656 Repositories
Python motion-planning-algorithms Libraries
The text based version of my App Blocker that I planning on converting to GUI soon.
App-Blocker The text based version of my App Blocker that I planning on converting to GUI soon. Currently I am just uploading the appblocker.py file,
This is a model to classify Vietnamese sign language using Motion history image (MHI) algorithm and CNN.
Vietnamese sign lagnuage recognition using MHI and CNN This is a model to classify Vietnamese sign language using Motion history image (MHI) algorithm
This is the code for the paper "Motion-Focused Contrastive Learning of Video Representations" (ICCV'21).
Motion-Focused Contrastive Learning of Video Representations Introduction This is the code for the paper "Motion-Focused Contrastive Learning of Video
PyTorch implementation of "Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets"
Optimization-Planning-for-3D-ConvNets Code for the ICML 2021 paper: Optimization Planning for 3D ConvNets. Authors: Zhaofan Qiu, Ting Yao, Chong-Wah N
Sorting-Algorithms - All information about sorting algorithm you need and you can visualize the code tracer
Sorting-Algorithms - All information about sorting algorithm you need and you can visualize the code tracer
This project intends to use SVM supervised learning to determine whether or not an individual is diabetic given certain attributes.
Diabetes Prediction Using SVM I explore a diabetes prediction algorithm using a Diabetes dataset. Using a Support Vector Machine for my prediction alg
Algorithmic Multi-Instrumental MIDI Continuation Implementation
Matchmaker Algorithmic Multi-Instrumental MIDI Continuation Implementation Taming large-scale MIDI datasets with algorithms This is a WIP so please ch
Arithmos Cipher is a simple Cryptography that I created myself in Python
Arithmos Cipher is a simple Cryptography that I created myself in Python
Classic algorithms including Fizz Buzz, Bubble Sort, the Fibonacci Sequence, a Sudoku solver, and more.
Algorithms Classic algorithms including Fizz Buzz, Bubble Sort, the Fibonacci Sequence, a Sudoku solver, and more. Algorithm Complexity Time and Space
SortingAlgorithmVisualization - A place for me to learn about sorting algorithms
SortingAlgorithmVisualization A place for me to learn about sorting algorithms.
Image Encryption/Decryption based on Rubik Cube 's principle and AES
Image Encryption/Decryption based on Rubik Cube 's principle and AES Our final project for Theory of Crytography class. Our Image Encryption/Decryptio
RL Algorithms with examples in Python / Pytorch / Unity ML agents
Reinforcement Learning Project This project was created to make it easier to get started with Reinforcement Learning. It now contains: An implementati
Deep motion generator collections
GenMotion GenMotion (/gen’motion/) is a Python library for making skeletal animations. It enables easy dataset loading and experiment sharing for synt
Pytorch implementation of local motion and contrast prior driven deep network (MoCoPnet)
MoCoPnet: Exploring Local Motion and Contrast Priors for Infrared Small Target Super-Resolution Pytorch implementation of local motion and contrast pr
This repository contains the code for designing risk bounded motion plans for car-like robot using Carla Simulator.
Nonlinear Risk Bounded Robot Motion Planning This code simulates the bicycle dynamics of car by steering it on the road by avoiding another static car
Logistic Bandit experiments. Official code for the paper "Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits".
Code for the paper Jointly Efficient and Optimal Algorithms for Logistic Bandits, by Louis Faury, Marc Abeille, Clément Calauzènes and Kwang-Sun Jun.
This package implements the algorithms introduced in Smucler, Sapienza, and Rotnitzky (2020) to compute optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models.
optimaladj: A library for computing optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models This package implements the algorithms introduced in Smucler, S
A Review of Deep Learning Techniques for Markerless Human Motion on Synthetic Datasets
HOW TO USE THIS PROJECT A Review of Deep Learning Techniques for Markerless Human Motion on Synthetic Datasets Based on DeepLabCut toolbox, we run wit
Active Transport Analytics Model: A new strategic transport modelling and data visualization framework
{ATAM} Active Transport Analytics Model Active Transport Analytics Model (“ATAM”
Active Transport Analytics Model (ATAM) is a new strategic transport modelling and data visualization framework for Active Transport as well as emerging micro-mobility modes
{ATAM} Active Transport Analytics Model Active Transport Analytics Model (“ATAM”) is a new strategic transport modelling and data visualization framew
An NUS timetable generator which uses a genetic algorithm to optimise timetables to suit the needs of NUS students.
A timetable optimiser for NUS which uses an evolutionary algorithm to "breed" a timetable suited to your needs.
Machine Learning Course with Python:
A Machine Learning Course with Python Table of Contents Download Free Deep Learning Resource Guide Slack Group Introduction Motivation Machine Learnin
The Qis|krypt⟩ is a software suite of protocols of quantum cryptography and quantum communications
The Qis|krypt⟩ is a software suite of protocols of quantum cryptography and quantum communications, as well, other protocols and algorithms, built using IBM’s open-source Software Development Kit for quantum computing Qiskit. ⚛️ 🔐
A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video
Anime4K Anime4K is a set of open-source, high-quality real-time anime upscaling/denoising algorithms that can be implemented in any programming langua
Pure python implementations of popular ML algorithms.
Minimal ML algorithms This repo includes minimal implementations of popular ML algorithms using pure python and numpy. The purpose of these notebooks
A collection of data structures and algorithms I'm writing while learning
Data Structures and Algorithms: This is a collection of data structures and algorithms that I write while learning the subject Stack: stack.py A stack
A simple flask application to collect annotations for the Turing Change Point Dataset, a benchmark dataset for change point detection algorithms
AnnotateChange Welcome to the repository of the "AnnotateChange" application. This application was created to collect annotations of time series data
The Wearables Development Toolkit - a development environment for activity recognition applications with sensor signals
Wearables Development Toolkit (WDK) The Wearables Development Toolkit (WDK) is a framework and set of tools to facilitate the iterative development of
Algorithms for outlier, adversarial and drift detection
Alibi Detect is an open source Python library focused on outlier, adversarial and drift detection. The package aims to cover both online and offline d
The Turing Change Point Detection Benchmark: An Extensive Benchmark Evaluation of Change Point Detection Algorithms on real-world data
Turing Change Point Detection Benchmark Welcome to the repository for the Turing Change Point Detection Benchmark, a benchmark evaluation of change po
WTTE-RNN a framework for churn and time to event prediction
WTTE-RNN Weibull Time To Event Recurrent Neural Network A less hacky machine-learning framework for churn- and time to event prediction. Forecasting p
Where-Got-Time - An NUS timetable generator which uses a genetic algorithm to optimise timetables to suit the needs of NUS students
Where Got Time(table)? A timetable optimsier which uses an evolutionary algorith
Measures input lag without dedicated hardware, performing motion detection on recorded or live video
What is InputLagTimer? This tool can measure input lag by analyzing a video where both the game controller and the game screen can be seen on a webcam
PAMI stands for PAttern MIning. It constitutes several pattern mining algorithms to discover interesting patterns in transactional/temporal/spatiotemporal databases
Introduction PAMI stands for PAttern MIning. It constitutes several pattern mining algorithms to discover interesting patterns in transactional/tempor
A middle-to-high level algorithm book designed with coding interview at heart!
Hands-on Algorithmic Problem Solving A one-stop coding interview prep book! About this book In short, this is a middle-to-high level algorithm book de
Add any Program in any language you like or add a hello world Program ❣️ if you like give us :star:
Welcome to the Hacktoberfest 2018 Hello-world 📋 This Project aims to help you to get started with using Github. You can find a tutorial here What is
A toolkit for controlling Euro Truck Simulator 2 with python to develop self-driving algorithms.
europilot Overview Europilot is an open source project that leverages the popular Euro Truck Simulator(ETS2) to develop self-driving algorithms. A con
frePPLe - open source supply chain planning
frePPLe Open source supply chain planning FrePPLe is an easy-to-use and easy-to-implement open source advanced planning and scheduling tool for manufa
Official implementation for the paper: Generating Smooth Pose Sequences for Diverse Human Motion Prediction
Generating Smooth Pose Sequences for Diverse Human Motion Prediction This is official implementation for the paper Generating Smooth Pose Sequences fo
Python bindings for Basler's VisualApplets TCL script generation
About visualapplets.py The Basler AG company provides a TCL scripting engine to automatize the creation of VisualApplets designs (a former Silicon Sof
Python Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API
Algorithmia Common Library (python) Python client library for accessing the Algorithmia API For API documentation, see the PythonDocs Algorithm Develo
Algorithms written in different programming languages
Data Structures and Algorithms Clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms written in different languages. List of implementations
A collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms from Sutton and Barto's book and other research papers implemented in Python.
Reinforcement-Learning-Notebooks A collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms from Sutton and Barto's book and other research papers implemented
An AI made using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms (ML) .
DTech.AIML An AI made using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms (ML) . This is created by help of some members in my team and
Reinforcement learning algorithms in RLlib
raylab Reinforcement learning algorithms in RLlib and PyTorch. Installation pip install raylab Quickstart Raylab provides agents and environments to b
Code for CVPR2019 Towards Natural and Accurate Future Motion Prediction of Humans and Animals
Motion prediction with Hierarchical Motion Recurrent Network Introduction This work concerns motion prediction of articulate objects such as human, fi
This is the repository for the paper "Have I done enough planning or should I plan more?"
Metacognitive Learning Tool box https://re.is.mpg.de What Is This? This repository contains two modules used to analyse metacognitive learning in huma
A collection of implementations of deep domain adaptation algorithms
Deep Transfer Learning on PyTorch This is a PyTorch library for deep transfer learning. We divide the code into two aspects: Single-source Unsupervise
Safe Local Motion Planning with Self-Supervised Freespace Forecasting, CVPR 2021
Safe Local Motion Planning with Self-Supervised Freespace Forecasting By Peiyun Hu, Aaron Huang, John Dolan, David Held, and Deva Ramanan Citing us Yo
ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation
ADSPM: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of ADSPM. Requirements Pyth
Code for our SIGCOMM'21 paper "Network Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning".
0. Introduction This repository contains the source code for our SIGCOMM'21 paper "Network Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning". Notes The netwo
A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video
Scene-Change-Detection - A video scene detection algorithm is designed to detect a variety of different scenes within a video. There is a very simple definition for a scene: It is a series of logically and chronologically related shots taken in a specific order to depict an over-arching concept or story.
Benchmark spaces - Benchmarks of how well different two dimensional spaces work for clustering algorithms
benchmark_spaces Benchmarks of how well different two dimensional spaces work fo
BasicNeuralNetwork - This project looks over the basic structure of a neural network and how machine learning training algorithms work
BasicNeuralNetwork - This project looks over the basic structure of a neural network and how machine learning training algorithms work. For this project, I used the sigmoid function as an activation function along with stochastic gradient descent to adjust the weights and biases.
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it
Awesome Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning as we learn it. Study notes and a curated list of awesome resources of such topics.
Osmnx-examples - Usage examples, demos, and tutorials for OSMnx.
OSMnx Examples OSMnx is a Python package to work with street networks and other spatial data from OpenStreetMap: retrieve, model, analyze, and visuali
Awesome-AI-books - Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for learning and downloading
Awesome AI books Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for downloading and learning. Preface This repo only used for learning, do not use in business
Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms.
Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms.
PySOT - SenseTime Research platform for single object tracking, implementing algorithms like SiamRPN and SiamMask.
PySOT is a software system designed by SenseTime Video Intelligence Research team. It implements state-of-the-art single object tracking algorit
Gans-in-action - Companion repository to GANs in Action: Deep learning with Generative Adversarial Networks
GANs in Action by Jakub Langr and Vladimir Bok List of available code: Chapter 2: Colab, Notebook Chapter 3: Notebook Chapter 4: Notebook Chapter 6: C
Implementation of hyperparameter optimization/tuning methods for machine learning & deep learning models
Hyperparameter Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms This code provides a hyper-parameter optimization implementation for machine learning algor
Numerical-computing-is-fun - Learning numerical computing with notebooks for all ages.
As much as this series is to educate aspiring computer programmers and data scientists of all ages and all backgrounds, it is also a reminder to mysel
PathPlanning - Common used path planning algorithms with animations.
Overview This repository implements some common path planning algorithms used in robotics, including Search-based algorithms and Sampling-based algori
Distributed-systems-algos - Distributed Systems Algorithms For Python
Distributed Systems Algorithms ISIS algorithm In an asynchronous system that kee
Optimizers-visualized - Visualization of different optimizers on local minimas and saddle points.
Optimizers Visualized Visualization of how different optimizers handle mathematical functions for optimization. Contents Installation Usage Functions
Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering
Strongly local p-norm-cut algorithms for semi-supervised learning and local graph clustering
Memory-efficient optimum einsum using opt_einsum planning and PyTorch kernels.
opt-einsum-torch There have been many implementations of Einstein's summation. numpy's numpy.einsum is the least efficient one as it only runs in sing
Python implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching
Python implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching
A curated list of awesome Model-Based RL resources
Awesome Model-Based Reinforcement Learning This is a collection of research papers for model-based reinforcement learning (mbrl). And the repository w
💡 Fully automatic light management based on conditions like motion, illuminance, humidity, and other clever features
Fully automatic light management based on motion as AppDaemon app. 🕓 multiple daytimes to define different scenes for morning, noon, ... 💡 supports
Code for Paper: Self-supervised Learning of Motion Capture
Self-supervised Learning of Motion Capture This is code for the paper: Hsiao-Yu Fish Tung, Hsiao-Wei Tung, Ersin Yumer, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Self-sup
An unsupervised learning framework for depth and ego-motion estimation from monocular videos
SfMLearner This codebase implements the system described in the paper: Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video Tinghui Zhou, Matthew
TM1py is a Python package that wraps the TM1 REST API in a simple to use library.
By wrapping the IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) REST API in a concise Python framework, TM1py facilitates Python developments for TM1. Interacting with T
NOMAD - A blackbox optimization software
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Using python 3 and Flask an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms
This project was developed using python 3 and Flask, it is an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms can be tested through a communication between the computer and a device such as a microcontroller that provides these algorithms.
A python package that computes an optimal motion plan for approaching a red light
redlight_approach redlight_approach is a Python package that computes an optimal motion plan during traffic light approach. RLA_demo.mov Given the par
LynxKite: a complete graph data science platform for very large graphs and other datasets.
LynxKite is a complete graph data science platform for very large graphs and other datasets. It seamlessly combines the benefits of a friendly graphical interface and a powerful Python API.
Implemented four supervised learning Machine Learning algorithms
Implemented four supervised learning Machine Learning algorithms from an algorithmic family called Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs), details see README_Report.
A set of tests for evaluating large-scale algorithms for Wasserstein-2 transport maps computation.
Continuous Wasserstein-2 Benchmark This is the official Python implementation of the NeurIPS 2021 paper Do Neural Optimal Transport Solvers Work? A Co
Deep motion transfer
animation-with-keypoint-mask Paper The right most square is the final result. Softmax mask (circles): \ Heatmap mask: \ conda env create -f environmen
SciPy library main repository
SciPy SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is an open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It includes modules for statistics, optimiza
Differential rendering based motion capture blender project.
TraceArmature Summary TraceArmature is currently a set of python scripts that allow for high fidelity motion capture through the use of AI pose estima
PyTorch implementation of Super SloMo by Jiang et al.
Super-SloMo PyTorch implementation of "Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation" by Jiang H., Sun
Machine learning algorithms for many-body quantum systems
NetKet NetKet is an open-source project delivering cutting-edge methods for the study of many-body quantum systems with artificial neural networks and
No-reference Image Quality Assessment(NIQA) Algorithms (BRISQUE, NIQE, PIQE, RankIQA, MetaIQA)
No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms No-reference Image Quality Assessment(NIQA) is a task of evaluating an image without a reference imag
PyTorch implementation of our paper: Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition
Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition, arxiv This is a PyTorch implementation of our paper. 1. Re
A Comparative Review of Recent Kinect-Based Action Recognition Algorithms (TIP2020, Matlab codes)
A Comparative Review of Recent Kinect-Based Action Recognition Algorithms This repo contains: the HDG implementation (Matlab codes) for 'Analysis and
Repository for Comparison based sorting algorithms in python
Repository for Comparison based sorting algorithms in python. This was implemented for project one submission for ITCS 6114 Data Structures and Algorithms under the guidance of Dr. Dewan at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Fall 2021.
LTGen provides classic algorithms used in Language Theory.
LTGen LTGen stands for Language Theory GENerator and provides tools to implement language theory. Command Line LTGen is a collection of tools to imple
A parallel branch-and-bound engine for Python.
pybnb A parallel branch-and-bound engine for Python. This software is copyright (c) by Gabriel A. Hackebeil (gabe.hacke
Stochastic Tensor Optimization for Robot Motion - A GPU Robot Motion Toolkit
STORM Stochastic Tensor Optimization for Robot Motion - A GPU Robot Motion Toolkit [Install Instructions] [Paper] [Website] This package contains code
C3DPO - Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-rigid Structure From Motion.
C3DPO: Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-Rigid Structure From Motion By: David Novotny, Nikhila Ravi, Benjamin Graham, Natalia Neverova, Andrea Vedal
Human-Pose-and-Motion History
Human Pose and Motion Scientist Approach Eadweard Muybridge, The Galloping Horse Portfolio, 1887 Etienne-Jules Marey, Descent of Inclined Plane, Chron
Use .csv files to record, play and evaluate motion capture data.
Purpose These scripts allow you to record mocap data to, and play from .csv files. This approach facilitates parsing of body movement data in statisti
Convert human motion from video to .bvh
video_to_bvh Convert human motion from video to .bvh with Google Colab Usage 1. Open video_to_bvh.ipynb in Google Colab Go to https://colab.research.g
Crowd-sourced Annotation of Human Motion.
Motion Annotation Tool Live: https://motion-annotation.humanoids.kit.edu Paper: The KIT Motion-Language Dataset Installation Start by installing all P
Tools for the Cleveland State Human Motion and Control Lab
Introduction This is a collection of tools that are helpful for gait analysis. Some are specific to the needs of the Human Motion and Control Lab at C
The code written during my Bachelor Thesis "Classification of Human Whole-Body Motion using Hidden Markov Models".
This code was written during the course of my Bachelor thesis Classification of Human Whole-Body Motion using Hidden Markov Models. Some things might
A motion detection system with RaspberryPi, OpenCV, Python
Human Detection System using Raspberry Pi Functionality Activates a relay on detecting motion. You may need following components to get the expected R
Python package for analyzing sensor-collected human motion data
Python package for analyzing sensor-collected human motion data