6165 Repositories
Python Train-Semantic-Segmentation-Net-with-Pytorch-In-50-Lines-Of-Code Libraries
Source code of RRPN ---- Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals
Paper source Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.01086 News We update RRPN in pytorch 1.0! View
The code of "Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes"
Mask TextSpotter A Pytorch implementation of Mask TextSpotter along with its extension can be find here Introduction This is the official implementati
Pytorch implementation of PSEnet with Pyramid Attention Network as feature extractor
Scene Text-Spotting based on PSEnet+CRNN Pytorch implementation of an end to end Text-Spotter with a PSEnet text detector and CRNN text recognizer. We
Detect textlines in document images
Textline Detection Detect textlines in document images Introduction This tool performs border, region and textline detection from document image data
Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwritten line text image without pre segmentation into words or characters. Use CTC loss Function to train.
Handwritten Line Text Recognition using Deep Learning with Tensorflow Description Use Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network to recognize the Handwrit
Deep Learning framework for Line-level Handwritten Text Recognition Short presentation of our project Introduction Installation 2.a Install conda envi
Handwritten Number Recognition using CNN and Character Segmentation
Handwritten-Number-Recognition-With-Image-Segmentation Info About this repository This Repository is aimed at reading handwritten images of numbers an
This repository lets you train neural networks models for performing end-to-end full-page handwriting recognition using the Apache MXNet deep learning frameworks on the IAM Dataset.
Handwritten Text Recognition (OCR) with MXNet Gluon These notebooks have been created by Jonathan Chung, as part of his internship as Applied Scientis
Document Layout Analysis
Eynollah Document Layout Analysis Introduction This tool performs document layout analysis (segmentation) from image data and returns the results as P
OCR-D-compliant page segmentation
ocrd_segment This repository aims to provide a number of OCR-D-compliant processors for layout analysis and evaluation. Installation In your virtual e
a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation.
OCR Segmentation a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation. dependencies tensorflow1.8 python3 dataset: uw3-framed-lines-degraded-
ocroseg - This is a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation.
ocroseg This is a deep learning model for page layout analysis / segmentation. There are many different ways in which you can train and run it, but by
Page to PAGE Layout Analysis Tool
P2PaLA Page to PAGE Layout Analysis (P2PaLA) is a toolkit for Document Layout Analysis based on Neural Networks. 💥 Try our new DEMO for online baseli
Generic framework for historical document processing
dhSegment dhSegment is a tool for Historical Document Processing. Its generic approach allows to segment regions and extract content from different ty
Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
引用 本项目模型BiLSTM+CRF参考论文:http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N16-1030 ,IDCNN+CRF参考论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.02098 构建 安装好bazel代码构建工具,安装好tensorflow(目前本项目需
Detect handwritten words in a text-line (classic image processing method).
Word segmentation Implementation of scale space technique for word segmentation as proposed by R. Manmatha and N. Srimal. Even though the paper is fro
Character Segmentation using TensorFlow
Character Segmentation Segment characters and spaces in one text line,from this paper Chinese English mixed Character Segmentation as Semantic Segment
Detect textlines in document images
Textline Detection Detect textlines in document images Introduction This tool performs border, region and textline detection from document image data
ARU-Net - Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
ARU-Net: A Neural Pixel Labeler for Layout Analysis of Historical Documents Contents Introduction Installation Demo Training Introduction This is the
Code for the paper "DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks" (ICCV '19)
DewarpNet This repository contains the codes for DewarpNet training. Recent Updates [May, 2020] Added evaluation images and an important note about Ma
Deskew is a command line tool for deskewing scanned text documents. It uses Hough transform to detect "text lines" in the image. As an output, you get an image rotated so that the lines are horizontal.
Deskew by Marek Mauder https://galfar.vevb.net/deskew https://github.com/galfar/deskew v1.30 2019-06-07 Overview Deskew is a command line tool for des
git《Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion with Structural and Semantic Context》(AAAI 2020) GitHub: [fig1]
Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion with Structural and Semantic Context Code for the paper Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion with Structural an
Supplementary code for the paper "Meta-Solver for Neural Ordinary Differential Equations" https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.08561
Meta-Solver for Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Towards robust neural ODEs using parametrized solvers. Main idea Each Runge-Kutta (RK) solver w
Code for SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics (ACL'2020).
SentiBERT Code for SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics (ACL'2020). https://arxiv.org/abs/20
TensorFlow code for the neural network presented in the paper: "Structural Language Models of Code" (ICML'2020)
SLM: Structural Language Models of Code This is an official implementation of the model described in: "Structural Language Models of Code" [PDF] To ap
Code and model benchmarks for "SEVIR : A Storm Event Imagery Dataset for Deep Learning Applications in Radar and Satellite Meteorology"
NeurIPS 2020 SEVIR Code for paper: SEVIR : A Storm Event Imagery Dataset for Deep Learning Applications in Radar and Satellite Meteorology Requirement
Code for "Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions with Invertible Neural Networks", CVPR 2021
Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions with Invertible Neural Networks This repository contains the code that accompanies our CVPR 20
MASR中文语音识别(pytorch版) 开箱即用 自行训练 使用与训练分离(增量训练) 识别率高 说明:因为每个人电脑机器不同,而且有些安装包安装起来比较麻烦,强烈建议直接用我编译好的docker环境跑 目前docker基础环境为ubuntu-cuda10.1-cudnn7-pytorch1.6.
PyTorch implementation of Barlow Twins.
Barlow Twins: Self-Supervised Learning via Redundancy Reduction PyTorch implementation of Barlow Twins. @article{zbontar2021barlow, title={Barlow Tw
Official PyTorch implementation of Spatial Dependency Networks.
Spatial Dependency Networks: Neural Layers for Improved Generative Image Modeling Đorđe Miladinović Aleksandar Stanić Stefan Bauer Jürgen Schmid
[CIKM 2019] Code and dataset for "Fi-GNN: Modeling Feature Interactions via Graph Neural Networks for CTR Prediction"
FiGNN for CTR prediction The code and data for our paper in CIKM2019: Fi-GNN: Modeling Feature Interactions via Graph Neural Networks for CTR Predicti
Code for the paper Language as a Cognitive Tool to Imagine Goals in Curiosity Driven Exploration
IMAGINE: Language as a Cognitive Tool to Imagine Goals in Curiosity Driven Exploration This repo contains the code base of the paper Language as a Cog
pytorch implementation of trDesign
trdesign-pytorch This repository is a PyTorch implementation of the trDesign paper based on the official TensorFlow implementation. The initial port o
A spherical CNN for weather forecasting
DeepSphere-Weather - Deep Learning on the sphere for weather/climate applications. The code in this repository provides a scalable and flexible framew
Code for the paper "Training GANs with Stronger Augmentations via Contrastive Discriminator" (ICLR 2021)
Training GANs with Stronger Augmentations via Contrastive Discriminator (ICLR 2021) This repository contains the code for reproducing the paper: Train
code for "AttentiveNAS Improving Neural Architecture Search via Attentive Sampling"
AttentiveNAS: Improving Neural Architecture Search via Attentive Sampling This repository contains PyTorch evaluation code, training code and pretrain
[CVPR 2021] Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion
[CVPR 2021] Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion
Open source code for Paper "A Co-Interactive Transformer for Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection"
A Co-Interactive Transformer for Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection This repository contains the PyTorch implementation of the paper: A Co-Intera
PyTorch implementations of the paper: "Learning Independent Instance Maps for Crowd Localization"
IIM - Crowd Localization This repo is the official implementation of paper: Learning Independent Instance Maps for Crowd Localization. The code is dev
Distributional Sliced-Wasserstein distance code
Distributional Sliced Wasserstein distance This is a pytorch implementation of the paper "Distributional Sliced-Wasserstein and Applications to Genera
Unofficial implementation of "TTNet: Real-time temporal and spatial video analysis of table tennis" (CVPR 2020)
TTNet-Pytorch The implementation for the paper "TTNet: Real-time temporal and spatial video analysis of table tennis" An introduction of the project c
Code for one-stage adaptive set-based HOI detector AS-Net.
AS-Net Code for one-stage adaptive set-based HOI detector AS-Net. Mingfei Chen*, Yue Liao*, Si Liu, Zhiyuan Chen, Fei Wang, Chen Qian. "Reformulating
Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
Komodo Edit This readme explains how to get started building, using and developing with the Komodo Edit source base. Whilst the main Komodo Edit sourc
The uncompromising Python code formatter
The Uncompromising Code Formatter “Any color you like.” Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over
An experimental code editor for writing algorithms
Algojammer Algojammer is an experimental, proof-of-concept code editor for writing algorithms in Python. It was mainly written to assist with solving
The source code that powers readthedocs.org
Welcome to Read the Docs Purpose Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community. It supports Sphinx docs written with reStructuredTex
A PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch
This repository holds NVIDIA-maintained utilities to streamline mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch. Some of the code here will be included in upstream Pytorch eventually. The intention of Apex is to make up-to-date utilities available to users as quickly as possible.
PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
Implementation of Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (StyleGAN 2) in PyTorch
Implementation of Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (StyleGAN 2) in PyTorch
OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
MMDetection is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project.
Old Photo Restoration (Official PyTorch Implementation)
Bringing Old Photo Back to Life (CVPR 2020 oral)
SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit based on PyTorch.
The goal is to create a single, flexible, and user-friendly toolkit that can be used to easily develop state-of-the-art speech technologies, including systems for speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech enhancement, multi-microphone signal processing and many others.
Official code implementation for "Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks"
Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks This is an official implementation of Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks paper. [
Official code of the paper "ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection" (CVPR 2021)
ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection (CVPR2021), Jiam
Implementation of "Slow-Fast Auditory Streams for Audio Recognition, ICASSP, 2021" in PyTorch
Auditory Slow-Fast This repository implements the model proposed in the paper: Evangelos Kazakos, Arsha Nagrani, Andrew Zisserman, Dima Damen, Slow-Fa
Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation, WWW2021
Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation This is our PyTorch implementation for the paper: Xiang Wang, Tinglin Hua
Pytorch implementation of Each Part Matters: Local Patterns Facilitate Cross-view Geo-localization https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11646
[TCSVT] Each Part Matters: Local Patterns Facilitate Cross-view Geo-localization LPN [Paper] NEWs Prerequisites Python 3.6 GPU Memory = 8G Numpy 1.
Unet:U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation目标检测模型在Pytorch当中的实现 目录 性能情况 Performance 所需环境 Environment 注意事项 Attention 文件下载 Downl
Official code of our work, Unified Pre-training for Program Understanding and Generation [NAACL 2021].
PLBART Code pre-release of our work, Unified Pre-training for Program Understanding and Generation accepted at NAACL 2021. Note. A detailed documentat
CTC segmentation python package
CTC segmentation CTC segmentation can be used to find utterances alignments within large audio files. This repository contains the ctc-segmentation py
TorchMetrics is a collection of 25+ PyTorch metrics implementations and an easy-to-use API to create custom metrics.
Machine learning metrics for distributed, scalable PyTorch applications.
Repository tracking all OpenStack repositories as submodules. Mirror of code maintained at opendev.org.
OpenStack OpenStack is a collection of interoperable components that can be deployed to provide computing, networking and storage resources. Those inf
Code Review, hosted on Google App Engine
Welcome to Rietveld GitHub Wiki: https://github.com/rietveld-codereview/rietveld/wiki Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/codereview-discuss
An extensible and friendly code review tool for projects and companies of all sizes.
Review Board Review Board is an open source, web-based code and document review tool built to help companies, open source projects, and other organiza
[CVPR2021 Oral] End-to-End Video Instance Segmentation with Transformers
VisTR: End-to-End Video Instance Segmentation with Transformers This is the official implementation of the VisTR paper: Installation We provide instru
Dogs classification with Deep Metric Learning using some popular losses
Tsinghua Dogs classification with Deep Metric Learning 1. Introduction Tsinghua Dogs dataset Tsinghua Dogs is a fine-grained classification dataset fo
Feature extraction made simple with torchextractor
torchextractor: PyTorch Intermediate Feature Extraction Introduction Too many times some model definitions get remorselessly copy-pasted just because
Code for "Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks with Stochastic Differential Equations"
Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks with SDEs This library contains JAX and Pytorch implementations of neural ODEs and Bayesian layers for stocha
This is the code for HOI Transformer
HOI Transformer Code for CVPR 2021 accepted paper End-to-End Human Object Interaction Detection with HOI Transformer. Reproduction We recomend you to
An official implementation of "SFNet: Learning Object-aware Semantic Correspondence" (CVPR 2019, TPAMI 2020) in PyTorch.
PyTorch implementation of SFNet This is the implementation of the paper "SFNet: Learning Object-aware Semantic Correspondence". For more information,
Voice Conversion by CycleGAN (语音克隆/语音转换):CycleGAN-VC3
CycleGAN-VC3-PyTorch 中文说明 | English This code is a PyTorch implementation for paper: CycleGAN-VC3: Examining and Improving CycleGAN-VCs for Mel-spectr
CoTr: Efficiently Bridging CNN and Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
CoTr: Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation by bridging CNN and Transformer This is the official pytorch implementation of the CoTr: Paper: CoTr: Ef
Code for CVPR2021 paper "Robust Reflection Removal with Reflection-free Flash-only Cues"
Robust Reflection Removal with Reflection-free Flash-only Cues (RFC) Paper | To be released: Project Page | Video | Data Tensorflow implementation for
[CVPR2021] The source code for our paper 《Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning》.
TBE The source code for our paper "Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Le
Official implementation of our paper "LLA: Loss-aware Label Assignment for Dense Pedestrian Detection" in Pytorch.
LLA: Loss-aware Label Assignment for Dense Pedestrian Detection This project provides an implementation for "LLA: Loss-aware Label Assignment for Dens
This is the source code of RPG (Reward-Randomized Policy Gradient)
RPG (Reward-Randomized Policy Gradient) Zhenggang Tang*, Chao Yu*, Boyuan Chen, Huazhe Xu, Xiaolong Wang, Fei Fang, Simon Shaolei Du, Yu Wang, Yi Wu (
Pytorch Lightning Distributed Accelerators using Ray
Distributed PyTorch Lightning Training on Ray This library adds new PyTorch Lightning accelerators for distributed training using the Ray distributed
Official PyTorch Implementation of Unsupervised Learning of Scene Flow Estimation Fusing with Local Rigidity
UnRigidFlow This is the official PyTorch implementation of UnRigidFlow (IJCAI2019). Here are two sample results (~10MB gif for each) of our unsupervis
Code for ICLR 2021 Paper, "Anytime Sampling for Autoregressive Models via Ordered Autoencoding"
Anytime Autoregressive Model Anytime Sampling for Autoregressive Models via Ordered Autoencoding , ICLR 21 Yilun Xu, Yang Song, Sahaj Gara, Linyuan Go
[CVPR 2021] Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition, a brand new neural operator
involution Official implementation of a neural operator as described in Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition (CVP
[CVPR 2021] Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing
Anycost GAN video | paper | website Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing Ji Lin, Richard Zhang, Frieder Ganz, Song Han, Jun-Yan Zh
Code for our CVPR2021 paper coordinate attention
Coordinate Attention for Efficient Mobile Network Design (preprint) This repository is a PyTorch implementation of our coordinate attention (will appe
Implementation of Perceiver, General Perception with Iterative Attention, in Pytorch
Perceiver - Pytorch Implementation of Perceiver, General Perception with Iterative Attention, in Pytorch Install $ pip install perceiver-pytorch Usage
Official code for "Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling Appearance Flows", CVPR 2021
Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling Appearance Flows, CVPR 2021 Official code for CVPR 2021 paper 'Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling App
This repo provides the official code for TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.04430.pdf).
TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer This repo is the official implementation for TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmenta
Code for our CVPR 2021 paper "MetaCam+DSCE"
Joint Noise-Tolerant Learning and Meta Camera Shift Adaptation for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification (CVPR'21) Introduction Code for our CVPR 2021
Official pytorch implementation of paper "Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search" (CVPR 2021 Oral).
IC-Conv This repository is an official implementation of the paper Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search. Getting Started Download Imag
All the essential resources and template code needed to understand and practice data structures and algorithms in python with few small projects to demonstrate their practical application.
Data Structures and Algorithms Python INDEX 1. Resources - Books Data Structures - Reema Thareja competitiveCoding Big-O Cheat Sheet DAA Syllabus Inte
Source code of u/pekofy_bot from reddit.
pekofy-bot Source code of u/pekofy_bot from reddit. Get more info about the bot here: https://www.reddit.com/user/pekofy_bot/comments/krxxol/pekofy_bo
A complete end-to-end demonstration in which we collect training data in Unity and use that data to train a deep neural network to predict the pose of a cube. This model is then deployed in a simulated robotic pick-and-place task.
Object Pose Estimation Demo This tutorial will go through the steps necessary to perform pose estimation with a UR3 robotic arm in Unity. You’ll gain
Source code for Acorn, the precision farming rover by Twisted Fields
Acorn precision farming rover This is the software repository for Acorn, the precision farming rover by Twisted Fields. For more information see twist
Django project starter on steroids: quickly create a Django app AND generate source code for data models + REST/GraphQL APIs (the generated code is auto-linted and has 100% test coverage).
Create Django App 💛 We're a Django project starter on steroids! One-line command to create a Django app with all the dependencies auto-installed AND
Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network Based on Asymmetric AutoEncoder
ASEGAN: Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network Based on Asymmetric AutoEncoder 中文版简介 Readme with English Version 介绍 基于SEGAN模型的改进版本,使用自主设计的非
Code for Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection, CVPR 2021
Language: 简体中文 | English Introduction This is the code for Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection, CVPR 2021. Installation A Linux pla
Pytorch implementation of BRECQ, ICLR 2021
BRECQ Pytorch implementation of BRECQ, ICLR 2021 @inproceedings{ li&gong2021brecq, title={BRECQ: Pushing the Limit of Post-Training Quantization by Bl
Raspberry Pi Pico support for VS Code
Pico-Go VS Code Extension Pico-Go provides code auto-completion and allows you to communicate with your Raspberry Pi Pico board using the built-in REP
Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot image classification.
Easy Few-Shot Learning Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot image classification. This repository is made for you
Capture all information throughout your model's development in a reproducible way and tie results directly to the model code!
Rubicon Purpose Rubicon is a data science tool that captures and stores model training and execution information, like parameters and outcomes, in a r
“ Hey there 👋 I'm Daisy „ AI based Advanced Group Management Bot Suit For All Your Needs ❤️.. Source Code of @Daisyxbot
Project still under heavy development Everything will be changed in the release “ Hey there 👋 I'm Daisy „ AI based Advanced telegram Group Management