8799 Repositories
Python task-and-motion-planning Libraries
AWS Enumeration and Footprinting Tool
Quiet Riot 🎶 C'mon, Feel The Noise 🎶 An enumeration tool for scalable, unauthenticated validation of AWS principals; including AWS Acccount IDs, roo
All in One CRACKER911181's Tool. This Tool For Hacking and Pentesting. 🎭
All in One CRACKER911181's Tool. This Tool For Hacking and Pentesting. 🎭
Fast image augmentation library and an easy-to-use wrapper around other libraries
Albumentations Albumentations is a Python library for image augmentation. Image augmentation is used in deep learning and computer vision tasks to inc
Predicting lncRNA–protein interactions based on graph autoencoders and collaborative training
Predicting lncRNA–protein interactions based on graph autoencoders and collaborative training Code for our paper "Predicting lncRNA–protein interactio
A python package with tools to read and postprocess the output of the channel DNS-solver (davecats/channel), as well as its associated postprocessing tools.
Python tools for davecats/channel A python package with tools to read and postprocess the output of the channel dns solver, as well as its associated
Price forecasting of SGB and IRFC Bonds and comparing there returns
Project_Bonds Project Title : Price forecasting of SGB and IRFC Bonds and comparing there returns. Introduction of the Project The 2008-09 global fina
Can a machine learning project be implemented to estimate the salaries of baseball players whose salary information and career statistics for 1986 are shared?
END TO END MACHINE LEARNING PROJECT ON HITTERS DATASET Can a machine learning project be implemented to estimate the salaries of baseball players whos
WA Terminal is a CLI application that allows us to login and send message with WhatsApp with a single command.
WA Terminal is a CLI application that allows us to login and send message with WhatsApp with a single command.
Downloads SEP, Baseband and BuildManifest automatically for signed iOS version's for connected iDevice
FutureHelper Supports macOS and Windows Downloads SEP, Baseband and BuildManifest automatically for signed iOS version's (including beta firmwares) fo
Implementing yolov4 target detection and tracking based on nao robot
Implementing yolov4 target detection and tracking based on nao robot
Osintgram by Datalux but i fixed some errors i found and made it look cleaner
OSINTgram-V2 OSINTgram-V2 is made from Osintgram which is made by Datalux originally but i took the script and fixed some errors i found and made the
Predicting path with preference based on user demonstration using Maximum Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning in a continuous environment
Preference-Planning-Deep-IRL Introduction Check my portfolio post Dependencies Gym stable-baselines3 PyTorch Usage Take Demonstration python3 record.
A simple alarm-clock created using Python and Kivy.
Alarm-Clock made with Python and Kivy. A simple alarm-clock created using Python and Kivy. See the time. Set a maximum of 5 alarms. Cancel alarms. Not
A browser login credentials thief for windows and Linux
Thief 🦹🏻 A browser login credentials thief for windows and Linux Python script to decrypt login credentials from browsers in windows or linux Decryp
REST API with FastAPI and JSON file.
FastAPI RESTAPI with a JSON py 3.10 First, to install all dependencies, in ./src/: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt Second, into the ./src/
This a Django TODO app project and practiced how to deploy and publish the project to Heroku
ToDo App Demo | Project Table of Contents Overview Built With Features How to use Acknowledgements Contact Overview Built With HTML CSS JS Django How
Python script for extracting audio from video files and creating Mel spectrograms
video2spectrogram About This package is meant to automate the process of extracting audio files from videos and saving the plots computed from these a
🤖🤖 Jarvis is an virtual assistant which can some tasks easy for you like surfing on web opening an app and much more... 🤖🤖
Jarvis 🤖 🤖 Jarvis is an virtual assistant which can some tasks easy for you like surfing on web opening an app and much more... 🤖 🤖 Developer : su
REST API with mongoDB and Flask.
Flask REST API with mongoDB py 3.10 First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt Second, into the ./src/ folder, cop
Free and Open Source Channel/Group Voice chat music player for telegram with button support saavn playback support.
A bot that can play music on Telegram Group and Channel Voice Chats
A Python 3 script for capturing and recording a SDR stream to a WAV file (or serving it to a HTTP audio stream).
rfsoapyfile A Python 3 script for capturing and recording a SDR stream to a WAV file (or serving it to a HTTP audio stream). The script is threaded fo
The PyTorch based implementation of continuous integrate-and-fire (CIF) module.
CIF-PyTorch This is a PyTorch based implementation of continuous integrate-and-fire (CIF) module for end-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (AS
Absolute solvation free energy calculations with OpenFF and OpenMM
ABsolute SOLVantion Free Energy Calculations The absolv framework aims to offer a simple API for computing the change in free energy when transferring
Cobra is a highly-accurate and lightweight voice activity detection (VAD) engine.
On-device voice activity detection (VAD) powered by deep learning.
This Lambda will Pull propagated routes from TGW and update VPC route table
AWS-Transitgateway-Route-Propagation This Lambda will Pull propagated routes from TGW and update VPC route table. Tested on python 3.8 Lambda AWS INST
Repo for flood prediction using LSTMs and HAND
Abstract Every year, floods cause billions of dollars’ worth of damages to life, crops, and property. With a proper early flood warning system in plac
AI Assistant for Building Reliable, High-performing and Fair Multilingual NLP Systems
AI Assistant for Building Reliable, High-performing and Fair Multilingual NLP Systems
[NeurIPS 2021] A weak-shot object detection approach by transferring semantic similarity and mask prior.
[NeurIPS 2021] A weak-shot object detection approach by transferring semantic similarity and mask prior.
My project contrasts K-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forrest Regressors on Real World data
kNN-vs-RFR My project contrasts K-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forrest Regressors on Real World data In many areas, rental bikes have been launched to
Tool for working with Y-chromosome data from YFull and FTDNA
ycomp ycomp is a tool for working with Y-chromosome data from YFull and FTDNA. Run ycomp -h for information on how to use the program. Installation Th
ResNEsts and DenseNEsts: Block-based DNN Models with Improved Representation Guarantees
ResNEsts and DenseNEsts: Block-based DNN Models with Improved Representation Guarantees This repository is the official implementation of the empirica
Camera Intrinsic Calibration and Hand-Eye Calibration in Pybullet
This repository is mainly for camera intrinsic calibration and hand-eye calibration. Synthetic experiments are conducted in PyBullet simulator. 1. Tes
K-means clustering is a method used for clustering analysis, especially in data mining and statistics.
K Means Algorithm What is K Means This algorithm is an iterative algorithm that partitions the dataset according to their features into K number of pr
Some problems of SSLC ( High School ) before outputs and after outputs
Some problems of SSLC ( High School ) before outputs and after outputs 1] A Python program and its output (output1) while running the program is given
Homework 2: Matplotlib and Data Visualization
Homework 2: Matplotlib and Data Visualization Overview These data visualizations were created for my introductory computer science course using Python
Dirty, ugly, and hopefully useful OCR of Facebook Papers docs released by Gizmodo
Quick and Dirty OCR of Facebook Papers Gizmodo has been working through the Facebook Papers and releasing the docs that they process and review. As lu
Comparing USD and GBP Exchange Rates
Currency Data Visualization Comparing USD and GBP Exchange Rates This is a bar graph comparing GBP and USD exchange rates. I chose blue for the UK bec
A project that uses optical flow and machine learning to detect aimhacking in video clips.
waldo-anticheat A project that aims to use optical flow and machine learning to visually detect cheating or hacking in video clips from fps games. Che
PyTorch framework A simple and complete framework for PyTorch, providing a variety of data loading and simple task solutions that are easy to extend and migrate
PyTorch framework A simple and complete framework for PyTorch, providing a variety of data loading and simple task solutions that are easy to extend and migrate
Concept Modeling: Topic Modeling on Images and Text
Concept is a technique that leverages CLIP and BERTopic-based techniques to perform Concept Modeling on images.
AutoExploitSwagger is an automated API security testing exploit tool that can be combined with xray, BurpSuite and other scanners.
AutoExploitSwagger is an automated API security testing exploit tool that can be combined with xray, BurpSuite and other scanners.
Retrieves GitHub Stats via `git_api` and flask.
GitHub User Search Created using Python3 and git_api, coded by JBYT27. About This is a project I decided to make for Kajam, but I decided to choose a
A quick and dirty script to scan the network, find default credentials on services and post a message to a Slack channel with the results.
A quick and dirty script to scan the network, find default credentials on services and post a message to a Slack channel with the results.
MultiMix: Sparingly Supervised, Extreme Multitask Learning From Medical Images (ISBI 2021, MELBA 2021)
MultiMix This repository contains the implementation of MultiMix. Our publications for this project are listed below: "MultiMix: Sparingly Supervised,
A new benchmark for Icon Question Answering (IconQA) and a large-scale icon dataset Icon645.
IconQA About IconQA is a new diverse abstract visual question answering dataset that highlights the importance of abstract diagram understanding and c
Code of the paper "Multi-Task Meta-Learning Modification with Stochastic Approximation".
Multi-Task Meta-Learning Modification with Stochastic Approximation This repository contains the code for the paper "Multi-Task Meta-Learning Modifica
This is a five-step framework for the development of intrusion detection systems (IDS) using machine learning (ML) considering model realization, and performance evaluation.
AB-TRAP: building invisibility shields to protect network devices The AB-TRAP framework is applicable to the development of Network Intrusion Detectio
Nested Graph Neural Network (NGNN) is a general framework to improve a base GNN's expressive power and performance
Nested Graph Neural Networks About Nested Graph Neural Network (NGNN) is a general framework to improve a base GNN's expressive power and performance.
GyroSPD: Vector-valued Distance and Gyrocalculus on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
GyroSPD Code for the paper "Vector-valued Distance and Gyrocalculus on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices" accepted at NeurIPS 2021. Re
(Python, R, C/C++) Isolation Forest and variations such as SCiForest and EIF, with some additions (outlier detection + similarity + NA imputation)
IsoTree Fast and multi-threaded implementation of Extended Isolation Forest, Fair-Cut Forest, SCiForest (a.k.a. Split-Criterion iForest), and regular
Implementation of several Bayesian multi-target tracking algorithms, including Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filters for sets of targets and sets of trajectories. The repository also includes the GOSPA metric and a metric for sets of trajectories to evaluate performance.
This repository contains the Matlab implementations for the following multi-target filtering/tracking algorithms: - Folder PMBM contains the implemen
[NeurIPS'21] "AugMax: Adversarial Composition of Random Augmentations for Robust Training" by Haotao Wang, Chaowei Xiao, Jean Kossaifi, Zhiding Yu, Animashree Anandkumar, and Zhangyang Wang.
AugMax: Adversarial Composition of Random Augmentations for Robust Training Haotao Wang, Chaowei Xiao, Jean Kossaifi, Zhiding Yu, Anima Anandkumar, an
SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit based on PyTorch.
The SpeechBrain Toolkit SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit based on PyTorch. The goal is to create a single, flexible, and us
Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Unified Instance and Knowledge Alignment Pretraining for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis Requirements python 3.7 pytorch-gpu 1.7 numpy 1.19.4 pytorch_
Code for our paper: Online Variational Filtering and Parameter Learning
Variational Filtering To run phi learning on linear gaussian (Fig1a) python linear_gaussian_phi_learning.py To run phi and theta learning on linear g
Code repository for the paper: Hierarchical Kinematic Probability Distributions for 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Images in the Wild (ICCV 2021)
Hierarchical Kinematic Probability Distributions for 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Images in the Wild Akash Sengupta, Ignas Budvytis, Robert
The official codes for the ICCV2021 Oral presentation "Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds: A Purely Point-Based Framework"
P2PNet (ICCV2021 Oral Presentation) This repository contains codes for the official implementation in PyTorch of P2PNet as described in Rethinking Cou
This is an official PyTorch implementation of Task-Adaptive Neural Network Search with Meta-Contrastive Learning (NeurIPS 2021, Spotlight).
NeurIPS 2021 (Spotlight): Task-Adaptive Neural Network Search with Meta-Contrastive Learning This is an official PyTorch implementation of Task-Adapti
This repo is all about different data structures and algorithms..
Data Structure and Algorithm : Want to learn data strutrues and algorithms ??? Then Stop thinking more and start to learn today. This repo will help y
Demo to explain how to use AWS Chalice to connect to twitter API and change profile picture at scheduled times.
chalice-twitter-demo Demo to explain how to use AWS Chalice to connect to twitter API and change profile picture at scheduled times. Video Demo Click
Discord Token Generator - Python (Generates Tokens and Joins your Server Automatically) hCaptcha Bypass **FREE**
Best Discord Token Generator {hCaptcha bypass FREE Unlimited Memberboost} Install few requirements & run main.py it will redirect you to the Download
creates a batch file that uses adb to auto-install apks into the Windows Subsystem for Android and registers it as the default application to open apks.
wsa-apktool creates a batch file that uses adb to auto-install apks into the Windows Subsystem for Android and registers it as the default application
Python package to easily work with selenium and manage tabs effectively.
Simple Selenium The aim of this package is to quickly get started with working with selenium for simple browser automation tasks. Installation Install
This is raw connection between redis server and django python app
Django_Redis This repository contains the code for this blogpost. Running the Application Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/xxl4tomxu9
An example file showing a simple endpoints like a login/logout function and maybe some others.
Flask API Example An example project showing a simple endpoints like a login/logout function and maybe some others. How to use: Open up your IDE (or u
Exercise to teach a newcomer to the CLSP grid to set up their environment and run jobs
Exercise to teach a newcomer to the CLSP grid to set up their environment and run jobs
an opensourced roblox group finder writen in python 100% free and virus-free
Roblox-Group-Finder an opensourced roblox group finder writen in python 100% free and virus-free note : if you don't want install python or just use w
In this project I played with mlflow, streamlit and fastapi to create a training and prediction app on digits
Fastapi + MLflow + streamlit Setup env. I hope I covered all. pip install -r requirements.txt Start app Go in the root dir and run these Streamlit str
Create and implement a deep learning library from scratch.
In this project, we create and implement a deep learning library from scratch. Table of Contents Deep Leaning Library Table of Contents About The Proj
HW_02 Data visualisation task
HW_02 Data visualisation and Matplotlib practice Instructions for HW_02 Idea for data analysis As I was brainstorming ideas and running through databa
Machine Translation Implement By Bi-GRU And Transformer
Seq2Seq Translation Implement By Bidirectional GRU And Transformer In Pytorch Before You Run The Code You should download the data through the link be
Building and deploying AWS Lambda Shared Layers
AWS Lambda Shared Layers This repository is hosting the code from the following blog post: AWS Lambda & Shared layers for Python. The goal of this rep
FlappyBird game with python and pygame
FlappyBird game with python and pygame
Wireguard VPN Server Installer for: on Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Fedora and CentOS
XGuard (Wireguard Server Installer) This Python script should make the installation of a Wireguard VPN server as easy as possible. Wireguard is a mode
Easy way to build a SaaS application using Python and Dash
EasySaaS This project will be attempt to make a great starting point for your next big business as easy and efficent as possible. This project will cr
A GUI based datamoshing apllication for everyone! Apply this glitch to your videos and gifs. Supports all video formats!
A GUI based datamoshing apllication for everyone! Apply this glitch to your videos and gifs. Supports all video formats!
YOLOv5 Series Multi-backbone, Pruning and quantization Compression Tool Box.
YOLOv5-Compression Update News Requirements 环境安装 pip install -r requirements.txt Evaluation metric Visdrone Model mAP mAP@50 Parameters(M) GFLOPs FPS@
Bring A Trailer(BAT) is a popular online auction website for enthusiast cars. This traverse auction results and saves them as CSV
BaT Data Grabber Bring A Trailer(BAT) is a popular online auction website for enthusiast cars. This traverse auction results and saves them as CSV Bri
Automatically download and crop key information from the arxiv daily paper.
Arxiv daily 速览 功能:按关键词筛选arxiv每日最新paper,自动获取摘要,自动截取文中表格和图片。 1 测试环境 Ubuntu 16+ Python3.7 torch 1.9 Colab GPU 2 使用演示 首先下载权重baiduyun 提取码:il87,放置于code/Pars
Demo Python project using Conda and Poetry
Conda Poetry This is a demonstration of how Conda and Poetry can be used in a Python project for dev dependency management and production deployment.
A lobby boy will create a VPS server when you need one, and destroy it after using it.
Lobbyboy What is a lobby boy? A lobby boy is completely invisible, yet always in sight. A lobby boy remembers what people hate. A lobby boy anticipate
Rick and Morty Data Visualization with python
Rick and Morty Data Visualization For this project I looked at data for the TV show Rick and Morty Number of Episodes at a Certain Location Here is th
China and India Population and GDP Visualization
China and India Population and GDP Visualization Historical Population Comparison between India and China This graph shows the population data of Indi
pipx — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
EOD (Easy and Efficient Object Detection) is a general object detection model production framework.
EOD (Easy and Efficient Object Detection) is a general object detection model production framework.
TrackTech: Real-time tracking of subjects and objects on multiple cameras
TrackTech: Real-time tracking of subjects and objects on multiple cameras This project is part of the 2021 spring bachelor final project of the Bachel
A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen.
Master Release Pytorch - Py + Nim A Nim frontend for pytorch, aiming to be mostly auto-generated and internally using ATen. Because Nim compiles to C+
Generate custom detailed survey paper with topic clustered sections and proper citations, from just a single query in just under 30 mins !!
Auto-Research A no-code utility to generate a detailed well-cited survey with topic clustered sections (draft paper format) and other interesting arti
Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking
Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking We revisit and address issues with Oxford 5k and Paris 6k image retrieval benchm
Equivariant CNNs for the sphere and SO(3) implemented in PyTorch
Equivariant CNNs for the sphere and SO(3) implemented in PyTorch
PyTorch implementation of Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation (ACKTR) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL).
PyTorch implementation of Advantage Actor Critic (A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation (ACKTR) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL).
A method for cleaning and classifying text using transformers.
NLP Translation and Classification The repository contains a method for classifying and cleaning text using NLP transformers. Overview The input data
The PyTorch implementation of DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision.
DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision The PyTorch implementation of DiscoBox: Weakly Supe
REST API with Flask and SQLAlchemy. I would rather not use it anymore.
Flask REST API Python 3.9.7 The Flask experience, without data persistence :D First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirement
Python Package for Reflection Ultrasound Computed Tomography (RUCT) Delay And Sum (DAS) Algorithm
pyruct Python Package for Reflection Ultrasound Computed Tomography (RUCT) Delay And Sum (DAS) Algorithm The imaging setup is explained in these paper
Aero is an open source airplane intelligence tool. Aero supports more than 13,000 airlines and 250 countries. Any flight worldwide at your fingertips.
Aero Aero supports more than 13,000 airlines and 250 countries. Any flight worldwide at your fingertips. Features Main : Flight lookup Aircraft lookup
Connection package to a raspberry or any other machine using ssh, it simplifies the deployment scripts and monitoring.
Connection package to a raspberry or any other machine using ssh, it simplifies the deployment scripts and monitoring.
Scripts used in the RayStation medical radiation dosimetry treatment planning system
Med Phys Scripts These are scripts that I, the medical physics assistant at Cookeville Regional Medical Center, wrote for use in our radiation therapy
Official Pytorch implementation of "Unbiased Classification Through Bias-Contrastive and Bias-Balanced Learning (NeurIPS 2021)
Unbiased Classification Through Bias-Contrastive and Bias-Balanced Learning (NeurIPS 2021) Official Pytorch implementation of Unbiased Classification