4192 Repositories
Python Temporal-Context-Aggregation-Network-Pytorch Libraries
PyTorch implementation of "A Simple Baseline for Low-Budget Active Learning".
A Simple Baseline for Low-Budget Active Learning This repository is the implementation of A Simple Baseline for Low-Budget Active Learning. In this pa
PyTorch implementation of Memory-based semantic segmentation for off-road unstructured natural environments.
MemSeg: Memory-based semantic segmentation for off-road unstructured natural environments Introduction This repository is a PyTorch implementation of
The PyTorch implementation of Directed Graph Contrastive Learning (DiGCL), NeurIPS-2021
Directed Graph Contrastive Learning The PyTorch implementation of Directed Graph Contrastive Learning (DiGCL). In this paper, we present the first con
TrackTech: Real-time tracking of subjects and objects on multiple cameras
TrackTech: Real-time tracking of subjects and objects on multiple cameras This project is part of the 2021 spring bachelor final project of the Bachel
A lightweight python AUTOmatic-arRAY library.
A lightweight python AUTOmatic-arRAY library. Write numeric code that works for: numpy cupy dask autograd jax mars tensorflow pytorch ... and indeed a
PoseCamera is python based SDK for human pose estimation through RGB webcam.
PoseCamera PoseCamera is python based SDK for human pose estimation through RGB webcam. Install install posecamera package through pip pip install pos
Simple PyTorch hierarchical models.
A python package adding basic hierarchal networks in pytorch for classification tasks. It implements a simple hierarchal network structure based on feed-backward outputs.
A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen.
Master Release Pytorch - Py + Nim A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen. Because Nim compiles to C+
Generate custom detailed survey paper with topic clustered sections and proper citations, from just a single query in just under 30 mins !!
Auto-Research A no-code utility to generate a detailed well-cited survey with topic clustered sections (draft paper format) and other interesting arti
Quantile Regression DQN a Minimal Working Example, Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Quantile Regression
Quantile Regression DQN Quantile Regression DQN a Minimal Working Example, Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Quantile Regression (https://arx
jel - Japanese Entity Linker - is Bi-encoder based entity linker for japanese.
jel: Japanese Entity Linker jel - Japanese Entity Linker - is Bi-encoder based entity linker for japanese. Usage Currently, link and question methods
PyTorch implementation of SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise.
SmoothGrad implementation in PyTorch PyTorch implementation of SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise. Vanilla Gradients SmoothGrad Guided backpro
A PyTorch Implementation of Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGNN)
A PyTorch Implementation of GGNN This is a PyTorch implementation of the Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGNN) as described in the paper Gated G
Anuvada: Interpretable Models for NLP using PyTorch
Anuvada: Interpretable Models for NLP using PyTorch So, you want to know why your classifier arrived at a particular decision or why your flashy new d
Pytorch implementation for Semantic Segmentation/Scene Parsing on MIT ADE20K dataset
Semantic Segmentation on MIT ADE20K dataset in PyTorch This is a PyTorch implementation of semantic segmentation models on MIT ADE20K scene parsing da
Multi-layer convolutional LSTM with Pytorch
Convolution_LSTM_pytorch Thanks for your attention. I haven't got time to maintain this repo for a long time. I recommend this repo which provides an
Equivariant CNNs for the sphere and SO(3) implemented in PyTorch
Equivariant CNNs for the sphere and SO(3) implemented in PyTorch
PyTorch implementation of Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation (ACKTR) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL).
PyTorch implementation of Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation (ACKTR) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL).
Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi.
play-with-torch Repository for playing the computer vision apps: People analytics on Raspberry Pi. Tools Tested Hardware RasberryPi 4 Model B here, RA
A method for cleaning and classifying text using transformers.
NLP Translation and Classification The repository contains a method for classifying and cleaning text using NLP transformers. Overview The input data
A Pytorch Implementation of a continuously rate adjustable learned image compression framework.
GainedVAE A Pytorch Implementation of a continuously rate adjustable learned image compression framework, Gained Variational Autoencoder(GainedVAE). N
Some toy examples of score matching algorithms written in PyTorch
toy_gradlogp This repo implements some toy examples of the following score matching algorithms in PyTorch: ssm-vr: sliced score matching with variance
PyTorch Autoencoders - Implementing a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Series in Pytorch.
PyTorch Autoencoders Implementing a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Series in Pytorch. Inspired by this repository Model List check model paper conferen
BMN: Boundary-Matching Network
BMN: Boundary-Matching Network A pytorch-version implementation codes of paper: "BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generatio
The PyTorch implementation of DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision.
DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision The PyTorch implementation of DiscoBox: Weakly Supe
Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes).
📄 Automated NMAP script Description Simple python script for automated network scans with random name generator(useful for CTF boxes). Requirements 1
Deep learning image registration library for PyTorch
TorchIR: Pytorch Image Registration TorchIR is a image registration library for deep learning image registration (DLIR). I have integrated several ide
NeurIPS 2021, "Fine Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels"
[Official] FINE Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels This repository is the official implementation of "FINE Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels"
Official Pytorch implementation of "Unbiased Classification Through Bias-Contrastive and Bias-Balanced Learning (NeurIPS 2021)
Unbiased Classification Through Bias-Contrastive and Bias-Balanced Learning (NeurIPS 2021) Official Pytorch implementation of Unbiased Classification
Pytorch implementation of RED-SDS (NeurIPS 2021).
Recurrent Explicit Duration Switching Dynamical Systems (RED-SDS) This repository contains a reference implementation of RED-SDS, a non-linear state s
Deep Learning for Computer Vision final project
Deep Learning for Computer Vision final project
unofficial pytorch implementation of RefineGAN
RefineGAN unofficial pytorch implementation of RefineGAN (https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00753) for CSMRI reconstruction, the official code using tensorpa
A script that trains a model to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST data set.
handwritten-digits-recognition A script that trains a model to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST data set. Then it loads external files and
Official PyTorch(Geometric) implementation of DPGNN(DPGCN) in "Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network for Node Imbalance Classification"
DPGNN This repository is an official PyTorch(Geometric) implementation of DPGNN(DPGCN) in "Distance-wise Prototypical Graph Neural Network for Node Im
SEJE Pytorch implementation
SEJE is a prototype for the paper Learning Text-Image Joint Embedding for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval with Deep Feature Engineering. Contents Inst
ConformalLayers: A non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers
ConformalLayers: A non-linear sequential neural network with associative layers ConformalLayers is a conformal embedding of sequential layers of Convo
code for generating data set ES-ImageNet with corresponding training code
es-imagenet-master code for generating data set ES-ImageNet with corresponding training code dataset generator some codes of ODG algorithm The variabl
NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection (CVPR 2020)
NAS-FCOS: Fast Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection This project hosts the train and inference code with pretrained model for implementing
EgoNN: Egocentric Neural Network for Point Cloud Based 6DoF Relocalization at the City Scale
EgonNN: Egocentric Neural Network for Point Cloud Based 6DoF Relocalization at the City Scale Paper: EgoNN: Egocentric Neural Network for Point Cloud
Building blocks for uncertainty-aware cycle consistency presented at NeurIPS'21.
UncertaintyAwareCycleConsistency This repository provides the building blocks and the API for the work presented in the NeurIPS'21 paper Robustness vi
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer.
TargetCLIP- official pytorch implementation of the paper Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer This repository finds a global direction in StyleGAN
A Context-aware Visual Attention-based training pipeline for Object Detection from a Webpage screenshot!
CoVA: Context-aware Visual Attention for Webpage Information Extraction Abstract Webpage information extraction (WIE) is an important step to create k
Off-policy continuous control in PyTorch, with RDPG, RTD3 & RSAC
arXiv technical report soon available. we are updating the readme to be as comprehensive as possible Please ask any questions in Issues, thanks. Intro
Spatiotemporal resampling methods for mlr3
mlr3spatiotempcv Package website: release | dev Spatiotemporal resampling methods for mlr3. This package extends the mlr3 package framework with spati
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | 한국어 State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Jax, PyTorch and TensorFlow 🤗 Transformers provides thousands of pretrai
Logsig-RNN: a novel network for robust and efficient skeleton-based action recognition
GCN_LogsigRNN This repository holds the codebase for the paper: Logsig-RNN: a novel network for robust and efficient skeleton-based action recognition
CUP-DNN is a deep neural network model used to predict tissues of origin for cancers of unknown of primary.
CUP-DNN CUP-DNN is a deep neural network model used to predict tissues of origin for cancers of unknown of primary. The model was trained on the expre
Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of Multi-Singer
Multi-Singer Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of Multi-Singer: Fast Multi-Singer Singing Voice Vocoder With A Large-Scale Corpus. Requirements See re
MVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition (AAAI 2021)
MVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition (AAAI 2021) Overview We release the code of the MVFNet (Multi-View Fusion Network).
Use Jax functions in Pytorch with DLPack
Use Jax functions in Pytorch with DLPack
This is the official source code for SLATE. We provide the code for the model, the training code, and a dataset loader for the 3D Shapes dataset. This code is implemented in Pytorch.
SLATE This is the official source code for SLATE. We provide the code for the model, the training code and a dataset loader for the 3D Shapes dataset.
Visualize the electric field of a point charge network.
ElectriPy ⚡ Visualize the electric field of a point charges network. 🔌 Installation Install ElectriPy package: $ pip install electripy You are all d
A PyTorch-based library for fast prototyping and sharing of deep neural network models.
A PyTorch-based library for fast prototyping and sharing of deep neural network models.
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer.
TargetCLIP- official pytorch implementation of the paper Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer This repository finds a global direction in StyleGAN
Pytorch implementation of Implicit Behavior Cloning.
Implicit Behavior Cloning - PyTorch (wip) Pytorch implementation of Implicit Behavior Cloning. Install conda create -n ibc python=3.8 pip install -r r
PyTorch Implementation of ByteDance's Cross-speaker Emotion Transfer Based on Speaker Condition Layer Normalization and Semi-Supervised Training in Text-To-Speech
Cross-Speaker-Emotion-Transfer - PyTorch Implementation PyTorch Implementation of ByteDance's Cross-speaker Emotion Transfer Based on Speaker Conditio
pytorch implementation of the ICCV'21 paper "MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition"
MVTN: Multi-View Transformation Network for 3D Shape Recognition (ICCV 2021) By Abdullah Hamdi, Silvio Giancola, Bernard Ghanem Paper | Video | Tutori
PyTorch Code for NeurIPS 2021 paper Anti-Backdoor Learning: Training Clean Models on Poisoned Data.
Anti-Backdoor Learning PyTorch Code for NeurIPS 2021 paper Anti-Backdoor Learning: Training Clean Models on Poisoned Data. Check the unlearning effect
Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz
Graveyard: Place for Dead (and Undead) Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz (referred to as DDCZ in this text). De
Implementation of RegretNet with Pytorch
Dependencies are Python 3, a recent PyTorch, numpy/scipy, tqdm, future and tensorboard. Plotting with Matplotlib. Implementation of the neural network
PyTorch implementation of MSBG hearing loss model and MBSTOI intelligibility metric
PyTorch implementation of MSBG hearing loss model and MBSTOI intelligibility metric This repository contains the implementation of MSBG hearing loss m
A little Python application to auto tag your photos with the power of machine learning.
Tag Machine A little Python application to auto tag your photos with the power of machine learning. Report a bug or request a feature Table of Content
Implementation of Enformer, Deepmind's attention network for predicting gene expression, in Pytorch
Enformer - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Enformer, Deepmind's attention network for predicting gene expression, in Pytorch. The original tensorflow
Trains an OpenNMT PyTorch model and SentencePiece tokenizer.
Trains an OpenNMT PyTorch model and SentencePiece tokenizer. Designed for use with Argos Translate and LibreTranslate.
Convolutional neural network web app trained to track our infant’s sleep schedule using our Google Nest camera.
Machine Learning Sleep Schedule Tracker What is it? Convolutional neural network web app trained to track our infant’s sleep schedule using our Google
Deep Networks with Recurrent Layer Aggregation
RLA-Net: Recurrent Layer Aggregation Recurrence along Depth: Deep Networks with Recurrent Layer Aggregation This is an implementation of RLA-Net (acce
Official PyTorch implementation of "Improving Face Recognition with Large AgeGaps by Learning to Distinguish Children" (BMVC 2021)
Inter-Prototype (BMVC 2021): Official Project Webpage This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Improving F
Official implementation of "Learning Proposals for Practical Energy-Based Regression", 2021.
ebms_proposals Official implementation (PyTorch) of the paper: Learning Proposals for Practical Energy-Based Regression, 2021 [arXiv] [project]. Fredr
Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. PyTorch.
Python library with Neural Networks for Image Segmentation based on PyTorch. The main features of this library are: High level API (just two lines to
PyTorch framework for Deep Learning research and development.
Accelerated DL & RL PyTorch framework for Deep Learning research and development. It was developed with a focus on reproducibility, fast experimentati
95.47% on CIFAR10 with PyTorch
Train CIFAR10 with PyTorch I'm playing with PyTorch on the CIFAR10 dataset. Prerequisites Python 3.6+ PyTorch 1.0+ Training # Start training with: py
Classifying cat and dog images using Kaggle dataset
PyTorch Image Classification Classifies an image as containing either a dog or a cat (using Kaggle's public dataset), but could easily be extended to
PyTorch implementation of Convolutional Neural Fabrics http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02492
PyTorch implementation of Convolutional Neural Fabrics arxiv:1606.02492 There are some minor differences: The raw image is first convolved, to obtain
Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition
pytorch-vgg Some scripts to convert the VGG-16 and VGG-19 models [1] from Caffe to PyTorch. The converted models can be used with the PyTorch model zo
an implementation of Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Separable Convolution using PyTorch
This work has now been superseded by: https://github.com/sniklaus/revisiting-sepconv sepconv-slomo This is a reference implementation of Video Frame I
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) for image-based sequence recognition.
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network This software implements the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN), a combination of CNN, RNN and CTC l
PyTorch and Tensorflow functional model definitions
functional-zoo Model definitions and pretrained weights for PyTorch and Tensorflow PyTorch, unlike lua torch, has autograd in it's core, so using modu
PyTorch code for the "Deep Neural Networks with Box Convolutions" paper
Box Convolution Layer for ConvNets Single-box-conv network (from `examples/mnist.py`) learns patterns on MNIST What This Is This is a PyTorch implemen
PyTorch implementation of Octave Convolution with pre-trained Oct-ResNet and Oct-MobileNet models
octconv.pytorch PyTorch implementation of Octave Convolution in Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks with Octa
Convolutional Neural Network for 3D meshes in PyTorch
MeshCNN in PyTorch SIGGRAPH 2019 [Paper] [Project Page] MeshCNN is a general-purpose deep neural network for 3D triangular meshes, which can be used f
A Pytorch implementation of "LegoNet: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks with Lego Filters" (ICML 2019).
LegoNet This code is the implementation of ICML2019 paper LegoNet: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks with Lego Filters Run python train.py You c
PyTorch implementation of the implicit Q-learning algorithm (IQL)
Implicit-Q-Learning (IQL) PyTorch implementation of the implicit Q-learning algorithm IQL (Paper) Currently only implemented for online learning. Offl
Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation, ICCV2021
Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation Pytorch Implementation of our paper Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Gra
Official PyTorch code for the paper: "Point-Based Modeling of Human Clothing" (ICCV 2021)
Point-Based Modeling of Human Clothing Paper | Project page | Video This is an official PyTorch code repository of the paper "Point-Based Modeling of
Official Code Release for Container : Context Aggregation Network
Container: Context Aggregation Network Official Code Release for Container : Context Aggregation Network Comparion between CNN, MLP-Mixer and Transfor
Adaptive, interpretable wavelets across domains (NeurIPS 2021)
Adaptive wavelets Wavelets which adapt given data (and optionally a pre-trained model). This yields models which are faster, more compressible, and mo
PyTorch Implementation of Unsupervised Depth Completion with Calibrated Backprojection Layers (ORAL, ICCV 2021)
Unsupervised Depth Completion with Calibrated Backprojection Layers PyTorch implementation of Unsupervised Depth Completion with Calibrated Backprojec
Official PyTorch implementation of "Improving Face Recognition with Large AgeGaps by Learning to Distinguish Children" (BMVC 2021)
Inter-Prototype (BMVC 2021): Official Project Webpage This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Improving F
Official implementation of NeurIPS 2021 paper "Contextual Similarity Aggregation with Self-attention for Visual Re-ranking"
CSA: Contextual Similarity Aggregation with Self-attention for Visual Re-ranking PyTorch training code for CSA (Contextual Similarity Aggregation). We
A lightweight library to compare different PyTorch implementations of the same network architecture.
TorchBug is a lightweight library designed to compare two PyTorch implementations of the same network architecture. It allows you to count, and compar
Apply our monocular depth boosting to your own network!
MergeNet - Boost Your Own Depth Boost custom or edited monocular depth maps using MergeNet Input Original result After manual editing of base You can
Key information extraction from invoice document with Graph Convolution Network
Key Information Extraction from Scanned Invoices Key information extraction from invoice document with Graph Convolution Network Related blog post fro
A banking system is a group or network of institutions that provide financial services for us
A banking system is a group or network of institutions that provide financial services for us. These institutions are responsible for operating a payment system, providing loans, taking deposits, and helping with investments.
Mini SCADA. Poll modbus devices by TCP/IP network.
Plans Add saving and loading devices and channels with files or db or someone else. Multitasking system for poll all devices Automatic optimization po
PyTorch to TensorFlow Lite converter
PyTorch to TensorFlow Lite converter
PyTorch Implementation of Unsupervised Depth Completion with Calibrated Backprojection Layers (ORAL, ICCV 2021)
PyTorch Implementation of Unsupervised Depth Completion with Calibrated Backprojection Layers (ORAL, ICCV 2021)
High-fidelity performance metrics for generative models in PyTorch
High-fidelity performance metrics for generative models in PyTorch
Pytorch implementation of the paper Progressive Growing of Points with Tree-structured Generators (BMVC 2021)
PGpoints Pytorch implementation of the paper Progressive Growing of Points with Tree-structured Generators (BMVC 2021) Hyeontae Son, Young Min Kim Pre
External Network Pentest Automation using Shodan API and other tools.
Chopin External Network Pentest Automation using Shodan API and other tools. Workflow Input a file containing CIDR ranges. Converts CIDR ranges to ind