Show Data is to generate html tables for large scale image dataset, especially for the dataset in remote server. It provides some useful commond line tools and fully customizeble API reference to generate html table different tasks.
The dataTap Python library is the primary interface for using dataTap's rich data management tools. Create datasets, stream annotations, and analyze model performance all with one library.
This tool is designed to help administrators get an overview of their Active Directory structure. In the group view you can see all elements of an AD (OU, USER, GROUPS, COMPUTERS etc.). In the user view one sees all users according to their Manager/Manager of Hierarchy.
The Spectral Diagram (SD) is a new tool for the comparison of time series in the frequency domain. The SD provides a novel way to display the coherence function, power, amplitude, phase, and skill score of discrete frequencies of two time series. Each SD summarises these quantities in a single plot for multiple targeted frequencies.