471 Repositories
Python github-analytics Libraries
wikirepo is a Python package that provides a framework to easily source and leverage standardized Wikidata information
Python based Wikidata framework for easy dataframe extraction wikirepo is a Python package that provides a framework to easily source and leverage sta
Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private and public repos
Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private and public repos
Statistical Analysis 📈 focused on statistical analysis and exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional projects.
Statistical Analysis 📈 This repository focuses on statistical analysis and the exploration used on various data sets for personal and professional pr
A GitHub action for organizations that enables advanced security code scanning on all new repos
Advanced-Security-Enforcer What this repository does This code is for an active GitHub Action written in Python to check (on a schedule) for new repos
Search users in Github. Created with Flask, PipEnv, Heroku and free time.
Search in Github Here search for users in Github and other stuff! This app is working with, Data Github API BackEnd Flask Language Python Package mana
Local Telegram Bot With FastAPI & Ngrok
An easy local telegram bot server with python, fastapi and ngrok.
Github dorking tool
gh-dork Supply a list of dorks and, optionally, one of the following: a user (-u) a file with a list of users (-uf) an organization (-org) a file with
A tool written in python to generate basic repo files from github
A tool written in python to generate basic repo files from github
UP It is a script to notify of a new update of your project, done in python and using GitHub, to modify the versions to notify users.
UP-Updater UP It is a script to notify of a new update of your project, done in python and using GitHub, to modify the versions to notify users. Requi
hugeURLer 是一个基于 Python 和 GitHub action 的短链接服务
hugeURLer 是一个基于 Python 和 GitHub action 的短链接服务 如何使用 您需要把库 clone 到本地,然后在终端执行 python3 .\src\addNewRedirection.py url ,就能创建一个指向你设置的 url 的跳转页面。
A tool written in python to generate basic repo files from github
A tool written in python to generate basic repo files from github
🎓Automatically Update CV Papers Daily using Github Actions (Update at 12:00 UTC Every Day)
🎓Automatically Update CV Papers Daily using Github Actions (Update at 12:00 UTC Every Day)
An easy to use burndown chart generator for GitHub Project Boards.
Burndown Chart for GitHub Projects An easy to use burndown chart generator for GitHub Project Boards. Table of Contents Features Installation Assumpti
Demonstrate how GitHub OIDC token getting should be included in boto3
boto3 should add direct support for AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity for GitHub Actions There is a aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action that will get
Command Line (CLI) Application to automate creation of tasks in Redmine, issues on Github and the sync process of them.
Task Manager Automation Tool (TMAT) CLI Command Line (CLI) Application to automate creation of tasks in Redmine, issues on Github and the sync process
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
This open-source python3 script is a builder to the very popular token logger that is on my github that many people use.
Discord-Logger-Builder This open-source python3 script is a builder to the very popular token logger that is on my github that many people use. This i
A python package for fetching informations from GitHub API
Py-GitHub A python package for fetching informations from GitHub API Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License Licens
Automate HoYoLAB Genshin Daily Check-In Using Github Actions
Genshin Daily Check-In 🤖 Automate HoYoLAB Daily Check-In Using Github Actions KOR, ENG Instructions Fork the repository Go to Settings - Secrets Cli
GitGoat enables DevOps and Engineering teams to test security products intending to integrate with GitHub
GitGoat is an open source tool that was built to enable DevOps and Engineering teams to design and implement a sustainable misconfiguration prevention strategy. It can be used to test with products with access to GitHub repositories without a risk to your production environment.
The GitHub repository for the paper: “Time Series is a Special Sequence: Forecasting with Sample Convolution and Interaction“.
SCINet This is the original PyTorch implementation of the following work: Time Series is a Special Sequence: Forecasting with Sample Convolution and I
GitHub Stats Visualizations : Transparent
GitHub Stats Visualizations : Transparent Generate visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics using GitHub Actions. ⚠️ Disclaimer The pro
Analytics services for Django projects
django-analytical The django-analytical application integrates analytics services into a Django project. Using an analytics service with a Django proj
paintable GitHub contribute table
githeart paintable github contribute table how to use: Functions key color select 1,2,3,4,5 clear c drawing mode mode on turn off e print paint matrix
lightweight, fast and robust columnar dataframe for data analytics with online update
streamdf Streamdf is a lightweight data frame library built on top of the dictionary of numpy array, developed for Kaggle's time-series code competiti
Implementation of Common Image Evaluation Metrics by Sayed Nadim (sayednadim.github.io). The repo is built based on full reference image quality metrics such as L1, L2, PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS. and feature-level quality metrics such as FID, IS. It can be used for evaluating image denoising, colorization, inpainting, deraining, dehazing etc. where we have access to ground truth.
Image Quality Evaluation Metrics Implementation of some common full reference image quality metrics. The repo is built based on full reference image q
In this Github repository I will share my freqtrade files with you. I want to help people with this repository who don't know Freqtrade so much yet.
My Freqtrade stuff In this Github repository I will share my freqtrade files with you. I want to help people with this repository who don't know Freqt
step by step guide for beginners for getting started with open source
Step-by-Step Guide for beginners for getting started with Open-Source Here The Contribution Begins 💻 If you are a beginner then this repository is fo
Automated network configuration backups using Github actions and git-scraping
Network Config Scraper This repository demonstrates the use of Github Actions and git-scraping to build an automated backup solution for network confi
tox-gh is a tox plugin which helps running tox on GitHub Actions with multiple different Python versions on multiple workers in parallel
tox-gh is a tox plugin which helps running tox on GitHub Actions with multiple different Python versions on multiple workers in parallel. This project is inspired by tox-travis.
Esse script procura qualquer, dados que você queira na wikipedia! Em breve traremos um com dados em toda a internet.
Buscador de dados simples Dependências necessárias Para você poder começar a utilizar esta ferramenta, você vai precisar da dependência "wikipedia", p
Download all your URI Online Judge source codes and upload to GitHub with simple steps.
URI-Code-Downloader Download all your URI Online Judge source codes and upload to GitHub with simple steps. Prerequisites Python 3.x Installing Downlo
ghfetch is ai customizable CLI GitHub personal README generator.
ghfetch is ai customizable CLI GitHub personal README generator. Inspired by famous fetch such as screenfetch, neofetch and ufetch, the purpose of this tool is to introduce yourself as if you were a machine.
Unfollows Users You're Following
Github-Unfollow-Bot Info It unfollows users you're following, it runs in the background so you can still do what you do without it bothering you. It's
The Github repository for the Amari API wrapper.
Amari.py Amari.py is an async, easy to use API wrapper for the AmariBot. Installation Enter any of these commands to install the library: pip install
Automatic SystemVerilog linting in github actions with the help of Verible
Verible Lint Action Usage See action.yml This is a GitHub Action used to lint Verilog and SystemVerilog source files and comment erroneous lines of co
GitHub action for sspanel automatically checks in to get free traffic quota
SSPanel_Checkin This is a dish chicken script for automatic check-in of sspanel for GitHub action, It is only applicable when there is no verification
GitHub action to deploy serverless functions to YandexCloud
YandexCloud serverless function deploy action Deploy new serverless function version (including function creation if it does not exist). Inputs yc_acc
Our CIKM21 Paper "Incorporating Query Reformulating Behavior into Web Search Evaluation"
Reformulation-Aware-Metrics Introduction This codebase contains source-code of the Python-based implementation of our CIKM 2021 paper. Chen, Jia, et a
A super simple script which uses the GitHub API to convert your markdown files to GitHub styled HTML site.
A super simple script which uses the GitHub API to convert your markdown files to GitHub styled HTML site.
A real-time tech course finder, created using Elasticsearch, Python, React+Redux, Docker, and Kubernetes.
A real-time tech course finder, created using Elasticsearch, Python, React+Redux, Docker, and Kubernetes.
track your GitHub statistics
GitHub-Stalker track your github statistics 👀 features find new followers or unfollowers find who got a star on your project or remove stars find who
Evidence enables analysts to deliver a polished business intelligence system using SQL and markdown.
Evidence enables analysts to deliver a polished business intelligence system using SQL and markdown
A GitHub Action hosted Python IDE!
What is this ? This is an IDE running on GitHub Actions which can help in..... Running small snippets. Running codes whenever PC is not available and
Deploy an inference API on AWS (EC2) using FastAPI Docker and Github Actions
Deploy an inference API on AWS (EC2) using FastAPI Docker and Github Actions To learn more about this project: medium blog post The goal of this proje
X-modaler is a versatile and high-performance codebase for cross-modal analytics.
X-modaler X-modaler is a versatile and high-performance codebase for cross-modal analytics. This codebase unifies comprehensive high-quality modules i
Pixiv 爬虫,使用 Python 实现。支持批量下载、上传到图床。
用 Python 实现的 Pixiv 爬虫,支持批量下载和上传。 随机图片 API: https://loliapi.ml/ Deploy Github Action 集成部署 建议使用本方法部署,相较于本地部署,无需搭建环境,全程在线上完成。并且使用国外服务器下载、上传,网络更加通畅。 Fork
3D position tracking for soccer players with multi-camera videos
This repo contains a full pipeline to support 3D position tracking of soccer players, with multi-view calibrated moving/fixed video sequences as inputs.
Extend the commitizen tools to create conventional commits and README that link to Jira and GitHub.
cz-github-jira-conventional cz-github-jira-conventional is a plugin for the commitizen tools, a toolset that helps you to create conventional commit m
Badge-Link-Creater 'For more beautiful profiles.'
Badge-Link-Creater 'For more beautiful profiles.' Ready Badges Prepares the codes of the previously prepared badges for you. Note Click here for more
GPT-Code-Clippy (GPT-CC) is an open source version of GitHub Copilot
GPT-Code-Clippy (GPT-CC) is an open source version of GitHub Copilot, a language model -- based on GPT-3, called GPT-Codex -- that is fine-tuned on publicly available code from GitHub.
CLI helper to install Github releases on your system.
gh-release-install is a CLI helper to install Github releases on your system. It can be used for pretty much anything, to install a formatter in your CI, deploy some binary using an orcherstration tool, or on your desktop.
Github for the conference paper GLOD-Gaussian Likelihood OOD detector
FOOD - Fast OOD Detector Pytorch implamentation of the confernce peper FOOD arxiv link. Abstract Deep neural networks (DNNs) perform well at classifyi
rotki is an open source portfolio tracking, analytics, accounting and tax reporting tool that respects your privacy.
rotki is an open source portfolio tracking, analytics, accounting and tax reporting tool that respects your privacy. The mission of rotki is to bring transparency into the crypto and financial sectors through the use of open source.
GPT-Code-Clippy (GPT-CC) is an open source version of GitHub Copilot, a language model
GPT-Code-Clippy (GPT-CC) is an open source version of GitHub Copilot, a language model -- based on GPT-3, called GPT-Codex -- that is fine-tuned on publicly available code from GitHub.
Send CVE information to the specified mailbox (from Github)
Send CVE information to the specified mailbox (from Github)
Why write code when you can import it directly from GitHub Copilot?
Copilot Importer Why write code when you can import it directly from GitHub Copilot? What is Copilot Importer? The copilot python module will dynamica
This Github Action automatically creates a GIF from a given web page to display on your project README
This Github Action automatically creates a GIF from a given web page to display on your project README
Official repo for SemanticGAN https://nv-tlabs.github.io/semanticGAN/
SemanticGAN This is the official code for: Semantic Segmentation with Generative Models: Semi-Supervised Learning and Strong Out-of-Domain Generalizat
A simple script that displays pixel-based animation on GitHub Activity
GitHub Activity Animator This project contains a simple Javascript snippet that produces an animation on your GitHub activity tracker. The project als
An open-source, mini imitation of GitHub Copilot for Emacs.
Second Mate An open-source, mini imitation of GitHub Copilot using EleutherAI GPT-Neo-2.7B (via Huggingface Model Hub) for Emacs. This is a much small
A terminal UI dashboard to monitor requests for code review across Github and Gitlab repositories.
A terminal UI dashboard to monitor requests for code review across Github and Gitlab repositories.
Splunk Add-On to collect audit log events from Github Enterprise Cloud
GitHub Enterprise Audit Log Monitoring Splunk modular input plugin to fetch the enterprise audit log from GitHub Enterprise Support for modular inputs
Auto Join: A GitHub action script to automatically invite everyone to the organization who star your repository.
Auto Invite To The Organization By Star A GitHub Action script to automatically invite everyone to your organization that stars your repository. What
Auto Join: A GitHub action script to automatically invite everyone to the organization who comment at the issue page.
Auto Invite To Org By Issue Comment A GitHub action script to automatically invite everyone to the organization who comment at the issue page. What is
This is a simple software for fetching new changes to remote repositories automatically.
Git Autofetch Git Autofetch is a simple software for fetching new changes from a repo to local repositories after a set time interval. This program is
GitHub Advance Security Compliance Action
advanced-security-compliance This Action was designed to allow users to configure their Risk threshold for security issues reported by GitHub Code Sca
This is a Python script for Github Bot which uses Selenium to Automate things.
github-follow-unfollow-bot This is a Python script for Github Bot which uses Selenium to Automate things. Pre-requisites :- Python A Github Account Re
Replit theme sync; Github theme sync but in Replit.
This is a Replit theme sync, basically meaning that it keeps track of the current time (which may need to be edited later on), and if the time passes morning, afternoon, etc, the theme switches. The idea came from GitHub's theme sync. Except this is a separate program, not attached to Replit.
Amazing GitHub Template - Sane defaults for your next project!
🚀 Useful README.md, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md, GitHub Issues and Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
Parkour game made in Python with Ursina Game Engine along with ano0002, Greeny127 and Someone-github
Parkour game made in Python with Ursina Game Engine
HackerNews digest using GitHub actions
HackerNews Digest This script makes use of GitHub actions to send daily newsletters with the top 10 posts from HackerNews of the previous day. How to
Learn Blockchains by Building One, A simple Blockchain in Python using Flask as a micro web framework.
Blockchain ✨ Learn Blockchains by Building One Yourself Installation Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed. Install Flask Web Framework. Clone this repos
Implemented page rank program
Page Rank Implemented page rank program based on fact that a website is more important if it is linked to by other important websites using recursive
Wordplay, an artificial Intelligence based crossword puzzle solver.
Wordplay, AI based crossword puzzle solver A crossword is a word puzzle that usually takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white- and bl
A powerful password generator utility which utilizes the slot technique to generate strong passwords of required length having combinations of lower and upper characters, digits and symbols.
Bitpass Password Generator Installation Make sure Python 3+ is installed
Using context-free grammar formalism to parse English sentences to determine their structure to help computer to better understand the meaning of the sentence.
Sentance Parser Executing the Program Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed. Install requirements $ pip install requirements.txt Run the program:
Get related domains / subdomains by looking at Google Analytics IDs
DomainRelationShips ██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██╗██████╗ ██║ ██║██╔══██╗ ██║██╔══██╗ ██║ ██║█████
A Git Alert Bot - Github Integration for Pyrogram & Telethon
Yet Another GitAlertBot Inspired From @Pokurt's GitGram Run Bot: Local Host Git Clone Repo : For Telethon Version : git clone https://github.com/DevsE
Lumen provides a framework for visual analytics, which allows users to build data-driven dashboards from a simple yaml specification
Lumen project provides a framework for visual analytics, which allows users to build data-driven dashboards from a simple yaml specification
Github project for Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting.
Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matting This is the Github project for our paper Attention-guided Temporal Coherent Video Object Matti
A script to automatically update bot status at GitHub as well as in Telegram channel.
A simple & short repository to show your bot's status in your GitHub README.md file as well as in you channel.
Microsoft contributing libraries, tools, recipes, sample codes and workshop contents for machine learning & deep learning.
Microsoft contributing libraries, tools, recipes, sample codes and workshop contents for machine learning & deep learning.
GG Dorking is a tool to generate GitHub and Google dorking for pentesters and bug bounty hunters.
GG-Dorking GG Dorking is a python tool to generate GitHub and Google dorking links for pentesters and bug bounty hunters. It will help you to find imp
A script to automatically update bot status at GitHub as well as in Telegram channel.
Support BotStatus ~ A simple & short repository to show your bot's status in your GitHub README.md file as well as in you channel. ⚠️ This repo should
GitHub Actions Version Updater Updates All GitHub Action Versions in a Repository and Creates a Pull Request with the Changes.
GitHub Actions Version Updater GitHub Actions Version Updater is GitHub Action that is used to update other GitHub Actions in a Repository and create
Receive GitHub webhook events and send to Telegram chats with AIOHTTP through Telegram Bot API
GitHub Webhook to Telegram Receive GitHub webhook events and send to Telegram chats with AIOHTTP through Telegram Bot API What this project do is very
可基于【腾讯云函数】/【GitHub Actions】/【Docker】的每日签到脚本(支持多账号使用)签到列表: |爱奇艺|全民K歌|腾讯视频|有道云笔记|网易云音乐|一加手机社区官方论坛|百度贴吧|Bilibili|V2EX|咔叽网单|什么值得买|AcFun|天翼云盘|WPS|吾爱破解|芒果TV|联通营业厅|Fa米家|小米运动|百度搜索资源平台|每日天气预报|每日一句|哔咔漫画|和彩云|智友邦|微博|CSDN|王者营地|
每日签到集合 基于【腾讯云函数】/【GitHub Actions】/【Docker】的每日签到脚本 支持多账号使用 特别声明: 本仓库发布的脚本及其中涉及的任何解锁和解密分析脚本,仅用于测试和学习研究,禁止用于商业用途,不能保证其合法性,准确性,完整性和有效性,请根据情况自行判断。
Python port of proxy-www (https://github.com/justjavac/proxy-www)
proxy-www.py Python port of proxy-www (https://github.com/justjavac/proxy-www). Implemented additional functionalities! How to install pip install pro
Ethereum ETL lets you convert blockchain data into convenient formats like CSVs and relational databases.
Python scripts for ETL (extract, transform and load) jobs for Ethereum blocks, transactions, ERC20 / ERC721 tokens, transfers, receipts, logs, contracts, internal transactions.
GitHubPoster - Make everything a GitHub svg poster
GitHubPoster Make everything a GitHub svg poster 支持 Strava 开心词场 扇贝 Nintendo Switch GPX 多邻国 Issue
聚合Github上已有的Poc或者Exp,CVE信息来自CVE官网。Auto Collect Poc Or CVE from Github by CVE ID.
PocOrExp in Github 聚合Github上已有的Poc或者Exp,CVE信息来自CVE官网 注意:只通过通用的CVE号聚合,因此对于MS17-010等Windows编号漏洞以及著名的有绰号的漏洞,还是自己检索一下比较好 Usage python3 exp.py -h usage: ex
Backend logic implementation for realworld with awesome FastAPI
Backend logic implementation for realworld with awesome FastAPI
Diffgram - Supervised Learning Data Platform
Data Annotation, Data Labeling, Annotation Tooling, Training Data for Machine Learning
Lord Userbot Userbot Yang Digunakan Untuk Bersenang-Senang Di Telegram Repo Lord Userbot Repo Yang Dibuat Alvin Dari Berbagai Repo Userbot Github CARA
《LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification》(AAAI 2021) GitHub:
LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Hands-on machine learning workshop
emb-ntua-workshop This workshop discusses introductory concepts of machine learning and data mining following a hands-on approach using popular tools
《Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Representation with Viewpoint and Pose Disentanglement》(ECCV 2020) GitHub: [fig9]
Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Representation [Paper] The implementation of our paper Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Representation with Viewpoint and Pose Di
git《USD-Seg:Learning Universal Shape Dictionary for Realtime Instance Segmentation》(2020) GitHub: [fig2]
USD-Seg This project is an implement of paper USD-Seg:Learning Universal Shape Dictionary for Realtime Instance Segmentation, based on FCOS detector f