2116 Repositories
Python graph-convolutional-network Libraries
Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution (MICCAI 2021)
T2Net Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution (MICCAI 2021) [Paper][Code] Dependencies numpy==1.18.5 scikit_image==
Official repository for the ISBI 2021 paper Transformer Assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Cell Instance Segmentation
SegPC-2021 This is the official repository for the ISBI 2021 paper Transformer Assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Cell Instance Segmentation by
List of awesome things around semantic segmentation 🎉
Awesome Semantic Segmentation List of awesome things around semantic segmentation 🎉 Semantic segmentation is a computer vision task in which we label
Repository features UNet inspired architecture used for segmenting lungs on chest X-Ray images
Lung Segmentation (2D) Repository features UNet inspired architecture used for segmenting lungs on chest X-Ray images. Demo See the application of the
Pre-trained models for a Cascaded-FCN in caffe and tensorflow that segments
Cascaded-FCN This repository contains the pre-trained models for a Cascaded-FCN in caffe and tensorflow that segments the liver and its lesions out of
Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
ild-cnn This is supplementary material for the manuscript: "Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neur
Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Cancer Lesions (BRCA)
Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Semantic Segmentation of Breast Cancer Lesions (BRCA). Master's thesis documents. Bibliography, experiments and reports.
Band-Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Band-Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Semantic Segmentation for Aerial Imagery using Convolutional Neural Network
This repo has been deprecated because whole things are re-implemented by using Chainer and I did refactoring for many codes. So please check this newe
Multiple Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery with Convolutional Neural Networks
This is an implementation of Volodymyr Mnih's dissertation methods on his Massachusetts road & building dataset and my original methods that are publi
This repository contains code, network definitions and pre-trained models for working on remote sensing images using deep learning
Deep learning for Earth Observation This repository contains code, network definitions and pre-trained models for working on remote sensing images usi
Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network
Learning to Segment Instances in Videos with Spatial Propagation Network This paper is available at the 2017 DAVIS Challenge website. Check our result
Source code of all the projects of Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree.
self-driving-car In this repository I will share the source code of all the projects of Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree. Hope this might
This is a Keras-based Python implementation of DeepMask- a complex deep neural network for learning object segmentation masks
NNProject - DeepMask This is a Keras-based Python implementation of DeepMask- a complex deep neural network for learning object segmentation masks. Th
CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework using fully convolutional networks
Build status: master (production branch): develop (development branch): Welcome to the CN24 GitHub repository! CN24 is a complete semantic segmentatio
Segment axon and myelin from microscopy data using deep learning
Segment axon and myelin from microscopy data using deep learning. Written in Python. Using the TensorFlow framework. Based on a convolutional neural network architecture. Pixels are classified as either axon, myelin or background.
DeepCO3: Deep Instance Co-segmentation by Co-peak Search and Co-saliency
[CVPR19] DeepCO3: Deep Instance Co-segmentation by Co-peak Search and Co-saliency (Oral paper) Authors: Kuang-Jui Hsu, Yen-Yu Lin, Yung-Yu Chuang PDF:
Natural Posterior Network: Deep Bayesian Predictive Uncertainty for Exponential Family Distributions
Natural Posterior Network This repository provides the official implementation o
Built a deep neural network (DNN) that functions as an end-to-end machine translation pipeline
Built a deep neural network (DNN) that functions as an end-to-end machine translation pipeline. The pipeline accepts english text as input and returns the French translation.
Code for the paper "Generative design of breakwaters usign deep convolutional neural network as a surrogate model"
Generative design of breakwaters usign deep convolutional neural network as a surrogate model This repository contains the code for the paper "Generat
On Evaluation Metrics for Graph Generative Models
On Evaluation Metrics for Graph Generative Models Authors: Rylee Thompson, Boris Knyazev, Elahe Ghalebi, Jungtaek Kim, Graham Taylor This is the offic
To prepare an image processing model to classify the type of disaster based on the image dataset
Disaster Classificiation using CNNs bunnysaini/Disaster-Classificiation Goal To prepare an image processing model to classify the type of disaster bas
This project generates news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network.
News Headlines Generator bunnysaini/Generate-Headlines Goal This project aims to generate news headlines using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural
Computer Vision is an elective course of MSAI, SCSE, NTU, Singapore
[AI6122] Computer Vision is an elective course of MSAI, SCSE, NTU, Singapore. The repository corresponds to the AI6122 of Semester 1, AY2021-2022, starting from 08/2021. The instructor of this course is Prof. Lu Shijian.
GPU implementation of $k$-Nearest Neighbors and Shared-Nearest Neighbors
GPU implementation of kNN and SNN GPU implementation of $k$-Nearest Neighbors and Shared-Nearest Neighbors Supported by numba cuda and faiss library E
NuPIC Studio is an all-in-one tool that allows users create a HTM neural network from scratch
NuPIC Studio is an all-in-one tool that allows users create a HTM neural network from scratch, train it, collect statistics, and share it among the members of the community. It is not just a visualization tool but an HTM builder, debugger and laboratory for experiments. It is ideal for newbies with little intimacy with NuPIC code as well as experts that wish a better productivity. Among its features and advantages:
An curated collection of awesome resources about networking in cybersecurity
An ongoing curated collection of awesome software, libraries, frameworks, talks & videos, best practices, learning tutorials and important practical resources about networking in cybersecurity
BioPy is a collection (in-progress) of biologically-inspired algorithms written in Python
BioPy is a collection (in-progress) of biologically-inspired algorithms written in Python. Some of the algorithms included are mor
This module is used to create Convolutional AutoEncoders for Variational Data Assimilation
VarDACAE This module is used to create Convolutional AutoEncoders for Variational Data Assimilation. A user can define, create and train an AE for Dat
TensorDebugger (TDB) is a visual debugger for deep learning. It extends TensorFlow with breakpoints + real-time visualization of the data flowing through the computational graph
TensorDebugger (TDB) is a visual debugger for deep learning. It extends TensorFlow (Google's Deep Learning framework) with breakpoints + real-time visualization of the data flowing through the computational graph.
Neuron class provides LNU (Linear Neural Unit), QNU (Quadratic Neural Unit), RBF (Radial Basis Function), MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron), MLP-ELM (Multi Layer Perceptron - Extreme Learning Machine) neurons learned with Gradient descent or LeLevenberg–Marquardt algorithm
Neuron class provides LNU (Linear Neural Unit), QNU (Quadratic Neural Unit), RBF (Radial Basis Function), MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron), MLP-ELM (Multi Layer Perceptron - Extreme Learning Machine) neurons learned with Gradient descent or LeLevenberg–Marquardt algorithm
IPV4 network calculation project in Python
Curso de Python 3 do Básico ao Avançado Desafio: Calculando redes IPV4 Criar um programa que obtem um numero de IP com o prefixo da mascara de rede. O
Peek-a-Boo: What (More) is Disguised in a Randomly Weighted Neural Network, and How to Find It Efficiently
Peek-a-Boo: What (More) is Disguised in a Randomly Weighted Neural Network, and How to Find It Efficiently This repository is the official implementat
Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track: Open Solution
Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track: Open Solution This is an open solution to the Google AI Open Images - Object Detection Track 😃 More c
ThorFI: A Novel Approach for Network Fault Injection as a Service
ThorFI: a Novel Approach for Network Fault Injection as a Service This repo includes ThorFI, a novel fault injection solution for virtual networks in
GNES enables large-scale index and semantic search for text-to-text, image-to-image, video-to-video and any-to-any content form
GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network.
A curated list of efficient attention modules
awesome-fast-attention A curated list of efficient attention modules
ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations
ECLARE ECLARE: Extreme Classification with Label Graph Correlations @InProceedings{Mittal21b, author = "Mittal, A. and Sachdeva, N. and Agrawal
GalaXC: Graph Neural Networks with Labelwise Attention for Extreme Classification
GalaXC GalaXC: Graph Neural Networks with Labelwise Attention for Extreme Classification @InProceedings{Saini21, author = {Saini, D. and Jain,
Code for the paper BERT might be Overkill: A Tiny but Effective Biomedical Entity Linker based on Residual Convolutional Neural Networks
Biomedical Entity Linking This repo provides the code for the paper BERT might be Overkill: A Tiny but Effective Biomedical Entity Linker based on Res
Holehe OSINT - Email to Registered Accounts
holehe allows you to check if the mail is used on different sites like twitter, instagram and will retrieve information on sites with the forgotten password function.
Social Network Ads Prediction
Social network advertising, also social media targeting, is a group of terms that are used to describe forms of online advertising that focus on social networking services.
TJU Deep Learning & Neural Network
Deep_Learning & Neural_Network_Lab 实验环境 Python 3.9 Anaconda3(官网下载或清华镜像都行) PyTorch 1.10.1(安装代码如下) conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatool
Code to reproduce the results for Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification, published in UAI 2021
Code to reproduce the results for Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification, published in UAI 2021
DP2 graph edit codes.
必要なソフト・パッケージ Python3 Numpy JSON Matplotlib 動作確認環境 MacBook Air M1 Python 3.8.2 (arm64) Numpy 1.22.0 Matplotlib 3.5.1 JSON 2.0.9 使い方 draw_time_histgram(
Based on Stockfish neural network(similar to LcZero)
MarcoEngine Marco Engine - interesnaya neyronnaya shakhmatnaya set', kotoraya ispol'zuyet metod samoobucheniya(dostizheniye khoroshoy igy putem proboy
TCNN Temporal convolutional neural network for real-time speech enhancement in the time domain
TCNN Pandey A, Wang D L. TCNN: Temporal convolutional neural network for real-time speech enhancement in the time domain[C]//ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE Int
TransMVSNet: Global Context-aware Multi-view Stereo Network with Transformers.
TransMVSNet This repository contains the official implementation of the paper: "TransMVSNet: Global Context-aware Multi-view Stereo Network with Trans
It is convenient to quickly import Python packages from the network.
It is convenient to quickly import Python packages from the network.
This Home Assistant custom component adding support for controlling Midea dehumidifiers on local network.
This custom component for Home Assistant adds support for Midea air conditioner and dehumidifier appliances via the local area network. homeassistant-
Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of "Augmenting Convolutional networks with attention-based aggregation"
Pytorch Implementation of Augmenting Convolutional networks with attention-based aggregation This is the unofficial PyTorch Implementation of "Augment
Tutorial: Introduction to Graph Machine Learning, with Jupyter notebooks
GraphMLTutorialNLDL22 Tutorial NLDL22: Introduction to Graph Machine Learning, with Jupyter notebooks This tutorial takes place during the conference
Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data
VIMuRe Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data. If you use this code please cite this article (preprint). De
The model is designed to train a single and large neural network in order to predict correct translation by reading the given sentence.
Neural Machine Translation communication system The model is basically direct to convert one source language to another targeted language using encode
Code repository for our paper "Learning to Generate Scene Graph from Natural Language Supervision" in ICCV 2021
Scene Graph Generation from Natural Language Supervision This repository includes the Pytorch code for our paper "Learning to Generate Scene Graph fro
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Efficient Action Recognition
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper EAN: Event Adaptive Network for Efficient Action Recognition
CKD - Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding
Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Information Network Embed
OneShot Learning-based hotword detection.
EfficientWord-Net Hotword detection based on one-shot learning Home assistants require special phrases called hotwords to get activated (eg:"ok google
Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more
Instant Neural Graphics Primitives Ever wanted to train a NeRF model of a fox in under 5 seconds? Or fly around a scene captured from photos of a fact
Rotated Box Is Back : Accurate Box Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection
Rotated Box Is Back : Accurate Box Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection This material is supplementray code for paper accepted in ICDAR 2021 We h
Reimplementation of Learning Mesh-based Simulation With Graph Networks
Pytorch Implementation of Learning Mesh-based Simulation With Graph Networks This is the unofficial implementation of the approach described in the pa
Code and Resources for the Transformer Encoder Reasoning Network (TERN)
Transformer Encoder Reasoning Network Code for the cross-modal visual-linguistic retrieval method from "Transformer Reasoning Network for Image-Text M
Official PyTorch code for "BAM: Bottleneck Attention Module (BMVC2018)" and "CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module (ECCV2018)"
BAM and CBAM Official PyTorch code for "BAM: Bottleneck Attention Module (BMVC2018)" and "CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module (ECCV2018)" Updat
Official repository of "DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding", TPAMI 2022.
DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding (TPAMI 2022) This repo is the official code for DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multip
Node-level Graph Regression with Deep Gaussian Process Models
Node-level Graph Regression with Deep Gaussian Process Models Prerequests our implementation is mainly based on tensorflow 1.x and gpflow 1.x: python
Beihang University Network Authentication Login
北航自动网络认证使用说明 主文件 gw_buaa.py # @file gw_buaa.py # @author Dong # @date 2022-01-25 # @email [email protected] # @brief This is a python script to l
Evolving neural network parameters in JAX.
Evolving Neural Networks in JAX This repository holds code displaying techniques for applying evolutionary network training strategies in JAX. Each sc
SMTP In some vulnerable configurations, email servers can also be aggregated Use information that gives us information about the host or network Give
SMTP In some vulnerable configurations, email servers can also be aggregated Use information that gives us information about the host or network Give. The SMTP protocol supports some basic commands such as VRFY and EXPN Slowly A VRFY request asks the server to verify an email address while Which requests an EXPN request for email list membership. These requests are The power is sometimes misused to verify the existence of a user on the email server Used by hackers later
A basic neural network for image segmentation.
Unet_erythema_detection A basic neural network for image segmentation. 前期准备 1.在logs文件夹中下载h5权重文件,百度网盘链接在logs文件夹中 2.将所有原图 放置在“/dataset_1/JPEGImages/”文件夹
Prediction of MBA refinance Index (Mortgage prepayment)
Prediction of MBA refinance Index (Mortgage prepayment) Deep Neural Network based Model The ability to predict mortgage prepayment is of critical use
FairEdit: Preserving Fairness in Graph Neural Networks through Greedy Graph Editing
FairEdit Relevent Publication FairEdit: Preserving Fairness in Graph Neural Networks through Greedy Graph Editing
Tree-based Search Graph for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
TBSG: Tree-based Search Graph for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. TBSG is a graph-based algorithm for ANNS based on Cover Tree, which is also an
Unofficial JAX implementations of Deep Learning models
JAX Models Table of Contents About The Project Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Usage Contributing License Contact About The Project The JAX
A Deep Learning Based Knowledge Extraction Toolkit for Knowledge Base Population
DeepKE is a knowledge extraction toolkit supporting low-resource and document-level scenarios for entity, relation and attribute extraction. We provide comprehensive documents, Google Colab tutorials, and online demo for beginners.
[ACM MM 2021] TSA-Net: Tube Self-Attention Network for Action Quality Assessment
Tube Self-Attention Network (TSA-Net) This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for paper TSA-Net: Tube Self-Attention Network for Action Qu
This repo is the official implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
1 MAGNN This repo is the official implementation for Multi-Scale Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting. 1.1 The frame
VisionKG: Vision Knowledge Graph
VisionKG: Vision Knowledge Graph Official Repository of VisionKG by Anh Le-Tuan, Trung-Kien Tran, Manh Nguyen-Duc, Jicheng Yuan, Manfred Hauswirth and
A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
Awesome Deep Learning Table of Contents Books Courses Videos and Lectures Papers Tutorials Researchers Websites Datasets Conferences Frameworks Tools
Collection of machine learning related notebooks to share.
ML_Notebooks Collection of machine learning related notebooks to share. Notebooks GAN_distributed_training.ipynb In this Notebook, TensorFlow's tutori
Public scripts, services, and configuration for running a smart home K3S network cluster
makerhouse_network Public scripts, services, and configuration for running MakerHouse's home network. This network supports: TODO features here For mo
Best practices for segmentation of the corporate network of any company
Best-practice-for-network-segmentation What is this? This project was created to publish the best practices for segmentation of the corporate network
🌐 Tools for Networking
🌐 Network Tools Tools for Networking This repository contains the tools needed to make networking easier. Make sure to download all of the requiremen
LEDNet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
LEDNet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation Table of Contents: Introduction Project Structure Installation Datas
LightNet++: Boosted Light-weighted Networks for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
LightNet++ !!!New Repo.!!! ⇒ EfficientNet.PyTorch: Concise, Modular, Human-friendly PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet with Pre-trained Weights !!
Proposal, Tracking and Segmentation (PTS): A Cascaded Network for Video Object Segmentation
Proposal, Tracking and Segmentation (PTS): A Cascaded Network for Video Object Segmentation By Qiang Zhou*, Zilong Huang*, Lichao Huang, Han Shen, Yon
Source code for our CVPR 2019 paper - PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection
PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection PyTorch implementation of our CVPR 2019 paper: PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line
FusionNet: A deep fully residual convolutional neural network for image segmentation in connectomics
FusionNet_Pytorch FusionNet: A deep fully residual convolutional neural network for image segmentation in connectomics Requirements Pytorch 0.1.11 Pyt
TransferNet: Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
TransferNet: Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network Created by Seunghoon Hong, Junhyuk Oh,
Use graph-based analysis to re-classify stocks and to improve Markowitz portfolio optimization
Dynamic Stock Industrial Classification Use graph-based analysis to re-classify stocks and experiment different re-classification methodologies to imp
From Perceptron model to Deep Neural Network from scratch in Python.
Neural-Network-Basics Aim of this Repository: From Perceptron model to Deep Neural Network (from scratch) in Python. ** Currently working on a basic N
The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network.
UNet-SIDE The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network. For Super Reso
Spy Ad Network - Spy Ad Network Detection With Python
Spy Ad Network Spy Ad Network Detection Jumps from link to link to access a site
Weakly Supervised Segmentation with Tensorflow. Implements instance segmentation as described in Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, by Khoreva et al. (CVPR 2017).
Weakly Supervised Segmentation with TensorFlow This repo contains a TensorFlow implementation of weakly supervised instance segmentation as described
Code of the paper "Part Detector Discovery in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" by Marcel Simon, Erik Rodner and Joachim Denzler
Part Detector Discovery This is the code used in our paper "Part Detector Discovery in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" by Marcel Simon, Erik Rodne
Dagon - An Asynchronous Task Graph Execution Engine
Dagon - An Asynchronous Task Graph Execution Engine Dagon is a job execution sys
Cryptocurrency Prediction with Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning via LSTM Neural Networks)
Cryptocurrency Prediction with Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning via LSTM Neural Networks)- Emirhan BULUT
Use stochastic processes to generate samples and use them to train a fully-connected neural network based on Keras
Use stochastic processes to generate samples and use them to train a fully-connected neural network based on Keras which will then be used to generate residuals
Food recognition model using convolutional neural network & computer vision
Food recognition model using convolutional neural network & computer vision. The goal is to match or beat the DeepFood Research Paper
A short and easy PyTorch implementation of E(n) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks
Simple implementation of Equivariant GNN A short implementation of E(n) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks for HOMO energy prediction. Just 50 lines of
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU
This is the course project of AI3602: Data Mining of SJTU. Group Members include Jinghao Feng, Mingyang Jiang and Wenzhong Zheng.