action Localization This is an official implementation in PyTorch of AFSD. Our paper
:hot_pepper: R²SQL: "Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing." (AAAI 2021)
R²SQL The PyTorch implementation of paper Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing. (AAAI 2021) Requirement
Visual Tracking by TridenAlign and Context Embedding
Visual Tracking by TridentAlign and Context Embedding (TACT) Test code for "Visual Tracking by TridentAlign and Context Embedding" Janghoon Choi, Juns
Sentence boundary disambiguation tool for Japanese texts (日本語文境界判定器)
Bunkai Bunkai is a sentence boundary (SB) disambiguation tool for Japanese texts. Quick Start $ pip install bunkai $ echo -e '宿を予約しました♪!まだ2ヶ月も先だけど。早すぎ
Context Decoupling Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Context Decoupling Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation The code of: Context Decoupling Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semanti
TransNet V2: Shot Boundary Detection Neural Network
TransNet V2: Shot Boundary Detection Neural Network This repository contains code for TransNet V2: An effective deep network architecture for fast sho
Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Directional Context-aware Consistency (CVPR 2021)
Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Directional Context-aware Consistency (CAC) Xin Lai*, Zhuotao Tian*, Li Jiang, Shu Liu, Hengshuang Zhao, Li
Trading Gym is an open source project for the development of reinforcement learning algorithms in the context of trading.
Trading Gym Trading Gym is an open-source project for the development of reinforcement learning algorithms in the context of trading. It is currently
Code for the Active Speakers in Context Paper (CVPR2020)
Active Speakers in Context This repo contains the official code and models for the "Active Speakers in Context" CVPR 2020 paper. Before Training The c
Learning to Estimate Hidden Motions with Global Motion Aggregation
Learning to Estimate Hidden Motions with Global Motion Aggregation (GMA) This repository contains the source code for our paper: Learning to Estimate
Implementation of the paper "Language-agnostic representation learning of source code from structure and context".
Code Transformer This is an official PyTorch implementation of the CodeTransformer model proposed in: D. Zügner, T. Kirschstein, M. Catasta, J. Leskov
Multi-Scale Geometric Consistency Guided Multi-View Stereo
ACMM [News] The code for ACMH is released!!! [News] The code for ACMP is released!!! About ACMM is a multi-scale geometric consistency guided multi-vi
Boundary IoU API (Beta version)
Boundary IoU API (Beta version) Bowen Cheng, Ross Girshick, Piotr Dollár, Alexander C. Berg, Alexander Kirillov [arXiv] [Project] [BibTeX] This API is