2435 Repositories
Python Character-Region-Awareness-for-Text-Detection- Libraries
NLP techniques such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, text classification with Python to predict sentiment and rating of drug from user reviews.
This file contains the following documents sumbited for Baruch CIS9665 group 9 fall 2021. 1. Dataset: drug_reviews.csv 2. python codes for text classi
Its a Plant Leaf Disease Detection System based on Machine Learning.
My_Project_Code Its a Plant Leaf Disease Detection System based on Machine Learning. I have used Tomato Leaves Dataset from kaggle. This system detect
Textual: a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development
Textual Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by
ARRU seismic backprojection - Earthquake waveform detection and P/S arrivals picking on continuous data using ARRU phase picker
ARRU_seismic_backprojection Earthquake waveform detection and P/S arrivals picki
End-to-End text sumarization, QAs generation using flask.
Help-Me-Read A web application created with Flask + BootStrap + HuggingFace 🤗 to generate summary and question-answer from given input text. It uses
Streamlit tool to explore coco datasets
What is this This tool given a COCO annotations file and COCO predictions file will let you explore your dataset, visualize results and calculate impo
Simple object detection app with streamlit
object-detection-app Simple object detection app with streamlit. Upload an image and perform object detection. Adjust the confidence threshold to see
Computer Vision application in the web
Computer Vision application in the web Preview Usage Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/amineHY/WebApp-Computer-Vision-streamlit.git cd Web
👑 spaCy building blocks and visualizers for Streamlit apps
spacy-streamlit: spaCy building blocks for Streamlit apps This package contains utilities for visualizing spaCy models and building interactive spaCy-
A simple component to display annotated text in Streamlit apps.
Annotated Text Component for Streamlit A simple component to display annotated text in Streamlit apps. For example: Installation First install Streaml
Streamlit app demonstrating an image browser for the Udacity self-driving-car dataset with realtime object detection using YOLO.
Streamlit Demo: The Udacity Self-driving Car Image Browser This project demonstrates the Udacity self-driving-car dataset and YOLO object detection in
RE-OWOD - Revisiting open world object detection
Revisting Open World Object Detection Installation See INSTALL.md. Dataset Our n
Understand Text Summarization and create your own summarizer in python
Automatic summarization is the process of shortening a text document with software, in order to create a summary with the major points of the original document. Technologies that can make a coherent summary take into account variables such as length, writing style and syntax.
Real-time LIDAR-based Urban Road and Sidewalk detection for Autonomous Vehicles 🚗
urban_road_filter: a real-time LIDAR-based urban road and sidewalk detection algorithm for autonomous vehicles Dependency ROS (tested with Kinetic and
DeepSpamReview: Detection of Fake Reviews on Online Review Platforms using Deep Learning Architectures. Summer Internship project at CoreView Systems.
Detection of Fake Reviews on Online Review Platforms using Deep Learning Architectures Dataset: https://s3.amazonaws.com/fast-ai-nlp/yelp_review_polar
This repository contains datasets and baselines for benchmarking Chinese text recognition.
Benchmarking-Chinese-Text-Recognition This repository contains datasets and baselines for benchmarking Chinese text recognition. Please see the corres
SAFL: A Self-Attention Scene Text Recognizer with Focal Loss
SAFL: A Self-Attention Scene Text Recognizer with Focal Loss This repository implements the SAFL in pytorch. Installation conda env create -f environm
Code, pre-trained models and saliency results for the paper "Boosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB Images".
Boosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB This repository is the official implementation of the paper. Our results comming soon in
RodoSol-ALPR Dataset
RodoSol-ALPR Dataset This dataset, called RodoSol-ALPR dataset, contains 20,000 images captured by static cameras located at pay tolls owned by the Ro
Revisting Open World Object Detection
Revisting Open World Object Detection Installation See INSTALL.md. Dataset Our new data division is based on COCO2017. We divide the training set into
Semi-supervised Stance Detection of Tweets Via Distant Network Supervision
SANDS This is an annonymous repository containing code and data necessary to reproduce the results published in "Semi-supervised Stance Detection of T
A Transformer-Based Siamese Network for Change Detection
ChangeFormer: A Transformer-Based Siamese Network for Change Detection (Under review at IGARSS-2022) Wele Gedara Chaminda Bandara, Vishal M. Patel Her
Source code and data in paper "MDFEND: Multi-domain Fake News Detection (CIKM'21)"
MDFEND: Multi-domain Fake News Detection This is an official implementation for MDFEND: Multi-domain Fake News Detection which has been accepted by CI
Transport Mode detection - can detect the mode of transport with the help of features such as acceeration,jerk etc
title emoji colorFrom colorTo sdk app_file pinned Transport_Mode_Detector 🚀 purple yellow gradio app.py false Configuration title: string Display tit
Two-stage text summarization with BERT and BART
Two-Stage Text Summarization Description We experiment with a 2-stage summarization model on CNN/DailyMail dataset that combines the ability to filter
Using BERT-based models for toxic span detection
SemEval 2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection: Task: Link to SemEval-2021: Task 5 Toxic Span Detection is https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/2
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020, Oral)
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020 Oral) Figure: Face image editing controlled via style images and segmenta
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network @ The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.
A unified framework to jointly model images, text, and human attention traces.
connect-caption-and-trace This repository contains the reference code for our paper Connecting What to Say With Where to Look by Modeling Human Attent
Character Grounding and Re-Identification in Story of Videos and Text Descriptions
Character in Story Identification Network (CiSIN) This project hosts the code for our paper. Youngjae Yu, Jongseok Kim, Heeseung Yun, Jiwan Chung and
Moer Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model
Moer Grounded Image Captioning by Distilling Image-Text Matching Model Requirements Python 3.7 Pytorch 1.2 Prepare data Please use git clone --recurse
This project provides the code and datasets for 'CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detection', CVPR 2019.
Code-and-Dataset-for-CapSal This project provides the code and datasets for 'CapSal: Leveraging Captioning to Boost Semantics for Salient Object Detec
Python-Text-editor: a simple text editor on Python and Tkinter
Python-Text-editor This is a simple text editor on Python and Tkinter. The proje
Text Summarization - WCN — Weighted Contextual N-gram method for evaluation of Text Summarization
Text Summarization WCN — Weighted Contextual N-gram method for evaluation of Text Summarization In this project, I fine tune T5 model on Extreme Summa
DeepSpeech - Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including SOTA ASR pipeline, influential TTS with text frontend and End-to-End Speech Simultaneous Translation.
(简体中文|English) Quick Start | Documents | Models List PaddleSpeech is an open-source toolkit on PaddlePaddle platform for a variety of critical tasks i
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews - Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes
Computer-Vision-Paper-Reviews Computer Vision Paper Reviews with Key Summary along Papers & Codes. Jonathan Choi 2021 50+ Papers across Computer Visio
Glyph-graph - A simple, yet versatile, package for graphing equations on a 2-dimensional text canvas
Glyth Graph Revision for 0.01 A simple, yet versatile, package for graphing equations on a 2-dimensional text canvas List of contents: Brief Introduct
Anti Supercookie - Confusing the ISP & Escaping the Supercookie
Confusing the ISP & Escaping the Supercookie
FaceAPI: AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using TensorFlow/JS
FaceAPI AI-powered Face Detection & Rotation Tracking, Face Description & Recognition, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction for Browser and NodeJS using
A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video
Scene-Change-Detection - A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video. There is a very simple definition for a scene: It is a series of logically and chronologically related shots taken in a specific order to depict an over-arching concept or story.
Hybrid CenterNet - Hybrid-supervised object detection / Weakly semi-supervised object detection
Hybrid-Supervised Object Detection System Object detection system trained by hybrid-supervision/weakly semi-supervision (HSOD/WSSOD): This project is
Skype export archive to text converter for python
Skype export archive to text converter This software utility extracts chat logs
Augmented CLIP - Training simple models to predict CLIP image embeddings from text embeddings, and vice versa.
Train aug_clip against laion400m-embeddings found here: https://laion.ai/laion-400-open-dataset/ - note that this used the base ViT-B/32 CLIP model. S
Ascify-Art - An easy to use, GUI based and user-friendly colored ASCII art generator from images!
Ascify-Art This is a python based colored ASCII art generator for free! How to Install? You can download and use the python version if you want, modul
Png-to-stl - Converts PNG and text to SVG, and then extrudes that based on parameters
have ansible installed locally run ansible-playbook setup_application.yml this sets up directories, installs system packages, and sets up python envir
Keras-retinanet - Keras implementation of RetinaNet object detection.
Keras RetinaNet Keras implementation of RetinaNet object detection as described in Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection by Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal,
AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data AutoGluon automates machine learning tasks enabling you to easily achieve strong predictive performance in yo
Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms.
Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms.
NanoDet-Plus⚡Super fast and lightweight anchor-free object detection model. 🔥Only 980 KB(int8) / 1.8MB (fp16) and run 97FPS on cellphone🔥
NanoDet-Plus⚡Super fast and lightweight anchor-free object detection model. 🔥Only 980 KB(int8) / 1.8MB (fp16) and run 97FPS on cellphone🔥
Realtime YOLO Monster Detection With Non Maximum Supression
Realtime-YOLO-Monster-Detection-With-Non-Maximum-Supression Table of Contents In
Pseudo lidar - (CVPR 2019) Pseudo-LiDAR from Visual Depth Estimation: Bridging the Gap in 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Pseudo-LiDAR from Visual Depth Estimation: Bridging the Gap in 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving This paper has been accpeted by Conference o
Saliency - Framework-agnostic implementation for state-of-the-art saliency methods (XRAI, BlurIG, SmoothGrad, and more).
Saliency Methods 🔴 Now framework-agnostic! (Example core notebook) 🔴 🔗 For further explanation of the methods and more examples of the resulting ma
A supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents
Paperless-ng Paperless (click me) is an application by Daniel Quinn and contributors that indexes your scanned documents and allows you to easily sear
Credit fraud detection in Python using a Jupyter Notebook
Credit-Fraud-Detection - Credit fraud detection in Python using a Jupyter Notebook , using three classification models (Random Forest, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression) from the sklearn library, and judging the performance based on accuracy, precision, recall and f1 score
Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model - In this repo i am gonna show you how i did cancer/tumor detection in lungs using deep neural networks, specifically here the Inception model by google.
Cancer-and-Tumor-Detection-Using-Inception-model In this repo i am gonna show you how i did cancer/tumor detection in lungs using deep neural networks
Omdena-abuja-anpd - Automatic Number Plate Detection for the security of lives and properties using Computer Vision.
Omdena-abuja-anpd - Automatic Number Plate Detection for the security of lives and properties using Computer Vision.
Breast Cancer Detection 🔬 ITI "AI_Pro" Graduation Project
BreastCancerDetection - This program is designed to predict two severity of abnormalities associated with breast cancer cells: benign and malignant. Mammograms from MIAS is preprocessed and features are extracted using the pre-trained CNN.
Faza - Faza terminal, Faza help to beginners for pen testing
Faza terminal simple tool for pen testers Use small letter only for commands Don't use space after command 'help' for more information Installation gi
Twewy-discord-chatbot - Build a Discord AI Chatbot that Speaks like Your Favorite Character
Build a Discord AI Chatbot that Speaks like Your Favorite Character! This is a Discord AI Chatbot that uses the Microsoft DialoGPT conversational mode
Vector space based Information Retrieval System for Text Processing - Information retrieval
Information Retrieval: Text Processing Group 13 Sequence of operations Install Requirements Add given wikipedia files to the corpus directory. Downloa
Image Processing, Image Smoothing, Edge Detection and Transforms
opevcvdl-hw1 This project uses openCV and Qt to achieve the requirements. Version Python 3.7 opencv-contrib-python Matplotlib 3.1.1 pyqt5 5.1
IDCARD-VERIFYING-SYSTEM - The "IDCARD VERIFYING SYSTEM" uses the Google's latest version of Tesseract OCR[Optical Character Recognition]
Siamese-nn-semantic-text-similarity - A repository containing comprehensive Neural Networks based PyTorch implementations for the semantic text similarity task
Siamese Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Text Similarity PyTorch A repository c
LQM - Improving Object Detection by Estimating Bounding Box Quality Accurately
Improving Object Detection by Estimating Bounding Box Quality Accurately Abstract Object detection aims to locate and classify object instances in ima
Face_mosaic - Mosaic blur processing is applied to multiple faces appearing in the video
動機 face_recognitionを使用して得られる顔座標は長方形であり、この座標をそのまま用いてぼかし処理を行った場合得られる画像は醜い。 それに対してモ
Natural Language Processing for Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Detection
Natural Language Processing for Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Detection This repo contains code from a project to identify ADRs in discharge summaries a
The codebase for Data-driven general-purpose voice activity detection.
Data driven GPVAD Repository for the work in TASLP 2021 Voice activity detection in the wild: A data-driven approach using teacher-student training. S
WaveFake: A Data Set to Facilitate Audio DeepFake Detection
WaveFake: A Data Set to Facilitate Audio DeepFake Detection This is the code repository for our NeurIPS 2021 (Track on Datasets and Benchmarks) paper
This can be use to convert text in a file to handwritten text.
TextToHandwriting This can be used to convert text to handwriting. Clone this project or download the code. Run TextToImage.py give the filename of th
TransPrompt - Towards an Automatic Transferable Prompting Framework for Few-shot Text Classification
TransPrompt This code is implement for our EMNLP 2021's paper 《TransPrompt:Towards an Automatic Transferable Prompting Framework for Few-shot Text Cla
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing (CVPR 2018).
Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Deep Seeded Region Growing (CVPR2018) By Zilong Huang, Xinggang Wang, Jiasi Wang, Wenyu Liu and J
Implementation of " SESS: Self-Ensembling Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection" (CVPR2020 Oral)
SESS: Self-Ensembling Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection Created by Na Zhao from National University of Singapore Introduction This repository contai
Semi-supervised learning for object detection
Source code for STAC: A Simple Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Object Detection STAC is a simple yet effective SSL framework for visual object
Weakly-supervised object detection.
Wetectron Wetectron is a software system that implements state-of-the-art weakly-supervised object detection algorithms. Project CVPR'20, ECCV'20 | Pa
CSD: Consistency-based Semi-supervised learning for object Detection
CSD: Consistency-based Semi-supervised learning for object Detection (NeurIPS 2019) By Jisoo Jeong, Seungeui Lee, Jee-soo Kim, Nojun Kwak Installation
A PyTorch implementation of Deep SAD, a deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection method.
Deep SAD: A Method for Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the Deep SAD method presented in ou
MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden Space for Semi-Supervised Text Classification
MixText This repo contains codes for the following paper: Jiaao Chen, Zichao Yang, Diyi Yang: MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden
Implementation of ICLR 2020 paper "Revisiting Self-Training for Neural Sequence Generation"
Self-Training for Neural Sequence Generation This repo includes instructions for running noisy self-training algorithms from the following paper: Revi
Personal implementation of paper "Approximate Nearest Neighbor Negative Contrastive Learning for Dense Text Retrieval"
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Negative Contrastive Learning for Dense Text Retrieval This repo provides personal implementation of paper Approximate Ne
A minimal and ridiculously good looking command-line-interface toolkit
Proper CLI Proper CLI is a Python package for creating beautiful, composable, and ridiculously good looking command-line-user-interfaces without havin
Remote sensing change detection using PaddlePaddle
Change Detection Laboratory Developing and benchmarking deep learning-based remo
Pytorch implementation of SELF-ATTENTIVE VAD, ICASSP 2021
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched or copy-pasted. ocrmypdf
Improving Object Detection by Estimating Bounding Box Quality Accurately
Improving Object Detection by Estimating Bounding Box Quality Accurately Abstrac
Indonesia's negative news detection using gaussian naive bayes with Django+Scikir Learn
Introduction Indonesia's negative news detection using gaussian naive bayes build with Django and Scikit Learn. There is also any features, are: Input
Encode and decode text application
Text Encoder and Decoder Encode and decode text in many ways using this application! Encode in: ASCII85 Base85 Base64 Base32 Base16 Url MD5 Hash SHA-1
A retro text-to-speech bot for Discord
hawking A retro text-to-speech bot for Discord, designed to work with all of the stuff you might've seen in Moonbase Alpha, using the existing command
A module to get data about anime characters, news, info, lyrics and more.
Animec A module to get data about anime characters, news, info, lyrics and more. The module scrapes myanimelist to parse requested data. If you wish t
Lunar is a neural network aimbot that uses real-time object detection accelerated with CUDA on Nvidia GPUs.
Lunar Lunar is a neural network aimbot that uses real-time object detection accelerated with CUDA on Nvidia GPUs. About Lunar can be modified to work
A Python parser that takes the content of a text file and then reads it into variables.
Text-File-Parser A Python parser that takes the content of a text file and then reads into variables. Input.text File 1. What is your ***? 1. 18 -
Text to Binary Converter
Text to Binary Converter Programmed in Python | PySimpleGUI If you like it give it a star How it works Simple text to binary and binary to text conver
A markdown extension for converting Leiden+ epigraphic text to TEI XML/HTML
LeidenMark $ pip install leidenmark A Python Markdown extension for converting Leiden+ epigraphic text to TEI XML/HTML. Inspired by the Brill plain te
Unofficial implementation of Google "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization" in PyTorch
CutPaste CutPaste: image from paper Unofficial implementation of Google's "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization"
🇰🇷 Text to Image in Korean
KoDALLE Utilizing pretrained language model’s token embedding layer and position embedding layer as DALLE’s text encoder. Background Training DALLE mo
Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts
ALPRO Align and Prompt: Video-and-Language Pre-training with Entity Prompts [Paper] Dongxu Li, Junnan Li, Hongdong Li, Juan Carlos Niebles, Steven C.H
A similarity measurer on two programming assignments on Online Judge.
A similarity measurer on two programming assignments on Online Judge. Algorithm implementation details are at here. Install Recommend OS: Ubuntu 20.04
In this project, we develop a face recognize platform based on MTCNN object-detection netcwork and FaceNet self-supervised network.
模式识别大作业——人脸检测与识别平台 本项目是一个简易的人脸检测识别平台,提供了人脸信息录入和人脸识别的功能。前端采用 html+css+js,后端采用 pytorch,
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line
Python wrapper for Xeno-canto API 2.0. Enables downloading bird data with one command line. Supports multithreading
A Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Aspect Detection
AspDecSSCL A Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Aspect Detection This repository is a pytorch implementation for the following AAAI'21
Code for the paper: Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency
Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency [paper] [website] Minyoung Huh *12, Andrew Liu *1, Andrew Owens1, Alexei A. Ef