573 Repositories
Python Interactive-Scene-Reconstruction Libraries
Calibrated Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction via Graph-based Self-Tuning Network.
mask-uncertainty-in-HSI This repository contains the testing code and pre-trained models for the paper Calibrated Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction v
SAFL: A Self-Attention Scene Text Recognizer with Focal Loss
SAFL: A Self-Attention Scene Text Recognizer with Focal Loss This repository implements the SAFL in pytorch. Installation conda env create -f environm
SporeAgent: Reinforced Scene-level Plausibility for Object Pose Refinement
SporeAgent: Reinforced Scene-level Plausibility for Object Pose Refinement This repository implements the approach described in SporeAgent: Reinforced
RodoSol-ALPR Dataset
RodoSol-ALPR Dataset This dataset, called RodoSol-ALPR dataset, contains 20,000 images captured by static cameras located at pay tolls owned by the Ro
Interactive dimensionality reduction for large datasets
BlosSOM 🌼 BlosSOM is a graphical environment for running semi-supervised dimensionality reduction with EmbedSOM. You can use it to explore multidimen
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network
STEFANN: Scene Text Editor using Font Adaptive Neural Network @ The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.
[CVPR 2020] GAN Compression: Efficient Architectures for Interactive Conditional GANs
GAN Compression project | paper | videos | slides [NEW!] GAN Compression is accepted by T-PAMI! We released our T-PAMI version in the arXiv v4! [NEW!]
PyTorch code for ICPR 2020 paper Future Urban Scene Generation Through Vehicle Synthesis
Future urban scene generation through vehicle synthesis This repository contains Pytorch code for the ICPR2020 paper "Future Urban Scene Generation Th
Code accompanying the paper Say As You Wish: Fine-grained Control of Image Caption Generation with Abstract Scene Graphs (Chen et al., CVPR 2020, Oral).
Say As You Wish: Fine-grained Control of Image Caption Generation with Abstract Scene Graphs This repository contains PyTorch implementation of our pa
A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video
Scene-Change-Detection - A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video. There is a very simple definition for a scene: It is a series of logically and chronologically related shots taken in a specific order to depict an over-arching concept or story.
This interactive script demonstrates the Menezes-Vanstone-EC-Cryptosystem
Menezes-Vanstone-EC-Cryptosystem This interactive script demonstrates the Meneze
Earthengine-py-notebooks - A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping
earthengine-py-notebooks A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping Contact: Qiushen
Nerf pl - NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) and NeRF in the Wild using pytorch-lightning
nerf_pl Update: an improved NSFF implementation to handle dynamic scene is open! Update: NeRF-W (NeRF in the Wild) implementation is added to nerfw br
The-Secret-Sharing-Schemes - This interactive script demonstrates the Secret Sharing Schemes algorithm
The-Secret-Sharing-Schemes This interactive script demonstrates the Secret Shari
Ghdl-interactive-sim - Interactive GHDL simulation of a VHDL adder using Python, Cocotb, and pygame
GHDL Interactive Simulation This is an interactive test bench for a simple VHDL adder. It uses GHDL to elaborate/run the simulation. It is coded in Py
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation (ECCV18)
Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Panoptic Segmentation by Qizhu Li*, Anurag Arnab*, Philip H.S. Torr This repository demonstrates the weakly supervised gro
[CVPR'2020] DeepDeform: Learning Non-rigid RGB-D Reconstruction with Semi-supervised Data
DeepDeform (CVPR'2020) DeepDeform is an RGB-D video dataset containing over 390,000 RGB-D frames in 400 videos, with 5,533 optical and scene flow imag
Ecco is a python library for exploring and explaining Natural Language Processing models using interactive visualizations.
Visualize, analyze, and explore NLP language models. Ecco creates interactive visualizations directly in Jupyter notebooks explaining the behavior of Transformer-based language models (like GPT2, BERT, RoBERTA, T5, and T0).
web application for flight log analysis & review
Flight Review This is a web application for flight log analysis. It allows users to upload ULog flight logs, and analyze them through the browser. It
Visualize data of Vietnam's regions with interactive maps.
Plotting Vietnam Development Map This is my personal project that I use plotly to analyse and visualize data of Vietnam's regions with interactive map
Official Pytorch Implementation of 3DV2021 paper: SAFA: Structure Aware Face Animation.
SAFA: Structure Aware Face Animation (3DV2021) Official Pytorch Implementation of 3DV2021 paper: SAFA: Structure Aware Face Animation. Getting Started
Code for the paper: Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features
[Paper] [Project page] This repository contains code for the paper: Andrew Owens, Alexei A. Efros. Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Mu
Scene-Text-Detection-and-Recognition (Pytorch)
Scene-Text-Detection-and-Recognition (Pytorch) Competition URL: https://tbrain.t
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
Official repository of the paper Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
CVPR2021 Workshop - HDRUNet: Single Image HDR Reconstruction with Denoising and Dequantization.
HDRUNet [Paper Link] HDRUNet: Single Image HDR Reconstruction with Denoising and Dequantization By Xiangyu Chen, Yihao Liu, Zhengwen Zhang, Yu Qiao an
GUI for visualization and interactive editing of SMPL-family body models ie. SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME.
Body Model Visualizer Introduction This is a simple Open3D-based GUI for SMPL-family body models. This GUI lets you play with the shape, expression, a
GUI for visualization and interactive editing of SMPL-family body models ie. SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME.
Body Model Visualizer Introduction This is a simple Open3D-based GUI for SMPL-family body models. This GUI lets you play with the shape, expression, a
An add to make adding screenshots and copied images to the scene easy
Blender Clipboard to Scene It doesn't work with version 2.93 and higher (I tested it on 2.91 and 2.83) There is an issue with importing the Pillow mod
YOPO is an interactive dashboard which generates various standard plots.
YOPO is an interactive dashboard which generates various standard plots.you can create various graphs and charts with a click of a button. This tool uses Dash and Flask in backend.
Command Line Manager + Interactive Shell for Python Projects
Manage Command Line Manager + Interactive Shell for Python Projects
This repo uses a stereo camera and gray-code-based structured light to realize dense 3D reconstruction.
Structured-light-stereo This repo uses a stereo camera and gray-code-based structured light to realize dense 3D reconstruction. . How to use: STEP 1:
Grimoire is a Python library for creating interactive fiction as hyperlinked html.
Grimoire Grimoire is a Python library for creating interactive fiction as hyperlinked html. Installation pip install grimoire-if Usage Check out the
A websocket client for Source Filmmaker intended to trasmit scene and frame data to other applications.
SFM SOCK A websocket client for Source Filmmaker intended to trasmit scene and frame data to other applications. This software can be used to transmit
A library for bridging Python and HTML/Javascript (via Svelte) for creating interactive visualizations
A library for bridging Python and HTML/Javascript (via Svelte) for creating interactive visualizations
This repository contains the code for the paper Neural RGB-D Surface Reconstruction
Neural RGB-D Surface Reconstruction Paper | Project Page | Video Neural RGB-D Surface Reconstruction Dejan Azinović, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Dan B Gol
Official code repository for ICCV 2021 paper: Gravity-Aware Monocular 3D Human Object Reconstruction
GraviCap Official code repository for ICCV 2021 paper: Gravity-Aware Monocular 3D Human Object Reconstruction. Gravity-Aware Monocular 3D Human-Object
Interactive Python interpreter for executing commands within Node.js
Python Interactive Interactive Python interpreter for executing commands within Node.js. This module provides a means of using the Python interactive
This is a python interactive story game that I made to show off what I've learnt in python coding for a month
Purpose The files in this repository are for that of a story game created with python version 3.8.5 The purpose of this project was to get familiar wi
Single Image Random Dot Stereogram for Tensorflow
TensorFlow-SIRDS Single Image Random Dot Stereogram for Tensorflow SIRDS is a means to present 3D data in a 2D image. It allows for scientific data di
A study project using the AA-RMVSNet to reconstruct buildings from multiple images
3d-building-reconstruction This is part of a study project using the AA-RMVSNet to reconstruct buildings from multiple images. Introduction It is exci
The Delegate Network: An Interactive Voice Response Delegative Democracy Implementation of Liquid Democracy
The Delegate Network Overview The delegate network is a completely transparent, easy-to-use and understand version of what is sometimes called liquid
Semantic Bottleneck Scene Generation
SB-GAN Semantic Bottleneck Scene Generation Coupling the high-fidelity generation capabilities of label-conditional image synthesis methods with the f
[CVPR 2020] Local Class-Specific and Global Image-Level Generative Adversarial Networks for Semantic-Guided Scene Generation
Contents Local and Global GAN Cross-View Image Translation Semantic Image Synthesis Acknowledgments Related Projects Citation Contributions Collaborat
Synthetic Scene Text from 3D Engines
Introduction UnrealText is a project that synthesizes scene text images using 3D graphics engine. This repository accompanies our paper: UnrealText: S
Adversarial Texture Optimization from RGB-D Scans (CVPR 2020).
AdversarialTexture Adversarial Texture Optimization from RGB-D Scans (CVPR 2020). Scanning Data Download Please refer to data directory for details. B
Project repo for Learning Category-Specific Mesh Reconstruction from Image Collections
Learning Category-Specific Mesh Reconstruction from Image Collections Angjoo Kanazawa*, Shubham Tulsiani*, Alexei A. Efros, Jitendra Malik University
Code for CVPR 2018 paper --- Texture Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensor
G2LTex This repository contains the implementation of "Texture Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensor (CVPR2018)" based on mvs-texturing. Due
Algorithm to texture 3D reconstructions from multi-view stereo images
MVS-Texturing Welcome to our project that textures 3D reconstructions from images. This project focuses on 3D reconstructions generated using structur
[ICCV 2021] Our work presents a novel neural rendering approach that can efficiently reconstruct geometric and neural radiance fields for view synthesis.
MVSNeRF Project page | Paper This repository contains a pytorch lightning implementation for the ICCV 2021 paper: MVSNeRF: Fast Generalizable Radiance
[ECCV'20] Convolutional Occupancy Networks
Convolutional Occupancy Networks Paper | Supplementary | Video | Teaser Video | Project Page | Blog Post This repository contains the implementation o
Learning View Priors for Single-view 3D Reconstruction (CVPR 2019)
Learning View Priors for Single-view 3D Reconstruction (CVPR 2019) This is code for a paper Learning View Priors for Single-view 3D Reconstruction by
Official Pytorch implementation of Scene Representation Networks: Continuous 3D-Structure-Aware Neural Scene Representations
Scene Representation Networks This is the official implementation of the NeurIPS submission "Scene Representation Networks: Continuous 3D-Structure-Aw
[CoRL 21'] TANDEM: Tracking and Dense Mapping in Real-time using Deep Multi-view Stereo
TANDEM: Tracking and Dense Mapping in Real-time using Deep Multi-view Stereo Lukas Koestler1* Nan Yang1,2*,† Niclas Zeller2,3 Daniel Cremers1
Motion Reconstruction Code and Data for Skills from Videos (SFV)
Motion Reconstruction Code and Data for Skills from Videos (SFV) This repo contains the data and the code for motion reconstruction component of the S
The InterScript dataset contains interactive user feedback on scripts generated by a T5-XXL model.
Interscript The Interscript dataset contains interactive user feedback on a T5-11B model generated scripts. Dataset data.json contains the data in an
Source code for "Interactive All-Hex Meshing via Cuboid Decomposition [SIGGRAPH Asia 2021]".
Interactive All-Hex Meshing via Cuboid Decomposition Video demonstration This repository contains an interactive software to the PolyCube-based hex-me
[ICCV 2021] Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation
Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation This is a PyTorch implementation for Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Vide
Code for the ICCV'21 paper "Context-aware Scene Graph Generation with Seq2Seq Transformers"
ICCV'21 Context-aware Scene Graph Generation with Seq2Seq Transformers Authors: Yichao Lu*, Himanshu Rai*, Cheng Chang*, Boris Knyazev†, Guangwei Yu,
ARKitScenes - A Diverse Real-World Dataset for 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D Data
ARKitScenes This repo accompanies the research paper, ARKitScenes - A Diverse Real-World Dataset for 3D Indoor Scene Understanding Using Mobile RGB-D
This repository contains the code for the ICCV 2019 paper "Occupancy Flow - 4D Reconstruction by Learning Particle Dynamics"
Occupancy Flow This repository contains the code for the project Occupancy Flow - 4D Reconstruction by Learning Particle Dynamics. You can find detail
Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation
Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation [Arxiv] [Video] Evaluation code for Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstr
DECA: Detailed Expression Capture and Animation (SIGGRAPH 2021)
DECA: Detailed Expression Capture and Animation (SIGGRAPH2021) input image, aligned reconstruction, animation with various poses & expressions This is
Interactive chemical viewer for 2D structures of small molecules
👀 mols2grid mols2grid is an interactive chemical viewer for 2D structures of small molecules, based on RDKit. ➡️ Try the demo notebook on Google Cola
GANformer: Generative Adversarial Transformers
GANformer: Generative Adversarial Transformers Drew A. Hudson* & C. Lawrence Zitnick Update: We released the new GANformer2 paper! *I wish to thank Ch
[AAAI 2022] Sparse Structure Learning via Graph Neural Networks for Inductive Document Classification
Sparse Structure Learning via Graph Neural Networks for inductive document classification Make graph dataset create co-occurrence graph for datasets.
[ICME 2021 Oral] CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning
CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of CORE-Text, a
Create highly interactive web pages purely in Python
A package for building highly interactive user interfaces in pure Python inspired by ReactJS.
A dashboard built using Plotly-Dash for interactive visualization of Dex-connected individuals across the country.
Dashboard For The DexConnect Platform of Dexterity Global Working prototype submission for internship at Dexterity Global Group. Dashboard for real ti
Official code of IterMVS
IterMVS official source code of paper 'IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo' Introduction IterMVS is a novel lear
Official implementation of the paper "Light Field Networks: Neural Scene Representations with Single-Evaluation Rendering"
Light Field Networks Project Page | Paper | Data | Pretrained Models Vincent Sitzmann*, Semon Rezchikov*, William Freeman, Joshua Tenenbaum, Frédo Dur
This is the official code for the paper "Learning with Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision"
RUAS This is the official code for the paper "Learning with Nested Scene Modeling and Cooperative Architecture Search for Low-Light Vision" A prelimin
Official source code of paper 'IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo'
IterMVS official source code of paper 'IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo' Introduction IterMVS is a novel lear
A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
Vega-Lite Vega-Lite provides a higher-level grammar for visual analysis that generates complete Vega specifications. You can find more details, docume
Grammar of Scalable Linked Interactive Nucleotide Graphics
Gosling.js Gosling.js is a declarative grammar for interactive (epi)genomics visualization on the Web. ⚠️ Please be aware that the grammar of Gosling.
[NeurIPS 2021] Shape from Blur: Recovering Textured 3D Shape and Motion of Fast Moving Objects
[NeurIPS 2021] Shape from Blur: Recovering Textured 3D Shape and Motion of Fast Moving Objects YouTube | arXiv Prerequisites Kaolin is available here:
[NeurIPS 2021] Garment4D: Garment Reconstruction from Point Cloud Sequences
Garment4D [PDF] | [OpenReview] | [Project Page] Overview This is the codebase for our NeurIPS 2021 paper Garment4D: Garment Reconstruction from Point
Mosaic of Object-centric Images as Scene-centric Images (MosaicOS) for long-tailed object detection and instance segmentation.
MosaicOS Mosaic of Object-centric Images as Scene-centric Images (MosaicOS) for long-tailed object detection and instance segmentation. Introduction M
Papers, Datasets, Algorithms, SOTA for STR. Long-time Maintaining
Scene Text Recognition Recommendations Everythin about Scene Text Recognition SOTA • Papers • Datasets • Code Contents 1. Papers 2. Datasets 2.1 Synth
ViSER: Video-Specific Surface Embeddings for Articulated 3D Shape Reconstruction
ViSER: Video-Specific Surface Embeddings for Articulated 3D Shape Reconstruction. NeurIPS 2021.
Tiny Interactive File Transfer Application
TIFTA: Tiny Interactive File Transfer Application This repository holds all the source code, tests and documentation of the TIFTA software. The main g
Interactive Visualization to empower domain experts to align ML model behaviors with their knowledge.
An interactive visualization system designed to helps domain experts responsibly edit Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). For more information, check
[NeurIPS 2021] Garment4D: Garment Reconstruction from Point Cloud Sequences
Garment4D [PDF] | [OpenReview] | [Project Page] Overview This is the codebase for our NeurIPS 2021 paper Garment4D: Garment Reconstruction from Point
3DIAS: 3D Shape Reconstruction with Implicit Algebraic Surfaces (ICCV 2021)
3DIAS_Pytorch This repository contains the official code to reproduce the results from the paper: 3DIAS: 3D Shape Reconstruction with Implicit Algebra
The implementation code for "DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction"
DAGAN This is the official implementation code for DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruct
PyTorch implementation of hand mesh reconstruction described in CMR and MobRecon.
Hand Mesh Reconstruction Introduction This repo is the PyTorch implementation of hand mesh reconstruction described in CMR and MobRecon. Update 2021-1
Interactive web apps created using geemap and streamlit
geemap-apps Introduction This repo demostrates how to build a multi-page Earth Engine App using streamlit and geemap. You can deploy the app on variou
Edge-aware Guidance Fusion Network for RGB-Thermal Scene Parsing
EGFNet Edge-aware Guidance Fusion Network for RGB-Thermal Scene Parsing Dataset and Results Test maps: 百度网盘 提取码:zust Citation @ARTICLE{ author={Zhou,
[NeurIPS 2021] ORL: Unsupervised Object-Level Representation Learning from Scene Images
Unsupervised Object-Level Representation Learning from Scene Images This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of the ORL algorithm
Official Pytorch implementation for 2021 ICCV paper "Learning Motion Priors for 4D Human Body Capture in 3D Scenes" and trained models / data
Learning Motion Priors for 4D Human Body Capture in 3D Scenes (LEMO) Official Pytorch implementation for 2021 ICCV (oral) paper "Learning Motion Prior
4D Human Body Capture from Egocentric Video via 3D Scene Grounding
4D Human Body Capture from Egocentric Video via 3D Scene Grounding [Project] [Paper] Installation: Our method requires the same dependencies as SMPLif
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion] [arXiv + supp] | [Project page] Anh-Quan Cao, Rao
A simple algorithm for extracting tree height in sparse scene from point cloud data.
TREE HEIGHT EXTRACTION IN SPARSE SCENES BASED ON UAV REMOTE SENSING This is the offical python implementation of the paper "Tree Height Extraction in
Exploring Versatile Prior for Human Motion via Motion Frequency Guidance (3DV2021)
Exploring Versatile Prior for Human Motion via Motion Frequency Guidance This is the codebase for video-based human motion reconstruction in human-mot
DISTIL: Deep dIverSified inTeractIve Learning.
DISTIL: Deep dIverSified inTeractIve Learning. An active/inter-active learning library built on py-torch for reducing labeling costs.
Official repo for our 3DV 2021 paper "Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands via Collision-Aware Factorized Refinements".
Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands via Collision-Aware Factorized Refinements Yu Rong, Jingbo Wang, Ziwei Liu, Chen Change Loy Paper. Pr
Making Structure-from-Motion (COLMAP) more robust to symmetries and duplicated structures
SfM disambiguation with COLMAP About Structure-from-Motion generally fails when the scene exhibits symmetries and duplicated structures. In this repos
FOTS Pytorch Implementation
News!!! Recognition branch now is added into model. The whole project has beed optimized and refactored. ICDAR Dataset SynthText 800K Dataset detectio
🍀🍀🍀The official implementation code of "PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction."
PlantStereo This is the official implementation code for the paper "PlantStereo: A Stereo Matching Benchmark for Plant Surface Dense Reconstruction".
[3DV 2021] A Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Recognition in Single-View 3D Reconstruction Networks
dispersion-score Official implementation of 3DV 2021 Paper A Dataset-dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction versus Recognition in Single-view 3D Rec
An interactive aquarium for your terminal.
sipedon An interactive aquarium for your terminal, written using pytermgui. The project got its name from the Common Watersnake, also known as Nerodia