7896 Repositories
Python Transfer-learning-approach-to-bicycle-sharing-systems-station-location-planning-using-OpenStreetMap Libraries
A micro-service that can be extended to help in monitoring systems
A micro-service that can be extended to help in monitoring systems. Be extensible to be incorporated in any of the systems to facilitate timely interventions.
A web porting for NVlabs' StyleGAN2, to facilitate exploring all kinds characteristic of StyleGAN networks
This project is a web porting for NVlabs' StyleGAN2, to facilitate exploring all kinds characteristic of StyleGAN networks. Thanks for NVlabs' excelle
Generate Cartoon Images using Generative Adversarial Network
AvatarGAN ✨ Generate Cartoon Images using DC-GAN Deep Convolutional GAN is a generative adversarial network architecture. It uses a couple of guidelin
A list of Machine Learning Art Colabs
ML Visual Art Colabs A list of cool Colabs on Machine Learning Imagemaking or other artistic purposes 3D Ken Burns Effect Ken Burns Effect by Manuel R
Generating retro pixel game characters with Generative Adversarial Networks. Dataset "TinyHero" included.
pixel_character_generator Generating retro pixel game characters with Generative Adversarial Networks. Dataset "TinyHero" included. Dataset TinyHero D
A curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials in Jupyter Notebook format ready to run in Google Colaboratory
Awesome Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks for Google Colaboratory A curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials in Jupyter Notebook
Clipboard-watcher - Keep an eye on the apps that are using your clipboard
clipboard-watcher This repository contains the code of an experiment, in order t
Github action for automatically determine the version for next release by using repository tags
This action will automatically determine the version for next release by using repository tags
The unified machine learning framework, enabling framework-agnostic functions, layers and libraries.
The unified machine learning framework, enabling framework-agnostic functions, layers and libraries. Contents Overview In a Nutshell Where Next? Overv
Basic functions manipulating images using the OpenCV library
OpenCV Basic functions manipulating images using the OpenCV library. Reading Ima
ONNX-GLPDepth - Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the GLPDepth model in ONNX
ONNX-GLPDepth - Python scripts for performing monocular depth estimation using the GLPDepth model in ONNX
NFT Generator - A NFT Generator created using Python
NFT_Generator v1 An NFT Generator created using Python. This NFT Generation tool
Weather Image Recognition - Python weather application using series of data
Weather Image Recognition - Python weather application using series of data
Algorithm and Structured Programming course project for the first semester of the Internet Systems course at IFPB
Algorithm and Structured Programming course project for the first semester of the Internet Systems course at IFPB
Map Reduce Wordcount in Python using gRPC
This project is implemented in Python using gRPC. The input files are given in .txt format and the word count operation is performed.
Semantic Segmentation Architectures Implemented in PyTorch
pytorch-semseg Semantic Segmentation Algorithms Implemented in PyTorch This repository aims at mirroring popular semantic segmentation architectures i
Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow
Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow. Implement, train, and test new Semantic Segmentation models easily!
This project aims at providing a concise, easy-to-use, modifiable reference implementation for semantic segmentation models using PyTorch.
Semantic Segmentation on PyTorch (include FCN, PSPNet, Deeplabv3, Deeplabv3+, DANet, DenseASPP, BiSeNet, EncNet, DUNet, ICNet, ENet, OCNet, CCNet, PSANet, CGNet, ESPNet, LEDNet, DFANet)
Human segmentation models, training/inference code, and trained weights, implemented in PyTorch
Human-Segmentation-PyTorch Human segmentation models, training/inference code, and trained weights, implemented in PyTorch. Supported networks UNet: b
Example of semantic segmentation in Keras
keras-semantic-segmentation-example Example of semantic segmentation in Keras Single class example: Generated data: random ellipse with random color o
YOLTv5 rapidly detects objects in arbitrarily large aerial or satellite images that far exceed the ~600×600 pixel size typically ingested by deep learning object detection frameworks
YOLTv5 rapidly detects objects in arbitrarily large aerial or satellite images that far exceed the ~600×600 pixel size typically ingested by deep learning object detection frameworks.
Predict bus arrival time using VertexAI and Nvidia's Jetson Nano
bus_prediction predict bus arrival time using VertexAI and Nvidia's Jetson Nano imagenet the command for imagenet.py look like this python3 /path/to/i
Pytorch implementation of the paper "Enhancing Content Preservation in Text Style Transfer Using Reverse Attention and Conditional Layer Normalization"
Pytorch implementation of the paper "Enhancing Content Preservation in Text Style Transfer Using Reverse Attention and Conditional Layer Normalization"
Geospatial Data Visualization using PyGMT
Example script to visualize topographic data, earthquake data, and tomographic data on a map
Evaluate on three different ML model for feature selection using Breast cancer data.
Anomaly-detection-Feature-Selection Evaluate on three different ML model for feature selection using Breast cancer data. ML models: SVM, KNN and MLP.
ANN model for prediction a spatio-temporal distribution of supercooled liquid in mixed-phase clouds using Doppler cloud radar spectra.
VOODOO Revealing supercooled liquid beyond lidar attenuation Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built
Machine learning classifiers to predict American Sign Language .
ASL-Classifiers American Sign Language (ASL) is a natural language that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United Stat
Drslmarkov - Distributionally Robust Structure Learning for Discrete Pairwise Markov Networks
Distributionally Robust Structure Learning for Discrete Pairwise Markov Networks
VOS: Learning What You Don’t Know by Virtual Outlier Synthesis
VOS This is the source code accompanying the paper VOS: Learning What You Don’t
Learn other languages using artificial intelligence with python.
The main idea of the project is to facilitate the learning of other languages. We created a simple AI that will interact with you. Just ask questions that if she knows, she will answer.
Run PD patches in NRT using Python
The files in this repository demonstrate how to use Pure Data (Pd) patches designed to run in Non-Real-Time mode to batch-process (synthesize, analyze, etc) sounds in series using Python.
A voice based calculator by using termux api in Android
termux_voice_calculator This is. A voice based calculator by using termux api in Android Instagram account 👉 👈 Requirements and installation Downloa
Image Smoothing and Blurring Using OpenCV
Image-Smoothing-and-Blurring-Using-OpenCV This repository contains codes for performing image smoothing and blurring using OpenCV. There are different
Tekken-python-ml - A project of playing tekken game using python
Tekken Python Description Hi this is new project of playing tekken game using py
Adventure-Game - Adventure Game which is created using Python
Adventure Game 🌇 This is a Adventure Game which is created using Python. Featur
Password-Manager - A Password Manager application made using Python. You can use this python application to store and to see the stored passwords
Password Manager 🔑 This is a Password Manager Application which is made using P
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
LabGraph is a a Python-first framework used to build sophisticated research systems with real-time streaming, graph API, and parallelism.
Thresholding-and-masking-using-OpenCV - Image Thresholding is used for image segmentation
Image Thresholding is used for image segmentation. From a grayscale image, thresholding can be used to create binary images. In thresholding we pick a threshold T.
ADB-IP-ROTATION - Use your mobile phone to gain a temporary IP address using ADB and data tethering
ADB IP ROTATE This an Python script based on Android Debug Bridge (adb) shell sc
Bert4rec for news Recommendation
News-Recommendation-system-using-Bert4Rec-model Bert4rec for news Recommendation
Builds a LoRa radio frequency fingerprint identification (RFFI) system based on deep learning techiniques
This project builds a LoRa radio frequency fingerprint identification (RFFI) system based on deep learning techiniques.
Sub-tomogram-Detection - Deep learning based model for Cyro ET Sub-tomogram-Detection
Deep learning based model for Cyro ET Sub-tomogram-Detection High degree of stru
TkArt - A repository created to explore geometry and art creation using TkInter
tkArt A repository created to explore geometry and art creation using TkInter, a
Twitter-Scrapping - Tweeter tweets extracting using python
Twitter-Scrapping Twitter tweets extracting using python This project is to extr
Python Assignments for the Deep Learning lectures by Andrew NG on coursera with complete submission for grading capability.
Python Assignments for the Deep Learning lectures by Andrew NG on coursera with complete submission for grading capability.
This project proposes a camera vision based cursor control system, using hand moment captured from a webcam through a landmarks of hand by using Mideapipe module
This project proposes a camera vision based cursor control system, using hand moment captured from a webcam through a landmarks of hand by using Mideapipe module
Nerdle - a nerd's approach to solving Wordle
Nerdle - a nerd's approach to solving Wordle
Hellomotoot - PSTN Mastodon Client using Mastodon.py and the Twilio API
Hello MoToot PSTN Mastodon Client using Mastodon.py and the Twilio API. Allows f
A simple quiz app using API and GUI
GUI-Quiz-APP It's a simple quiz app using API and GUI.
Terminal-Video-Player - A program that can display video in the terminal using ascii characters
Terminal-Video-Player - A program that can display video in the terminal using ascii characters
SuperSonic, a new open-source framework to allow compiler developers to integrate RL into compilers easily, regardless of their RL expertise
Automating reinforcement learning architecture design for code optimization. Che
Mae segmentation - Reproduction of semantic segmentation using masked autoencoder (mae)
ADE20k Semantic segmentation with MAE Getting started Install the mmsegmentation
Training a deep learning model on the noisy CIFAR dataset
Training-a-deep-learning-model-on-the-noisy-CIFAR-dataset This repository contai
Machine Learning Models were applied to predict the mass of the brain based on gender, age ranges, and head size.
Brain Weight in Humans Variations of head sizes and brain weights in humans Kaggle dataset obtained from this link by Anubhab Swain. Image obtained fr
A machine learning model for Covid case prediction
CovidcasePrediction A machine learning model for Covid case prediction Problem Statement Using regression algorithms we can able to track the active c
A simple non-official manager interface I'm using for my Raspberry Pis.
My Raspberry Pi Manager Overview I have two Raspberry Pi 4 Model B devices that I hooked up to my two TVs (one in my bedroom and the other in my new g
This project is an open-source project which I made due to sharing my experience around the Python programming language.
django-tutorial This project is an open-source project which I made due to sharing my experience around the Django framework. What is Django? Django i
A Sign Language detection project using Mediapipe landmark detection and Tensorflow LSTM's
sign-language-detection A Sign Language detection project using Mediapipe landmark detection and Tensorflow LSTM. The project is built for a vocabular
Dice Rolling Simulator using Python-random
Dice Rolling Simulator As the name of the program suggests, we will be imitating a rolling dice. This is one of the interesting python projects and wi
A python package to adjust the bias of probabilistic forecasts/hindcasts using "Mean and Variance Adjustment" method.
Documentation A python package to adjust the bias of probabilistic forecasts/hindcasts using "Mean and Variance Adjustment" method. Read documentation
Harmonious Textual Layout Generation over Natural Images via Deep Aesthetics Learning
Harmonious Textual Layout Generation over Natural Images via Deep Aesthetics Learning Code for the paper Harmonious Textual Layout Generation over Nat
PyTorch implementation of DirectCLR from paper Understanding Dimensional Collapse in Contrastive Self-supervised Learning
DirectCLR DirectCLR is a simple contrastive learning model for visual representation learning. It does not require a trainable projector as SimCLR. It
This repository contains the entire code for our work "Two-Timescale End-to-End Learning for Channel Acquisition and Hybrid Precoding"
Two-Timescale-DNN Two-Timescale End-to-End Learning for Channel Acquisition and Hybrid Precoding This repository contains the entire code for our work
A chess engine with basic AI capabilities (search for best move using MinMax algorithm)
A chess engine with basic AI capabilities (search for best move using MinMax algorithm)
Convert monolithic Jupyter notebooks into Ploomber pipelines.
Soorgeon Join our community | Newsletter | Contact us | Blog | Website | YouTube Convert monolithic Jupyter notebooks into Ploomber pipelines. soorgeo
This example implements the end-to-end MLOps process using Vertex AI platform and Smart Analytics technology capabilities
MLOps with Vertex AI This example implements the end-to-end MLOps process using Vertex AI platform and Smart Analytics technology capabilities. The ex
This repository collects together basic linguistic processing data for using dataset dumps from the Common Voice project
Common Voice Utils This repository collects together basic linguistic processing data for using dataset dumps from the Common Voice project. It aims t
This repository contains the source code for the paper Tutorial on amortized optimization for learning to optimize over continuous domains by Brandon Amos
Tutorial on Amortized Optimization This repository contains the source code for the paper Tutorial on amortized optimization for learning to optimize
Learning Super-Features for Image Retrieval
Learning Super-Features for Image Retrieval This repository contains the code for running our FIRe model presented in our ICLR'22 paper: @inproceeding
Research using python - Guide for development of research code (using Anaconda Python)
Guide for development of research code (using Anaconda Python) TL;DR: One time s
This is simple python FTP password craker. To crack FTP login using wordlist based brute force attack
This is simple python FTP password craker. To crack FTP login using wordlist based brute force attack
This repo contains a powerful tool made using python which is used to visualize, analyse and finally assess the quality of the product depending upon the given observations
📈 Statistical Quality Control 📉 This repo contains a simple but effective tool made using python which can be used for quality control in statistica
Python notebook allows send bulk whatsapp messages to contacts (not necessarily saved) using an excel file and the selenium package. It also produces a final report on the sending status of the messages.
WhatsApp messages bulk sending 📩 Este notebook (python) te permite enviar mensajes masivos de WhatsApp. El insumo principal es una hoja excel que con
A repository to work on Machine Learning course. Select an algorithm to classify writer's gender, of Hebrew texts.
MachineLearning A repository to work on Machine Learning course. Select an algorithm to classify writer's gender, of Hebrew texts. Tested algorithms:
Multi-Task Learning as a Bargaining Game
Nash-MTL Official implementation of "Multi-Task Learning as a Bargaining Game". Setup environment conda create -n nashmtl python=3.9.7 conda activate
A Python script to create customised Spotify playlists using the JSON, Spotipy Library and Spotify Web API, based on seed tracks in your history.
A Python script to create customised Spotify playlists using the JSON, Spotipy Library and Spotify Web API, based on seed tracks in your history.
Python Web Version 3.0 Using PyQty module
Python-Web-Version-3.0 Python Web Version 3.0 Using PyQty module you have to install pyinstaller module then install PyQt5 module and install PyQtwebE
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Secret Calculator Photo Vault'. Supports brute force of PIN also.
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Secret Calculator Photo Vault'. Supports brute force of PIN also.
Used for data processing in machine learning, and help us to construct ML model more easily from scratch
Used for data processing in machine learning, and help us to construct ML model more easily from scratch. Can be used in linear model, logistic regression model, and decision tree.
Machine Learning from Scratch
Machine Learning from Scratch Author: Shengxuan Wang From: Oregon State University Content: Building Machine Learning model from Scratch, without usin
A small fun project using python OpenCV, mediapipe, and pydirectinput
Here I tried a small fun project using python OpenCV, mediapipe, and pydirectinput. Here we can control moves car game when yellow color come to right box (press key 'd') left box (press key 'a') left hand when thumb finger open (press key 'w') right hand when thumb finger open (press key 's') This can be improved later by: Improving press left and right to make them More realistic. Fixing some bugs in hand tracking.
This component provides a wrapper to display SHAP plots in Streamlit.
streamlit-shap This component provides a wrapper to display SHAP plots in Streamlit.
A scrapy pipeline that provides an easy way to store files and images using various folder structures.
scrapy-folder-tree This is a scrapy pipeline that provides an easy way to store files and images using various folder structures. Supported folder str
A tool for study using pomodoro methodology, while study mode spotify or any other .exe app is opened and while resting is closed.
Pomodoro-Timer-With-Spotify-Connection A tool for study using pomodoro methodology, while study mode spotify or any other .exe app is opened and while
Official codebase for Can Wikipedia Help Offline Reinforcement Learning?
Official codebase for Can Wikipedia Help Offline Reinforcement Learning?
CLNTM - Contrastive Learning for Neural Topic Model
Contrastive Learning for Neural Topic Model This repository contains the impleme
Thumbor-bootcamp - learning and contribution experience with ❤️ and 🤗 from the thumbor team
Thumbor-bootcamp - learning and contribution experience with ❤️ and 🤗 from the thumbor team
MoRecon - A tool for reconstructing missing frames in motion capture data.
MoRecon - A tool for reconstructing missing frames in motion capture data.
Realworld - Realworld using Django and HTMX
Realworld - Realworld using Django and HTMX
Notion4ever - Python tool for export all your content of Notion page using official Notion API
NOTION4EVER Notion4ever is a small python tool that allows you to free your cont
This repository contains codes on how to handle mouse event using OpenCV
Handling-Mouse-Click-Events-Using-OpenCV This repository contains codes on how t
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool.
SH-PUBLIC is a python based cloning script. You can clone unlimited UID facebook accounts by using this tool. This tool works on any Android devices without root.
Breast-Cancer-Classification - Using SKLearn breast cancer dataset which contains 569 examples and 32 features classifying has been made with 6 different algorithms
Breast-Cancer-Classification - Using SKLearn breast cancer dataset which contains 569 examples and 32 features classifying has been made with 6 different algorithms
Code for You Only Cut Once: Boosting Data Augmentation with a Single Cut
You Only Cut Once (YOCO) YOCO is a simple method/strategy of performing augmenta
DUCKSPLOIT - Windows Hacking FrameWork using Reverse Shell
Ducksploit Install Ducksploit Hacker setup raspberry pico Download https://githu
A Microsoft Azure Web App project named Covid 19 Predictor using Machine learning Model
A Microsoft Azure Web App project named Covid 19 Predictor using Machine learning Model (Random Forest Classifier Model ) that helps the user to identify whether someone is showing positive Covid symptoms or not by simply inputting certain values like oxygen level , breath rate , age, Vaccination done or not etc. with the help of kaggle database.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition using Contours and Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)
Cite our paper if you find this project useful https://www.ijariit.com/manuscripts/v7i4/V7I4-1139.pdf Abstract Image processing technology is used in
Using Logistic Regression and classifiers of the dataset to produce an accurate recall, f-1 and precision score
Using Logistic Regression and classifiers of the dataset to produce an accurate recall, f-1 and precision score
Proyecto - Desgaste y rendimiento de empleados de IBM HR Analytics
Acceder al código desde Google Colab para poder ver de manera adecuada todas las visualizaciones y poder interactuar con ellas. Links de acceso: Noteb
This repository contains the re-implementation of our paper deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning Based SAR Image Despeckling
deSpeckNet-TF-GEE This repository contains the re-implementation of our paper deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning Based SAR Image Despeckling publi